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  1. 表达式转化为json

Query not = new Not(new UserInfo(1L, "bob"));

Query or = new Or.Builder(new UserInfo(2L, "zhou"), new UserInfo(3L, "qiang")).build();

Query and = new And(not, or);

System.out.println(new Not(and).toJson());

  1. json 转化为表达式
String query = "{\"and\":[{\"not\":{\"id\":12,\"name\":\"test\"}},{\"or\":[{\"id\":12,\"name\":\"bob\"},{\"id\":12,\"name\":\"zhouzhou\"}]}]}";

Query q = Query.fromJson(query, UserInfo.class);


  1. 布尔值判断
    public static void main(String[] args) {


        System.out.println(complexQuery().bool(new UserBooleanConvertor()));


    public static Query simpleQuery() {

        Query not = new Not.Builder("true").build();

        Query or = new Or.Builder("true", "false").build();

        Query and = new And(not, or);

        return and;

    public static Query complexQuery() {

        UserInfo zhou = new UserInfo(1L, "zhou");

        UserInfo bob = new UserInfo(12L, "bob");

        Query not = new Not.Builder(zhou).build();

        Query or = new Or.Builder(zhou, bob).build();

        Query and = new And(not, or);

        return and;