Sanji is a simple, efficient background processing for go, base on the Lmstfy.
look at example
// make a new processor instance, get token by lmstfy admin api.
chef = sanji.New("01G6CVYHR8P9HQ3JKG7212ABPG", "default", "localhost", 7775)
// [Consumer]
// add job processing middleware
// func (s *Luffy) Process(queue string, job JobFunc, ttr uint32, concurrency int, is_priority bool)
// queue: the job queue
// job: how to processing job
// ttr: job processing ttr
// concurrency: max concurrency worker
// is_priority: need priority queue feature?
chef.Process("nqueue", func(ctx *sanji.Context) {
data := string(ctx.Job.Data)
fmt.Println("get job", ctx.Job.ID, " from queue ", ctx.Job.Queue, "data: ", data)
}, 10, 100, true)
// [producer]
// func (s *Luffy) Enqueue(queue string, data []byte, delay uint32) (jobID string, err error)
// queue: the job processing queue
// data: job data
// delay: whether to delay processing, 0 means process now.
chef.Enqueue("nqueue", []byte(fmt.Sprintf("nqueue job %d", 1)), 0)
// enqueue job with priority
chef.EnqueueWithPriority(queue string, data []byte, priority PriorityLevel, delay uint32)
- Processing middleware
- Delay Job
- Auto retry if processing job fail with panic
- Priority task by level
- Concurrency workers
- Graceful shutdown