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This plugin is now deprecated. Now there's a better version altv-esbuild


esbuild plugin for extremely fast development using JS/TS on alt:V


This plugin allows you to see code changes immediately (hot reload) without reconnecting and restarting the server (to restart resource manually, you can use alt:V resource server commands

Client-side caution

Client-side is not currently fully supported at the moment, see issue #10

If your client-side script uses some events or other stuff that relay connect/disconnect information to the client, such as "connectionComplete", "disconnect", then you have to emulate their behavior in the dev environment yourself or replace them, e.g. "disconnect" can be replaced with "resourceStop"


Download the plugin

The plugin is available via npm:

yarn add -D esbuild-plugin-altv-dev-server
npm i -D esbuild-plugin-altv-dev-server


Ready alt:V resource example

import altvDevServer from "esbuild-plugin-altv-dev-server"

// change this depending on the build mode of the code
const devMode = true{
  entryPoints: ["src/main.js"],
  outfile: "dist/bundle.js",
  bundle: true,
  watch: devMode,
  plugins: devMode 
    ? [altvDevServer({
      // enables auto restart of your resource,
      // emulation of reconnect players to the server (reconnectPlayers option) 
      // and resource startup error handling (handleStartupErrors option)
      hotReload: boolean,
      // you can also specify the path to the client, 
      // so that the plugin can restart the resource when the client code changes
      // (see example usage in example resource)
      // hotReload: { clientPath?: string }
      // These options (reconnectPlayers, handleStartupErrors) are enabled automatically with hotReload
      // and can be omitted:

      // enables auto emulation of players reconnect to the server
      // with some delay after resource start (default 200ms)
      // (for e.g. you need to wait until your database is loaded or any other async stuff)
      // default = hotReload (as boolean)
      reconnectPlayers: boolean | { delay?: number },
      // Handles exceptions during the resource startup "[Error] Failed to load resource <name>"
      // sub-option "moveExternalsOnTop" true by default
      // default = hotReload (as boolean)
      handleStartupErrors: boolean | { moveExternalsOnTop?: boolean }
    : [],

How it works?

Internally all the created serverside alt:V entities (baseobjects) and other data of server players are automatically deleted on "resourceStop" event of your script resource. Client scripts are automatically re-downloaded and reloaded when using server restart command

The "dev" in the name means that this plugin is intended only for developing a server script.








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