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/ vtm Public
forked from directvt/vtm

Terminal multiplexer with window manager and session sharing


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Text-based desktop environment inside your terminal*


* Terminal Requirements


Demo on YouTube


Supported Platforms

Building from Source


Build-time dependencies

  • git
  • cmake
  • C++20 compiler (GCC 11, Clang 13, MSVC 2019)
  • Minimal requirements to compile
    • Using GCC4GB of RAM
    • Using Clang9GB of RAM
git clone
cd ./vtm
cmake ./src -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .
cmake --install .


Build-time dependencies

Use Developer Command Prompt as a build environment

Visual Studio 2019:

git clone
cd ./vtm
chcp 65001
cmake ./src -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release "-GVisual Studio 16 2019"
cmake --build . --config Release
cd Release

Visual Studio 2022:

git clone
cd ./vtm
chcp 65001
cmake ./src -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release "-GVisual Studio 17 2022"
cmake --build . --config Release
cd Release


User Interface

Taskbar App window Desktop
App group Running app User list ≡ Menu Menu bar Interior Resize grips Navigation strings Free space
Ctrl + PgUp/Dn Switch between running apps and assign exclusive keyboard focus
LeftClick Run app Go to app Maximize/restore Assign exclusive keyboard focus Go to app Clear keyboard focus
Ctrl + LeftClick Assign/clear group keyboard focus
double LeftClick Maximize/restore app window
triple Left+RightClick Show/hide sysstat overlay
RightClick Set default app Center app window Toggle menu height Center app window
MiddleClick Selection paste
Left+RightClick Clear clipboard
LeftDrag Adjust taskbar width Move window or Select text Panoramic workspace scrolling
RightDrag Panoramic content scrolling Run default app
MiddleDrag Run default app
Left+RightDrag Move window / Restore maximized window Panoramic workspace scrolling
Ctrl+LeftDrag Adjust folded width Modify selection
Alt+LeftDrag Switch boxed/linear selection mode
Ctrl+RightDrag or Ctrl+MiddleDrag Copy selected area to clipboard, OSC 52
Wheel Vertical scrolling
Shift+Wheel or Ctrl+Wheel Horizontal scrolling

Command line Options vtm(.exe)

vtm [ -c <file> ] [ -p <pipe> ] [ -q ] [ -l | -m | -d | -s | -r [<app> [<args...>]] ]

Option Description
No arguments Run client (auto start server)
-c | --config <file> Use specified configuration file
-p | --pipe <pipe> Set the pipe to connect to
-q | --quiet Disable logging
-l | --listconfig Show configuration and exit
-m | --monitor Monitor server log
-d | --daemon Run server in background
-s | --server Run server in interactive mode
-r | --runapp [<app>] Run the specified <app> in offline mode
Term Terminal emulator (default)
Calc (Demo) Spreadsheet calculator
Text (Demo) Text editor
Gems (Demo) Desktopio application manager
-v | --version Show version and exit
-? | -h | --help Show usage message

Configuration precedence (descending priority):

  1. Command line options vtm -c path/to/settings.xml
  2. Environment variable VTM_CONFIG=path/to/settings.xml
  3. Hardcoded location ~/.config/vtm/settings.xml
  4. Predefined configuration, see ./src/vtm.xml


vtm can be configured in the ~/.config/vtm/settings.xml file in xml format. Alternative configuration file location can be specified using command line option -c <config_file> or using environment variable VTM_CONFIG.

Configuration file Format (settings.xml)

Configuration file format is a slightly modified XML-format which allows to store hierarchical list of key=value pairs.

Key differences from the standard XML

  • All stored values are UTF-8 strings:
    • name=2000 and name="2000" has the same meaning.
  • There is no distinction between XML-attribute and XML-subobject, i.e. any attributes are sub-objects:
    • <name param=value /> and <name> <param=value /> </name> has the same meaning.
  • In addition to a set of sub-objects each object can contain its own text value:
    • E.g. <name=names_value param=params_value />.
  • Each object can be defined in any way, either using an XML-attribute or an XML-subobject syntax:
    • <... name=value />, <...> <name> "value" </name> </...>, and <...> <name=value /> </...> has the same meaning.
  • The object name that ending in an asterisk indicates that this object is not an object, but it is a template for all subsequent objects with the same name in the same scope. See Template Example below.
  • Character escapes
    • \e ASCII 0x1B ESC
    • \t ASCII 0x09 TAB
    • \a ASCII 0x07 BEL
    • \n ASCII 0x0A LF
    • \\ ASCII 0x5C Backslash
    • \" ASCII 0x22 Quotes
    • \' ASCII 0x27 Single quote
    • $0 Current module full path

