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Tags: xgxg1314/DifferentialEquations.jl



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## DifferentialEquations v6.16.0

[Diff since v6.15.0](SciML/DifferentialEquations.jl@v6.15.0...v6.16.0)

**Closed issues:**
- Automated PDE solving fit for DifferentialEquations.jl (SciML#469)
- Add new option to DAE solvers to never initialize DAE (SciML#549)
- type unstable when returning EnsembleSolution object (SciML#603)
- Sundials FunJac - MethodError (SciML#631)
- DPRKN6 doesn't appear to use its free 6th order interpolant (SciML#633)
- Need help in Second order Differential equation (SciML#634)
- Installation fails on Win10 & julia 1.4.2 (SciML#635)
- Question about setting a "shutdown" condition (SciML#638)
- [feature request] DEStats results for the adjoint process when calculating gradients (SciML#639)
- DABDF2 crashes (probably related to analytic Jacobian computation) (SciML#641)
- UndefVarError: pprint_impl not defined during precompilation on Julia 1.4.2 (SciML#643)
- Could not load symbol `jl_function_ptr` (SciML#644)
- Unable to specify noise process on RODEProblem (SciML#645)
- Need an adjoint for constructor Pair (SciML#649)
- error on using DifferentialEquations (SciML#652)
- Error: unexpected values in bisection (SciML#653)
- changing the ODEfunction in affect! (SciML#654)
- Error: Non bracketing interval passed in bisection method (SciML#656)
- matching error when trying to run the example in tutorial  (SciML#657)
- ERROR: UndefVarError: top not defined (SciML#658)
- Method Error after package update (SciML#659)
- fail to load the package "Specialfunctions" due to requirements of DifferentialEquation package (SciML#660)
- Solving NN System of SDEs, Tracker Error (SciML#661)
- has_continuous_callback() missing for VectorContinuousCallback (SciML#662)
- Illegal inttoptr for SEIR model (SciML#663)
- Huge pre-compilation time (SciML#664)
- Conflicting solutions when solving a matrix system. (SciML#667)
- Inconsistent solutions when solving a Matrix ODE problem (SciML#668)
- VectorContinuousCallbacks seem broken? (SciML#669)
- Solve does not support saveat vectors for ensemble problems (SciML#671)
- [question] Interpolating adjoint for DDEs (SciML#672)
- Centralizing the development of .github actions, workflows, and metadata (SciML#673)
- Solving difference equations (SciML#676)
- ContinuousCallback not firing (SciML#677)
- Implicit solvers crash when solving an ODE system that contain a Dierckx spline (SciML#678)
- ArrayPartitions of ArrayPartitions fail with implicit ODE solvers (SciML#679)
- Cannot Precompile DifferentialEquations.jl (SciML#683)
- Issue calling solve on a DDEProblem (SciML#684)
- How to define a time event after a state event (SciML#685)
- UndefVarError when using EnsembleDistributed() (SciML#699)
- Failed to precompile, load error (SciML#701)
- Decoupling tspan and initial time, t0 (SciML#705)

**Merged pull requests:**
- MassInstallAction: Install the TagBot workflow on this repository (SciML#690) (@christopher-dG)
- MassInstallAction: Install the GitHubActionsCI workflow on this repository (SciML#698) (@christopher-dG)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Reexport" to "1.0" (SciML#708) (@github-actions[bot])


Toggle v6.15.0's commit message
## DifferentialEquations v6.15.0

[Diff since v6.14.0](SciML/DifferentialEquations.jl@v6.14.0...v6.15.0)

**Closed issues:**
- ArrayPartition doesn't work with SDE problems (SciML#386)
- Monte Carlo simulations of JumpProblems with VariableRateJump (SciML#417)
- save_onlyend simple argument syntax for solve only returning the end time (SciML#448)
- How do you retrieve the algorithm chosen when one isn't specified? (SciML#484)
- Add simple SDE solvers to the RegularJump interface (SciML#495)
- ExtendedJumpArray broadcast is incompatible with non-constant scalars (SciML#508)
- Re-branding for multiple language compatibility (SciML#519)
- Indexing ragged size EnsembleSolutions (SciML#597)
- Sobol example in Global Sensitivity Analysis Fails (SciML#605)
- Precompile OrdinaryDiffEq failed (SciML#608)
- Flag for saving outputs of inplace functions (SciML#609)
- The end of concrete_solve (SciML#610)
- Interpolation broken for jump diffusion solutions (SciML#613)
- Untested edge case when stepping from the end of a known tspan (SciML#616)
-  MethodError: no method matching similar(::Float64) when using a vector of dimension 1 (SciML#619)
- Performance of ODE solver on GPU in the presence of parameters (SciML#620)
- Parameters are 'nothing' when passing as an explicit argument to ODEProblem (SciML#621)
- Failed while USING DifferentialEquations.jl in Julia 1.4.1 (SciML#623)
- vscode error running an open .jl file (SciML#627)
- Dense solution is a 1st order linear interpolation, whereas 4th order spline was promised (SciML#629)
- Working DAE example (SciML#630)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Update (SciML#612) (@mkg33)
- Update [ci skip] (SciML#614) (@YingboMa)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "DiffEqNoiseProcess" to "5.0" (SciML#626) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix method selection for Float32s (SciML#628) (@dextorious)


