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Tags: xpxu/jOOQ



Toggle version-3.11.4's commit message
Version 3.11.4 - August 9, 2018


This is a 3.11 patch release with bug fixes

Bug Fixes
jOOQ#7676 - NPE in DefaultRecordMapper when returning it from custom RecordMapperProvider
jOOQ#7695 - Compilation errors in generated code for PostgreSQL's pg_catalog schema
jOOQ#7697 - Cannot parse OTHER data type
jOOQ#7698 - Cannot parse H2 style ARRAY data type
jOOQ#7699 - Compilation error in generated code when generated Javadoc contains unicode escape sequences
jOOQ#7701 - NPE in MockResultSet.withTZ() methods
jOOQ#7715 - ASEDatabase doesn't work with older Sybase ASE versions
jOOQ#7728 - Parser should support parsing pi() function
jOOQ#7729 - Support parsing DEGREES() as a synonym for DEGREE() and DEG(), and RADIANS() for RADIAN(), RAD()
jOOQ#7730 - Support parsing unknown, parameterless functions
jOOQ#7733 - XJC generated classes should compare Pattern.pattern() in generated equals() and hashCode() methods
jOOQ#7736 - XJC generated classes should generate XmlElementWrapper element for Lists
jOOQ#7738 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when using double quotes in plain SQL as string delimiters


Toggle version-3.11.3's commit message
Version 3.11.3 - July 13, 2018


This is a 3.11 patch release with bug fixes

Bug Fixes
jOOQ#7623 - Wrong SQL generated in SQL Server when using UNION .. LIMIT without OFFSET
jOOQ#7631 - Close the Maven Plugin's URLClassLoader after code generation
jOOQ#7635 - Add remark to the Javadoc of <SQLDialect>DataType classes indicating what the deprecation replacement is
jOOQ#7636 - Cannot parse comma separated identity specification elements
jOOQ#7645 - Code generator uses H2 TIMESTAMP precision instead of scale
jOOQ#7653 - jOOQ 3.11+ transitive dependency prevents it from being loaded on WebLogic 12.1.3
jOOQ#7656 - ResultImpl#intoMap produces an incorrect error message on duplicate key
jOOQ#7657 - Error Parsing Script for DDLDatabase when column name is called "index"
jOOQ#7661 - EVERY() aggregate function emulation doesn't yield NULL when aggregating empty sets


Toggle version-3.10.8's commit message
Version 3.10.8 - June 27, 2018


This is a 3.10 patch release with bug fixes

Features and Improvements

jOOQ#7611 - Add Setting to turn off ORDER BY clause in emulated OFFSET .. FETCH pagination

Bug Fixes

jOOQ#7564 - Incomplete Support annotation on some of the H2 style mergeInto overloads
jOOQ#7615 - org.jooq.meta.xml.XMLDatabase does not generate target classes when project is compiled on JDK 9 or 10


Toggle version-3.11.2's commit message
Version 3.11.2 - June 26, 2018


This is a 3.11 patch release with bug fixes

Features and Improvements

jOOQ#7604 - Print row count in LoggerListener for ResultQuery
jOOQ#7610 - Add Setting to turn off ORDER BY clause in emulated OFFSET .. FETCH pagination
jOOQ#7620 - Don't ship old XSDs in binaries

Bug Fixes

jOOQ#7603 - NullPointerException on Query.getBindValues
jOOQ#7606 - CREATE TABLE with enum types generates CHECK constraint rather than enum type reference in PostgreSQL
jOOQ#7607 - Cannot parse CREATE INDEX statement on a field called "field"
jOOQ#7614 - org.jooq.meta.xml.XMLDatabase does not generate target classes when project is compiled on JDK 9 or 10
jOOQ#7617 - Support CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW in H2
jOOQ#7618 - Regression in and update() methods when used with connection pools