Consider the following object hierarchy

  • <document> - Top-level element
    • <thing> - Second level element
      • <name> - Third level element

The following forms of element declaration are equivalent

    <thing name="a">text1</thing>
    <thing name="b">text2</thing>
    <thing="text1" name="a"/>
    <thing="text2" name="b"/>
    <thing name="a">
    <thing name="b">


Use asterisk at the end of the element name to set defaults. Using an asterisk with the parameter name of the first element in the list without any other nested arguments indicates the beginning of the list, i.e. the list will replace the existing one when the configuration is merged.

The following declarations are the same

    <thing name="text">another_text</thing>
    <thing name="text">another_text</thing>
    <thing* name="text"/> <!-- skip this element and set name="text" as default for the following things -->
    <thing* name="text"/>
    <thing*="another_text" name="text"/>  <!-- skip this element and set thing="another_text" and name="text" as default for the following things -->

Configuration Structure

Top-level element <config> contains the following base objects

  • Single <menu> block - taskbar menu configuration.
    • Single <selected> object - the value of this attribute specifies which menu item id will be selected by default at the environment startup.
    • Set of <item> objects - a list of menu item definitions.
    • Single <autorun> block - a list of menu item to run at the environment startup.
  • Not implemented: Single <hotkeys> block - a global hotkeys/shortcuts configuration.

Application Configuration

The menu item of DirectVT type type=DirectVT can be additionally configured using <config> subelement. This is currently only supported by the built-in vtm terminal.

The content of the <config> subelement is passed to the application upon startup. This config has the highest priority and is merged with the root of the configuration loaded by this application from a file.

In general, when a DirectVT application starts up, the three configurations are subsequently merged. They are listed below in merged order

  • Hardcoded defaults
  • Configuration loaded from file
  • The configuration received at startup from the launching application (see the <config> subelement example)

Taskbar menu item attributes

Attribute Description Value type Mandatory Default value
id Item textual identifier string required
alias Use existing item specified by id as template string
hidden Item visibility boolean no
label Item label text string =id
notes Item tooltip text string empty
title App window title string empty
footer App window footer string empty
bgc App window background color RGBA
fgc App window foreground color RGBA
winsize App window 2D size x;y
slimmenu App window menu vertical size boolean no
cwd Current working directory string
type App type string SHELL
param App constructor arguments string empty
config Configuration patch for DirectVT apps xml-node empty

Value literals

Type Format
RGBA #rrggbbaa | 0xaabbggrr | rrr,ggg,bbb,aaa | 256-color index
boolean true | false | yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off
string UTF-8 text string
x;y integer <any_delimeter> integer

App type

Type Parameter Description
DirectVT _command line_ Run _command line_ using DirectVT protocol. Usage example type=DirectVT param="_command line_".
ANSIVT _command line_ Run _command line_ inside the built-in terminal. Usage example type=ANSIVT param="_command line_". Same as type=DirectVT param="$0 -r term _command line_".
SHELL (default) _command line_ Run _command line_ on top of a system shell that runs inside the built-in terminal. Usage example type=SHELL param="_command line_". Same as type=DirectVT param="$0 -r term _shell_ -c _command line_".
Group [ v[n:m:w] | h[n:m:w] ] ( id_1 | nested_block , id_2 | nested_block )] Run tiling window manager with layout specified in param. Usage example type=Group param="h1:1(Term, Term)".
Region The param attribute is not used, use attribute title=_view_title_ to set region name.

The following configuration items have the same meaning

<item …. param=‘mc’/>
<item …. type=SHELL param=‘mc’/>
<item …. type=ANSIVT param=‘bash -c mc’/>
<item …. type=DirectVT param=‘$0 -r term bash -c mc’/>

Configuration Example

Note: The following configuration sections are not implemented yet

  • config/menu/item/hotkeys
  • config/hotkeys

Minimal config (~/.config/vtm/settings.xml)

    <menu selected=Term item* autorun*>  <!-- Use asterisk to zeroize existing item and autorun records. -->
        <item id=Term/>  <!-- title=id type=SHELL param=os_default_shell by default -->

Typical config (~/.config/vtm/settings.xml)

