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Content for - Landing page for General Transit Feed Specification and GTFS Best Practices


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Source code for the General Transit Feed Specification Site. This site was built using GatsbyJS, a static-site generator which uses React and GraphQL.

Editing site content

The content for this site is grouped into three primary categories: Static Reference, Realtime Reference and Best Practices. These categories are housed in separate repositories. To edit information in those documents, see the corresponding repository:

Building the site locally:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Ensure you have up-to-date versions of node and npm installed locally.
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Run this command to clone all necessary data from the content repos: npm run fetchdata
  5. To run the site locally in development mode: npm run develop
  6. To build the production version and run it locally: npm run build && npm run serve

Updating site structure using configs:

The individual pages of the site are programmatically generated from the markdown files in the src/pages directory. The files in best-practices and reference were cloned in step 4 above, the rest live in this repository. To update the content of the site simply update those files and commit them in their respective repository, this will automatically trigger a new build of the site.

The pages to be built and their respective source files are specified in page-config.yaml in the project root. If you'd like to add/remove pages, or update a reference page's navigation menu you can do so by making changes to this file.

Site navigation is also defined in this file. There are two sections of the header which contain the links defined as 'nav' and 'docs-nav'. Updating 'nav' will add new links to this bar: Image of site nav

To add new pages, you must first create a new directory in src/pages containing the markdown files which will populate the page. Then register that directory to be queried into Gatsby's GraphQL data layer by appending an object of the following structure to the plugins array of gatsby-config.js:

      resolve: "gatsby-source-filesystem",
      options: {
        path: `${__dirname}/src/pages/about`,
        name: "About"

Replacing 'about' in path and name with the name of your directory and page, respectively. Then add a new section to page-config.yaml ensuring that the Title field matches the name field of the above object.

In the page's config properties you will also specify the pages render template and a sidemenu with linked page sections. There are currently two page templates to use:

  1. doc-page is used for any documentation pages such as 'Best Practices' and 'Realtime Reference', requires a sidemenu and may be populated from numerous markdown files.

  2. basic-page is used for all other pages, can only be compiled from one markdown file, and doesn't have a sidemenu

An example sidemenu and the resulting rendered component:

A rendered sidemenu

Because of differences in formatting between the existing source files there are a number of caveats to this config setup:

  • Depending on the formatting of headers in your markdown files, the anchor links for the sidemenu may or may not be automatically generated when parsing the files. (i.e. the sidemenu config for Static Reference autogenerates, and thus only requires the 'name' field, which is what will be displayed in the sidemenu. However Realtime does not, so the anchors must be manually included in the config)

  • Sidemenu items must correspond to headings in the markdown source files. They may each represent a separate file with that heading, or multiple headings from a single file.

  • The sidemenu can only be nested to three levels of children, as in the Realtime Reference config.

  • The slug field is used to specify source markdown files for a given page, and must be included for any sidemenu item that has a corresponding file. (i.e. Static and Realtime Reference are both compiled from one markdown file each, so they have only one slug at the root of the menu, whereas Best Practices has a file for each menu item and thus a slug is required for each)

Data Layer

All of the data consumed by the site is queried using GraphQL. GraphQL nodes are created both automatically with a number of plugins (defined in gatsby-config.js) and manually as defined in gatsby-node.js. Gatsby comes with a convenient utility for building queries which can be found at http:https://localhost:8000/___graphql when running the site locally. Examples of the queries for the site's data can be located as follows:

  • The query structure for navigation data is found in the header component.
  • Sidemenu and markdown content data is queried in the doc-page template component

Data from the content source markdown files is parsed by the 'gatsby-transformer-remark' plugin into an html tree structure known as htmlAst, which is then rendered using the 'rehype-react' compiler.


Translations for strings in the header, footer and documentation version selector are stored in JSON files in the /static/locales/{lang}/ folders. These translations are broken into namespaces translation and menu. Additional namespaces can be supported by updating the /src/components/i18n.js file.

Translations for page content are managed as markdown files in the /src/pages/{lang} folders.

Building and hosting

This site is built using CircleCI and hosted on Amazon S3 as a static site. Each time it is deployed, it pulls the latest documentation from Google Transit and GTFS Best Practices. The site automatically re-deploys every hour. Deployment status can be checked at CircleCI.

Note that you may need to clear your cache in order to see recent changes reflected on


Any commit pushed to the master branch will automatically be deployed to


Any commit pushed to the production branch will automatically be deployed to

Planned features

  • Search functionality - index all of the site content and add a search bar to the header for quickly finding reference information

Maintainability - Known Issues

  • Some of the content on the Best Practices page contains nested tables which are difficult to render from parsed markdown, the current solution is to use html tables within markdown tables, but these must not contain newline characters to remain valid markdown so they are difficult to read and update. This has been solved in the static and realtime reference pages by reformatting the content to not use nested tables.
  • Because of the differences in filestructure between the source repos, and formatting differences within the markdown files living in those repos, the configuration of this site is more brittle and labor-intensive than it needs to be. Standardizing that structure and formatting would allow for a better workflow and much more flexibility in the configuration of this site.


Except as otherwise noted, the content of this repository is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


Content for - Landing page for General Transit Feed Specification and GTFS Best Practices



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  • JavaScript 77.6%
  • Shell 11.5%
  • CSS 10.9%