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Download Kinetic Simulator and Java API runtime libraries, Java API Javadoc, and Examples

  1. Clone the code: git clone

Getting Started With Simulator

  1. Run "mvn clean package"

  2. Start with java command: java -jar ./target/kinetic-

  3. Test drive examples at <Kinetic-Folder>/src/test/java

  4. Browse API JavaDoc:


Admin Command Line Usage

  1. Verify <Kinetic-Folder>/target/kinetic- exists

  2. Define JAVA_HOME environment variable (example: google how to set JAVA_HOME on Mac).

  3. To start Kinetic simulator:

    Windows: cd \bin startSimulator.bat

    Linux & Mac: cd /bin sh

  4. To run Kinetic admin Cli:

    Windows: cd \bin kineticAdmin.bat -help

    Linux & Mac: cd /bin sh -help

Erlang client runtime library

Python client runtime library

The Python client is currently distributed as byte code. You can install it with setuptools or distribute.

easy_install <Kinetic-Folder>/lib/kinetic-

Once you have the Simulator running you can get started with the Python Kinetic client.

>>> from kinetic import Client
>>> c = Client('localhost', 8123)
>>> c.put('mykey', 'myvalue')
<kinetic.common.Entry object at 0x273e9d0>
>>> c.get('mykey').value

Documentation is built in to the python modules via docstrings, or you can try out some basic functionality with kcmd the Kinetic python command line tool.

$ kcmd --help
usage: kcmd [-h] [-H HOSTNAME] [-P PORT] [-v]
            {put,get,delete,list,next,prev,getr,deleter} ...

positional arguments:
    put                 store value at key
    get                 read value at key
    delete              remove a key
    list                list keys from start to end
    next                read value at next key
    prev                read value at prev key
    getr                get keys from start to end
    deleter             remove keys from start to end

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOSTNAME, --hostname HOSTNAME
  -P PORT, --port PORT
  -v, --verbose         output more info (can stack)

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