    <menu selected=Term>  <!-- Set selected using menu item id. -->
        <item*/>  <!-- Use asterisk at the end of the element name to set defaults.
                       Using an asterisk with the parameter name of the first element in the list without any other nested arguments
                       indicates the beginning of the list, i.e. the list will replace the existing one when the configuration is merged. -->
        <item splitter label="apps">
                " Default applications group                         \n"
                " It can be configured in ~/.config/vtm/settings.xml "
        <item* hidden=no fgc=whitedk bgc=0x00000000 winsize=0,0 wincoor=0,0 />
        <item id=Term label="Term" type=DirectVT title="Terminal Emulator" notes=" run built-in Terminal " param="$0 -r term">
            <config>   <!-- The following config partially overrides the base configuration. It is valid for DirectVT apps only. -->
                        <size=35000    />   <!-- Scrollback buffer length. -->
                        <wrap="on"     />   <!-- Lines wrapping mode. -->
                        <color4  = bluedk     /> <!-- See /config/set/* for the color name reference. -->
                        <color15 = whitelt    />
                        <default bgc=0 fgc=15 />  <!-- Initial colors. -->
                        <style="underline"/> <!-- block | underline  -->
                        <autohide=off/>  <!--  If true/on, show menu only on hover. -->
        <item id=PowerShell label="PowerShell" type=DirectVT title="PowerShell"                  param="$0 -r term powershell" fgc=15 bgc=0xFF562401 notes=" run PowerShell "/>
        <item id=WSL        label="WSL"        type=DirectVT title="Windows Subsystem for Linux" param="$0 -r term wsl"                              notes=" run default WSL profile "/>
   <!-- <item id=Far        label="Far"        type=SHELL    title="Far Manager"                 param="far"                                         notes=" run Far Manager in its own window "/> -->
   <!-- <item id=mc         label="mc"         type=SHELL    title="Midnight Commander"    param="mc"               notes=" run Midnight Commander in its own window "/> -->
        <item id=Tile       label="Tile"       type=Group    title="Tiling Window Manager" param="h1:1(Term, Term)" notes=" run Tiling Window Manager with two terminals attached "/>
        <item id=View       label=View         type=Region   title="\e[11:3pView: Region"                           notes=" set desktop region "/>
        <item id=Settings   label=Settings     type=DirectVT title="Settings"              param="$0 -r settings"   notes=" run Settings " winsize=50,15 />
        <item id=Logs       label=Logs         type=DirectVT title="Logs"            param="$0 -q -r term $0 -m" notes=" run Logs "/>
   <!-- <item splitter label="demo" notes=" Demo apps                    \n Feel the Desktopio Framework "/> -->
   <!-- <item id=Gems       label="Gems"       type=DirectVT title="Gems Title"            param="$0 -r gems"       notes=" App Distribution Hub "/> -->
   <!-- <item id=Text       label="Text"       type=DirectVT title="Text Title"            param="$0 -r text"       notes=" Text Editor "/> -->
   <!-- <item id=Calc       label="Calc"       type=DirectVT title="Calc Title"            param="$0 -r calc"       notes=" Spreadsheet Calculator "/> -->
   <!-- <item id=Test       label="Test"       type=DirectVT title="Test Title"            param="$0 -r test"       notes=" Test Page "/> -->
   <!-- <item id=Truecolor  label="Truecolor"  type=DirectVT title="True Title"            param="$0 -r truecolor"  notes=" Truecolor Test "/> -->
        <autorun item*>  <!-- Autorun of specified menu items -->
            <!--  <item* id=Term winsize=80,25 />               -->
            <!--  <item wincoor=8,4 winsize=164,25 focused />   -->
            <!--  <item wincoor=92,31 />                        -->
            <!--  <item wincoor=8,31 focused />                 -->
        <width>    <!-- Taskbar menu width -->
    <hotkeys key*>    <!-- not implemented -->
        <key="Ctrl+PgUp" action=PrevWindow />
        <key="Ctrl+PgDn" action=NextWindow />
            <fps      = 60   />
            <bordersz = 1,1  />
            <lucidity = 0xff /> <!-- not implemented -->
            <brighter   fgc=purewhite bgc=purewhite alpha=60 /> <!-- Highlighter. -->
            <kb_focus   fgc=bluelt    bgc=bluelt    alpha=60 /> <!-- Keyboard focus indicator. -->
            <shadower   bgc=0xB4202020 />                       <!-- Darklighter. -->
            <shadow     bgc=0xB4202020 />                       <!-- Light Darklighter. -->
            <selector   bgc=0x30ffffff txt=" " />               <!-- Selection overlay. -->
            <highlight  fgc=purewhite bgc=bluelt      />
            <warning    fgc=whitelt   bgc=yellowdk    />
            <danger     fgc=whitelt   bgc=redlt       />
            <action     fgc=whitelt   bgc=greenlt     />
            <label      fgc=blackdk   bgc=whitedk     />
            <inactive   fgc=blacklt   bgc=transparent />
