The credits for this library go to @merlijn. I've merely forked the library back in the day when we started Baker together. It now seems that Merlijn removed it from his own GitHub account.
Example of a simple colored Petri net with functions acting on the data in the tokens.
val sum = {
// places
val a = Place[Int](id = 1, label = "a")
val b = Place[Int](id = 2, label = "b")
val c = Place[Int](id = 3, label = "result")
// transitions
val init = Transition(id = 1, label = "init") {
() => (5, 5)
val sum = Transition(id = 2, label = "sum") {
(a: Int, b: Int) => a + b
// process topology
init ~> %(a, b),
%(a, b) ~> sum,
sum ~> c)
is the in-adjacent marking of the transition.S
is the type of state the transition closes over,Unit
indicates no state.I
Is the type of input the transition requires (provided from outside the process),Unit
indicates case no input is required.
is the out-adjacent marking of the transition.E
Is the type of event or output the transition emits.Unit
indicates no event / output.
The transition's behaviour is defined by 2 functions
(M, I, S) => (M', E)
A function producing the out-adjacent marking and event from in-adjancent marking, state and input.S => E => S
An event sourcing function which updates the state using the emitted event / output object.
Short term:
- HTTP API (using Akka HTTP)
- Clustering & Sharding
- Analysis (using Apache Spark or Apache Flink), some examples:
- Path querying
- Path prediction
- Transition timing
Long term:
- Hierarchical petri nets
- Timed petri nets
- Other execution models, such as:
- Splitting processes over multiple actors, possibly on different nodes in a cluster.
- A petri net process as a stream (using or Akka Streams for example).
- Process migration
- Providing tools to migrate process state when the petri net topology changes.
- Visual process editor