Toggle v6.14.0's commit message
## DifferentialEquations v6.14.0

[Diff since v6.13.0](SciML/DifferentialEquations.jl@v6.13.0...v6.14.0)

**Closed issues:**
- DImplicitEuler and DABDF2 fail with LabelledArrays (SciML#581)
- EnsembleProblem with JumpProblem yielding identical traces (SciML#585)
- Using remake for EnsembleProblem (SciML#586)
- LabelledArrays with Autodiff Stiff solvers (SciML#588)
- Event repeated at the same time using ContinuousCallback and adaptive = false (SciML#590)
- Suggestion for exploiting separable linear-nonlinear ODEs (SciML#591)
- On Julia 1.5 importing produces warnings about fatally broken incremental compilation (SciML#593)
- Discrete stochastic simulations method error (SciML#594)
- Failed to precompule DifferentialEquation due to UndefVarError (SciML#595)
- Reconfigure callbacks in the affect function (SciML#598)
- Method Error when trying to solve an ODE (SciML#599)
- Precompilation errors on both stable and master (SciML#602)

**Merged pull requests:**
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "DiffEqNoiseProcess" to "4.0" (SciML#604) (@github-actions[bot])


Toggle v6.13.0's commit message
## DifferentialEquations v6.13.0

[Diff since v6.12.0](SciML/DifferentialEquations.jl@v6.12.0...v6.13.0)

**Closed issues:**
- Rosenbrock23 gives wrongs solution when autodiff=false (SciML#580)
- Example of using DifferentialEquations.jl for SIR model on a graph (SciML#583)

**Merged pull requests:**
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Sundials" to "4.0" (SciML#587) (@github-actions[bot])


Toggle v6.12.0's commit message
## DifferentialEquations v6.12.0

[Diff since v6.11.0](SciML/DifferentialEquations.jl@v6.11.0...v6.12.0)

**Closed issues:**
- Docs: parameter dependence for ODEProblem  (SciML#367)
- Second order sensitivities (SciML#375)
- Sparse matrices as parameters - MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Tuple{SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64},...} (SciML#378)
- L2Loss() fails for Monte Carlo problems if saveat is not used (SciML#392)
- Jacobians for SDEs (SciML#402)
- Performance Issue: Interpolation of callbacks with StaticArrays (SciML#407)
- Find a console-based progress monitoring package that works (SciML#424)
- DifferentialEquations and Unitful (SciML#455)
- Using CuArrays with complex arrays (SciML#460)
- Simultaneous Zero-crossing behavior (SciML#516)
- DifferentialEquations fail during precompile (SciML#539)
- ContinuousCallback: affect! is not always called at the crossed condition (SciML#551)
- Default to having progress bars on? (SciML#562)
- concrete_solve example in the docs doesn't work (SciML#569)
- Event Handling - Tutorial (Example 1: Bouncing Ball) (SciML#570)
- Use an array of arrays as u prototype (SciML#572)
- Julia 1.3.1-2  the new update caused the following error when trying to install the differential equations package  (SciML#573)
- Investigations of BLAS overloading for Dual numbers (SciML#574)
- This is a trival set of mistakes I found... spelling mistakes in the websites of GSoC in JSoC. (SciML#576)
- Error if there is a callback both in the problem and when solving (SciML#578)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Add back ModelingToolkit-based ParameterizedFunctions (SciML#579) (@ChrisRackauckas)


Toggle v6.11.0's commit message
Don't test on earlier Julia versions anymore


Toggle v6.10.1's commit message


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Toggle v6.9.0's commit message


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Toggle v6.8.0's commit message


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