            <menu_white fgc=whitelt   bgc=0x80404040  />
            <menu_black fgc=blackdk   bgc=0x80404040  />
                <fader duration=0ms fast=0ms/>  <!-- Fader animation config. -->
                <spd            = 10    /> <!-- Auto-scroll initial speed component ΔR.              -->
                <pls            = 167   /> <!-- Auto-scroll initial speed component ΔT.              -->
                <ccl            = 120   /> <!-- Auto-scroll duration in ms.                          -->
                <spd_accel      = 1     /> <!-- Auto-scroll speed accelation.                        -->
                <ccl_accel      = 30    /> <!-- Auto-scroll additional duration in ms.               -->
                <spd_max        = 100   /> <!-- Auto-scroll max speed.                               -->
                <ccl_max        = 1000  /> <!-- Auto-scroll max duration in ms                       -->
                <deceleration   = 2s    /> <!-- Object state stopping duration in s.                 -->
                <switching      = 200   /> <!-- Object state switching duration in ms.               -->
                <blink_period   = 400ms /> <!-- Period in ms between the blink states of the cursor. -->
                <menu_timeout   = 250ms /> <!-- Taskbar collaplse timeout.                           -->
                <active_timeout = 1s    /> <!-- Timeout off the active object.                       -->
                <repeat_delay   = 500ms /> <!-- Repeat delay.                                        -->
                <repeat_rate    = 30ms  /> <!-- Repeat rate.                                         -->
        <runapp>    <!-- Override defaults. -->
            <brighter=0 />
    <set>         <!-- Global namespace - Unresolved literals will be taken from here. -->
        <blackdk   = 0xFF101010 /> <!-- Color reference literals. -->
        <reddk     = 0xFF1f0fc4 />
        <greendk   = 0xFF0ea112 />
        <yellowdk  = 0xFF009cc0 />
        <bluedk    = 0xFFdb3700 />
        <magentadk = 0xFF981787 />
        <cyandk    = 0xFFdd963b />
        <whitedk   = 0xFFbbbbbb />
        <blacklt   = 0xFF757575 />
        <redlt     = 0xFF5648e6 />
        <greenlt   = 0xFF0cc615 />
        <yellowlt  = 0xFFa5f1f8 />
        <bluelt    = 0xFFff783a />
        <magentalt = 0xFF9e00b3 />
        <cyanlt    = 0xFFd6d660 />
        <whitelt   = 0xFFf3f3f3 />
        <pureblack = 0xFF000000 />
        <purewhite = 0xFFffffff />
        <nocolor   = 0x00000000 />
        <transparent = nocolor  />
        <background fgc=whitedk bgc=0xFF000000>  <!-- Desktop background color. -->
            <tile=""/> <!-- True color ANSI-art with gradients can be used here. -->
            <!-- Example of background with some gradients -->
            <!-- <tile>
                "\e[48;2;83;161;238m \e[48;2;78;179;241m \e[48;2;70;195;244m \e[48;2;60;207;246m \e[48;2;55;212;247m \e[48;2;55;212;247m \e[48;2;60;207;246m \e[48;2;70;195;244m \e[48;2;78;179;241m \e[48;2;83;161;238m \n"
                "\e[48;2;82;171;239m \e[48;2;72;191;243m \e[48;2;55;212;247m \e[48;2;31;233;251m \e[m\e[48;2;0;255;255m \e[m\e[48;2;0;255;255m \e[48;2;31;233;251m \e[48;2;55;212;247m \e[48;2;72;191;243m \e[48;2;82;171;239m \n"
                "\e[48;2;83;161;238m \e[48;2;78;179;241m \e[48;2;70;195;244m \e[48;2;60;207;246m \e[48;2;55;212;247m \e[48;2;55;212;247m \e[48;2;60;207;246m \e[48;2;70;195;244m \e[48;2;78;179;241m \e[48;2;83;161;238m \e[m"
            </tile> -->
            <preview enabled=true size=80x25 bgc=bluedk fgc=whitelt>
                <alpha=0xFF />  <!-- Preview alpha is applied only to the ansi/rich/html text type -->
                <timeout=3s />  <!-- Preview hiding timeout. Set it to zero to disable hiding. -->
                <shadow=7   />  <!-- Preview shadow strength (0-10). -->
        <viewport coor=0,0 />
        <mouse dblclick=500ms />
        <tooltip timeout=500ms enabled=true fgc=pureblack bgc=purewhite />
        <glowfx=true />                      <!-- Show glow effect around selected item. -->
        <debug overlay=faux toggle="🐞" />  <!-- Display console debug info. -->
        <regions enabled=faux />             <!-- Highlight UI objects boundaries. -->
    <term>      <!-- Base configuration for the Term app. It can be partially overridden by the menu item's config subarg. -->
            <size=20000    />   <!-- Scrollback buffer length. -->
            <growstep=0    />   <!-- Scrollback buffer grow step. The buffer behaves like a ring in case of zero. -->
            <maxline=65535 />   <!-- Max line length. Line splits if it exceeds the limit. -->
            <wrap="on"     />   <!-- Lines wrapping mode. -->
            <reset onkey="on" onoutput="off" />   <!-- Scrollback viewport reset triggers. -->
            <color0  = blackdk    /> <!-- See /config/set/* for the color name reference. -->
            <color1  = reddk      />
            <color2  = greendk    />
            <color3  = yellowdk   />
            <color4  = bluedk     />
            <color5  = magentadk  />