Toggle version-3.11.1's commit message
Version 3.11.1 - June 19, 2018


This is a 3.11 patch release with bug fixes

Bug Fixes
jOOQ#7555 - UpdatableRecordImpl no longer work when globalObjectReferences is set to false
jOOQ#7557 - Add a specific error message if org.jooq.util packages are being used in 3.11+
jOOQ#7563 - Incomplete Support annotation on some of the H2 style mergeInto overloads
jOOQ#7574 - Code generator should generate implicit join constructors in absence of inbound foreign keys
jOOQ#7575 - Support alternative PostgreSQL array syntax in parser
jOOQ#7576 - Support mixing constraint definitions and columns in the parser
jOOQ#7592 - Cannot bind double types to prepared statements when using Oracle and DBCP
jOOQ#7593 - Regression in DSL.or(Collection) when passing empty collection


Toggle version-3.11.0's commit message
Release 3.11.0


Toggle version-3.10.7's commit message
Version 3.10.7 - May the 4th be with you, 2018


This is a 3.10 patch release with bug fixes

Features and Improvements
jOOQ#7432 - Document the fact that fetchOne() needs to fetch the second record

Bug Fixes
jOOQ#7399 - Optimistic locking should run deep equality checks on arrays
jOOQ#7417 - Misleading warning message when using external configurationFile with <matchers/>
jOOQ#7443 - ORA-00932 when running CAST(.. AS CLOB) in Oracle
jOOQ#7457 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on terminal operation of sorted
jOOQ#7465 - Excess ORDER BY "rn" generated in ORACLE11G dialect when LIMIT is used without ORDER BY


Toggle version-3.10.6's commit message
Version 3.10.6 - March 20, 2018


This is a 3.10 patch release with bug fixes

Features and Improvements
jOOQ#7178 - Flawed implementation of SET SCHEMA for PostgreSQL
jOOQ#7212 - Upgrade Scala 2.10 dependency to 2.10.7
jOOQ#7220 - XMLDatabase should be lenient about XML namespace
jOOQ#7239 - Add as a synonym for DSL.currentTimestamp()
jOOQ#7249 - Add Javadoc to DSL.table(String) and Table.field(String) explaining the lack of field references in plain SQL tables
jOOQ#7278 - Add DSL.with(Name) and DSL.withRecursive(Name)
jOOQ#7281 - Add ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStep[N].references(Table<?>)

Bug Fixes
jOOQ#7181 - PostgresUtils.toPGXYZString() methods (and others) should avoid using String.replace() pre JDK 9
jOOQ#7184 - Cannot ORDER BY null in PostgreSQL, when Field.sortAsc() has no parameters
jOOQ#7190 - NullPointerException when contains a null Name argument
jOOQ#7192 - Using VARBINARY type with length on Oracle fails in DDL statements
jOOQ#7199 - DataType.nullable() and defaultValue() are not generated for enum types
jOOQ#7205 - DDLDatabase fails with order in Index statements
jOOQ#7207 - DDLDatabase reports DECIMAL(65535, 32767) for precision/scale-less decimals
jOOQ#7233 - Not all columns are fetched when plain SQL tables are mixed with generated ones
jOOQ#7244 - Vertica generated sequences are of type Byte instead of Long
jOOQ#7254 - Error when running "SELECT 1" query from AbstractDatabase in unsupported SQLDialect
jOOQ#7272 - Generator doesn't select appropriate DataType for Columns using an enum from another schema
jOOQ#7307 - Nondeterministic ordering in generated schemas in PostgreSQL
jOOQ#7316 - SQLDataType.CLOB translates to TINYTEXT rather than TEXT in MySQL
jOOQ#7332 - Workaround for regression in H2 generator where primary keys are no longer found


Toggle version-3.10.5's commit message
Version 3.10.5 - February 15, 2018


This is a 3.10 patch release with bug fixes

Features and Improvements
jOOQ#7088 - Add support for SET SCHEMA and SET CATALOG

Bug Fixes
jOOQ#7080 - Support PostgreSQL SMALLSERIAL and BIGSERIAL types in parser / DDLDatabase
jOOQ#7090 - Parser and DDLDatabase cannot parse certain PostgreSQL types
jOOQ#7092 - ParsingStatement is not overriding all methods from DefaultStatement
jOOQ#7110 - Compilation error in generated DAOs when primary key is a composite type
jOOQ#7128 - NPE while fetching certain indexes during code generation
jOOQ#7159 - Add public internal API for use by code generator (to work around Scala issues)
jOOQ#7170 - Various parser bugs / missing features


Toggle version-3.10.4's commit message