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WiringPi 2.50 (already patched for generic debian)

WiringPi for Linux

Compatible with: Unosquare.Raspberry.IO 0.17.2

Actions to do in order to compile WiringPi

Disable Kernel strict security
  1. Open with nano or through GUI file: /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt

  2. Add following string at the end: iomem=relaxed

  3. Final result should look like that:

  4. console=tty0 console=ttyS1,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw net.ifnames=0 cma=64M rootwait iomem=relaxed
  5. Reboot to take effect (this steps are valid also for PiGPIO)

Compiling WiringPi

  1. Clone 2.50 repo

  2. #depth 1 in order to avoid downloading commits history
    git clone --depth 1 --branch final_official_2.50
  3. Download also 2.44-pseudo-cpuinfo.patch from second link (name is not important)

  4. Paste downloaded .patch file into cloned directory

  5. patch -u < 2.44-pseudo-cpuinfo.patch
  6. ./build
  7. Test all works (you should see a table if all ok):

  8. gpio readall
  9. Already patched GPIO version will be packed in Parko/Distrib/Utilities_Software/RaspberryPi

  10. #if wiringpi tells you have nothing in /etc/wiringpi/cpuinfo
    sudo mkdir /etc/wiringpi
    sudo cp /proc/cpuinfo /etc/wiringpi/cpuinfo
  11. Making compiled WiringPi usable by C# actual unosquare.wiringPi

  12. sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/