            <color6  = cyandk     />
            <color7  = whitedk    />
            <color8  = blacklt    />
            <color9  = redlt      />
            <color10 = greenlt    />
            <color11 = yellowlt   />
            <color12 = bluelt     />
            <color13 = magentalt  />
            <color14 = cyanlt     />
            <color15 = whitelt    />
            <default bgc=0 fgc=15 />  <!-- Initial colors. -->
            <match fx=color bgc="0xFF007F00" fgc=whitelt />  <!-- Color of the selected text occurrences. Set fx to use cell::shaders: xlight | color | invert | reverse -->
                <text fx=color bgc=bluelt fgc=whitelt />  <!-- Highlighting of the selected text in plaintext mode. -->
                <protected fx=color bgc=bluelt fgc=whitelt />  <!-- Note: The bgc and fgc attributes only apply to the fx=color shader. -->
                <ansi fx=xlight/>
                <rich fx=xlight/>
                <html fx=xlight/>
                <none fx=color bgc=blacklt fgc=whitedk />  <!-- Inactive selection color. -->
            <lucent=0xC0 /> <!-- Fields transparency level. -->
            <size=0      /> <!-- Left/right field size (for hz scrolling UX). -->
        <tablen=8 />   <!-- Tab length. -->
            <style="underline"/> <!-- block | underline -->
            <blink=400ms/>       <!-- blink period -->
        <menu item*>
            <autohide=true />  <!-- If true, show menu only on hover. -->
            <enabled=1 />
            <slim=1 />
            <item label="Wrap" type=Option action=TerminalWrapMode data="off">
                <label="\e[38:2:0:255:0mWrap\e[m" data="on"/>
                    " Wrapping text lines on/off      \n"
                    " - applied to selection if it is "
            <item label="Selection" notes=" Text selection mode " type=Option action=TerminalSelectionMode data="none">  <!-- type=Option means that the тext label will be selected when clicked.  -->
                <label="\e[38:2:0:255:0mPlaintext\e[m" data="text"/>
                <label="\e[38:2:255:255:0mANSI-text\e[m" data="ansi"/>
                <label data="rich">
                    "\e[38:2:60:255:60m"  "F"
                    "\e[38:2:189:255:53m" "-"
                    "\e[38:2:255:255:49m" "s"
                    "\e[38:2:255:189:79m" "t"
                    "\e[38:2:255:114:94m" "y"
                    "\e[38:2:255:60:157m" "l"
                    "\e[38:2:255:49:214m" "e" "\e[m"
                <label="\e[38:2:0:255:255mHTML-code\e[m" data="html"/>
                <label="\e[38:2:0:255:255mProtected\e[m" data="protected"/>
            <item label="<" action=TerminalFindPrev>  <!-- type=Command is a default item's attribute. -->
                    " Previous match                    \n"
                    " - using clipboard if no selection \n"
                    " - page up if no clipboard data    "
            <item label=">" action=TerminalFindNext>
                    " Next match                        \n"
                    " - using clipboard if no selection \n"
                    " - page up if no clipboard data    "
            <item label="  "    notes=" ...empty menu block/splitter for safety "/>
            <item label="Clear" notes=" Clear TTY viewport "                  action=TerminalOutput data="\e[2J"/>
            <item label="Reset" notes=" Clear scrollback and SGR-attributes " action=TerminalOutput data="\e[!p"/>
            <item label="Top" action=TerminalViewportTop/> <!-- See Term app description below for details ( -->
            <item label="End" action=TerminalViewportEnd/>
            <item label="PgUp" type=Repeat action=TerminalViewportPageUp/>
            <item label="PgDn" type=Repeat action=TerminalViewportPageDown/>
            <item label="Hello, World!" notes=" Simulating keypresses "       action=TerminalSendKey data="Hello World!"/>
            <mode="text"/> <!-- text | ansi | rich | html | protected | none -->
        <atexit = auto /> <!-- auto:    Stay open and ask if exit code != 0. (default)
                               ask:     Stay open and ask.
                               close:   Always close.
                               restart: Restart session.
                               retry:   Restart session if exit code != 0. -->
        <hotkeys key*>    <!-- not implemented -->
            <key="Alt+RightArrow" action=TerminalFindNext />
            <key="Alt+LeftArrow"  action=TerminalFindPrev />
            <autohide=faux />  <!--  If true, show menu only on hover. -->
            <slim=true />
            <autohide=true />  <!--  If true, show menu only on hover. -->
            <slim=1 />
    <text>      <!-- Base configuration for the Text app. It can be overridden by param's subargs. -->
        <!-- not implemented -->
    <calc>      <!-- Base configuration for the Calc app. It can be overridden by param's subargs. -->
        <!-- not implemented -->
    <settings>      <!-- Base configuration for the Settings app. It can be overridden by param's subargs. -->
        <!-- not implemented -->

Note: $0 will be expanded to the fully qualified current module filename when the configuration is loaded.

Built-in Applications

  • ▀▄ Term Terminal emulator
  • ▀▄ View Workspace navigation helper
  • ▀▄ Tile Tiling window manager
  • ▀▄ Gems Application manager (Demo)
show details...

  • ▀▄ Term

    • UTF-8 Everywhere

    • Unicode clustering

    • TrueColor/256-color support

    • VT-100 terminal emulation compatible

    • Mouse tracking DECSET 10060 Extended SGR mode for mouse reporting outside of the terminal viewport; negative values support (See #62 for details)

    • Text selection by mouse ( See #149 for details)

    • Configurable using VT-sequences

      Name Sequence Description
      CCC_SBS CSI 24 : n : m p Set scrollback buffer size, int32_t
      n Initial buffer size in lines; 0 — grow step is used for initial size; default (if omitted) is 20.000
      m Grow step for unlimited buffer; default (if omitted) is 0 — for fixed size buffer
      CCC_SGR CSI 28 : Pm p Set terminal background using SGR parameters (one attribute at once)
      Pm Colon-separated list of attribute parameters, 0 — reset all attributes, default is 0
      CCC_SEL CSI 29 : n p Set selection mode, default is 0
      n = 0 Selection is off
      n = 1 Select and copy as plaintext
      n = 2 Select and copy as ANSI/VT text
      n = 3 Select and copy as RTF-document
      n = 4 Select and copy as HTML-code
      n = 5 Select and copy as protected plaintext (suppressed preview, details)
      CCC_PAD CSI 30 : n p Set scrollbuffer side padding
      n Width in cells, max = 255, default is 0
      CCC_RST CSI 1 p Reset all parameters to default
      CCC_TBS CSI 5 : n p Set tabulation length
      n Length in cells, max = 256, default is 8
      CCC_JET CSI 11 : n p Set text alignment, default is Left
      n = 0 default
      n = 1 Left
      n = 2 Right
      n = 3 Center
      CCC_WRP CSI 12 : n p Set text autowrap mode, default is On
      n = 0 default
      n = 1 On
      n = 2 Off (enable horizontal scrolling)
      CCC_RTL CSI 13 : n p Set text right-to-left mode, default is Off
      n = 0 default
      n = 1 On
      n = 2 Off

      Note: It is possible to combine multiple command into a single sequence using a semicolon. For example, the following sequence disables wrapping, enables text selection, and sets the background to blue: CSI 12 : 2 ; 29 : 1 ; 28 : 44 p or CSI 12 : 2 ; 29 : 1 ; 28 : 48 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 255 p.

      Custom Menu Configuration

      Terminal window menu can be composed from scratch by specifying a list of menu items in the /config/term/menu/ configuration file section.


        <menu item*>
            <autohide=true />  <!-- If true, show menu only on hover. -->
            <enabled=1 />
            <slim=1 />
            <item label="Wrap" type=Option action=TerminalWrapMode data="off">
                <label="\e[38:2:0:255:0mWrap\e[m" data="on"/>
                    " Wrapping text lines on/off      \n"
                    " - applied to selection if it is "
            <item label="Selection" notes=" Text selection mode " type=Option action=TerminalSelectionMode data="none">  <!-- type=Option means that the тext label will be selected when clicked.  -->
                <label="\e[38:2:0:255:0mPlaintext\e[m" data="text"/>
                <label="\e[38:2:255:255:0mANSI-text\e[m" data="ansi"/>
                <label data="rich">
                    "\e[38:2:60:255:60m"  "F"
                    "\e[38:2:189:255:53m" "-"
                    "\e[38:2:255:255:49m" "s"
                    "\e[38:2:255:189:79m" "t"
                    "\e[38:2:255:114:94m" "y"
                    "\e[38:2:255:60:157m" "l"
                    "\e[38:2:255:49:214m" "e" "\e[m"
                <label="\e[38:2:0:255:255mHTML-code\e[m" data="html"/>
                <label="\e[38:2:0:255:255mProtected\e[m" data="protected"/>
            <item label="<" action=TerminalFindPrev>  <!-- type=Command is a default item's attribute. -->
                    " Previous match                    \n"
                    " - using clipboard if no selection \n"
                    " - page up if no clipboard data    "
            <item label=">" action=TerminalFindNext>
                    " Next match                        \n"
                    " - using clipboard if no selection \n"
                    " - page up if no clipboard data    "
            <item label="  "    notes=" ...empty menu block/splitter for safety "/>
            <item label="Clear" notes=" Clear TTY viewport "                  action=TerminalOutput data="\e[2J"/>
            <item label="Reset" notes=" Clear scrollback and SGR-attributes " action=TerminalOutput data="\e[!p"/>
            <item label="Restart" type=Command action=TerminalRestart/>
            <item label="Top" action=TerminalViewportTop/>
            <item label="End" action=TerminalViewportEnd/>
            <item label="PgLeft"    type=Repeat action=TerminalViewportPageLeft/>
            <item label="PgRight"   type=Repeat action=TerminalViewportPageRight/>
            <item label="CharLeft"  type=Repeat action=TerminalViewportCharLeft/>
            <item label="CharRight" type=Repeat action=TerminalViewportCharRight/>
            <item label="PgUp"   type=Repeat action=TerminalViewportPageUp/>
            <item label="PgDn"   type=Repeat action=TerminalViewportPageDown/>
            <item label="LineUp" type=Repeat action=TerminalViewportLineUp/>
            <item label="LineDn" type=Repeat action=TerminalViewportLineDown/>
            <item label="PrnScr" action=TerminalViewportCopy/>
            <item label="Deselect" action=TerminalSelectionClear/>
            <item label="Line" type=Option action=TerminalSelectionRect data="false">
                <label="Rect" data="true"/>
            <item label="Copy" type=Repeat action=TerminalSelectionCopy/>
            <item label="Paste" type=Repeat action=TerminalPaste/>
            <item label="Undo" type=Command action=TerminalUndo/>
            <item label="Redo" type=Command action=TerminalRedo/>
            <item label="Quit" type=Command action=TerminalQuit/>
            <item label="Maximize" type=Command action=TerminalMaximize/>
            <item label="Hello, World!" notes=" Simulating keypresses "       action=TerminalSendKey data="Hello World!"/>
            <item label="Push Me" notes=" test " type=Repeat action=TerminalOutput data="pressed ">
                <label="\e[37mPush Me\e[m"/>

      Attributes for the /config/term/menu/item object

      Attribute Description
      type Menu item type. type=Command is used by default.
      label Menu item label list. One or more textual representations selected by data= value.
      notes Tooltip.
      action The function name which called on item activation. Inherited by the label attribute.
      data Textual parameter for function call. Inherited by the label attribute.
      hotkey Keyboard shortcut for this menu item. Inherited by the label attribute (not implemented).

      Attributes for the /config/term/menu/item/label sub-object

      Attribute Description
      internal_value Label display variation label="_internal_value_".
      notes Tooltip. Inherited from item if not specified.
      action The function name which called on item activation. Inherited from item if not specified.
      data Textual parameter for function call. Inherited from item if not specified.
      hotkey Keyboard shortcut for this menu item. Inherited from item if not specified (not implemented).

      Attribute type=

      Value Description
      Option Cyclically selects the next label in the list and exec the function specified by the action= with data= as its parameter.
      Command Exec the function specified by the action= with data= as its parameter.
      Repeat Selects the next label and exec the function specified by the action= with data= as its parameter repeatedly from the time it is pressed until it is released.

      Attribute action=

      * - Not implemented.

      Value Description
      TerminalSelectionMode Set terminal text selection mode. The data= attribute can have the following values none, text, ansi, rich, html, protected.
      TerminalWrapMode Set terminal scrollback lines wrapping mode. Applied to the active selection if it is. The data= attribute can have the following values on, off.
      TerminalAlignMode Set terminal scrollback lines aligning mode. Applied to the active selection if it is. The data= attribute can have the following values left, right, center.
      TerminalFindNext Highlight next match of selected text fragment. Clipboard content is used if no active selection.
      TerminalFindPrev Highlight previous match of selected text fragment. Clipboard content is used if no active selection.
      TerminalOutput Direct output the data= value to the terminal scrollback.
      TerminalSendKey Simulating keypresses using the data= string.
      TerminalQuit Kill all runnning console apps and quit the built-in terminal.
      TerminalRestart Kill all runnning console apps and restart current session.
      TerminalMaximize Maximize/Restore built-in terminal window.
      TerminalUndo (Win32 Cooked/ENABLE_LINE_INPUT mode only) Discard the last input.
      TerminalRedo (Win32 Cooked/ENABLE_LINE_INPUT mode only) Discard the last Undo command.
      TerminalPaste Paste from clipboard.
      TerminalSelectionCopy Сopy selection to clipboard.
      TerminalSelectionRect Set linear(false) or rectangular(true) selection form using boolean value.
      TerminalSelectionClear Deselect a selection.
      TerminalViewportCopy Сopy viewport to clipboard.
      TerminalViewportPageUp Scroll one page up.
      TerminalViewportPageDown Scroll one page down.
      TerminalViewportLineUp Scroll N lines up.
      TerminalViewportLineDown Scroll N lines down.
      TerminalViewportPageLeft Scroll one page to the left.
      TerminalViewportPageRight Scroll one page to the right.
      TerminalViewportColumnLeft Scroll N cells to the left.
      TerminalViewportColumnRight Scroll N cells to the right.
      TerminalViewportTop Scroll to the scrollback top.
      TerminalViewportEnd Scroll to the scrollback bottom (reset viewport position).
      *TerminalLogStart Start logging to file.
      *TerminalLogPause Pause logging.
      *TerminalLogStop Stop logging.
      *TerminalLogAbort Abort logging.
      *TerminalLogRestart Restart logging to file.
      *TerminalVideoRecStart Start DirectVT(DTVT) video recording to file.
      *TerminalVideoRecStop Stop DTVT-video recording.
      *TerminalVideoRecPause Pause DTVT-video recording.
      *TerminalVideoRecAbort Abort DTVT-video recording.
      *TerminalVideoRecRestart Restart DTVT-video recording to file.
      *TerminalVideoPlay Play DTVT-video from file.
      *TerminalVideoPause Pause DTVT-video.
      *TerminalVideoStop Stop DTVT-video.
      *TerminalVideoForward Fast forward DTVT-video by N ms.
      *TerminalVideoBackward Rewind DTVT-video by N ms.
      *TerminalVideoHome Rewind DTVT-video to the beginning.
      *TerminalVideoEnd Rewind DTVT-video to the end.
  • ▀▄ View

    • Serves for quick navigation through the workspace using cyclic selection (left click on group title) in the View group on the taskbar. Right click to set clipboard data as region title (swap clipboard text and title).
  • ▀▄ Tile

    • Supports Drag and Drop for panes (like tabs in a browser).
    • Use any modifier (Ctrl or Alt) while pane dragging to disable drag&drop mode.
    • List of panes (outside the right side of the window)
      • LeftClick -- Set exclusive focus
      • Ctrl+LeftClick/RightClick -- Set/Unset group focus
      • double LeftClick -- Maxixmize/restore
    • Configurable via settings (See configuration example above).

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