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michnov committed Nov 10, 2015
2 parents 0fcbe20 + b86bb8d commit af1876a
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Showing 3 changed files with 239 additions and 2 deletions.
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225 changes: 225 additions & 0 deletions doc/installing_qtleap_server-pilot2.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
#!/bin/bash # NOTE: this is not a fully automatic bash script! This line just helps my editor to do nice syntax highlighting.

# How we installed QTLeap Pilot 2 server on a new Ubuntu 14.04.3 (virtual) machine.
# - Martin Popel, Ondřej Dušek
# This is intended to inspire/guide you in the installation of your own TectoMT-based servers,
# but cannot be run automatically. Please read and adjust the code before applying.

################ Installing the machine #################
# These steps are probably CUNI-specific.
# Take it just as an inspiration.
sudo chmod oa+rw /dev/{random,urandom,null} # for some reason it was readable only for root
sudo apt-get install nano unattended-upgrades # keep the server safe
sudo groupadd qtleap
sudo useradd -c "QTLeap MT Pilot 2" -d /home/pilot2 -g qtleap -m -N -s /bin/bash pilot2
sudo passwd pilot2

sudo nano /etc/group
# user "pilot2" added to the group "sudo"
# An alternative is to use "visudo" and add there a line
# pilot2 ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
# After the installation is finished, we can remove pilot2 from the sudoers (for safety?).
# Now, I can log to the machine directly as the new "pilot2" user
# ssh -p 55522 [email protected]

# Perl complained about "Setting locale failed",
# so according to,
# I did
sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 cs_CZ.UTF-8
LANG=C sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

# If "date" shows a wrong time zone, you select the correct one and restart cron
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
sudo service cron restart

# basic packages
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bash-completion build-essential git subversion
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.8 g++-4.8
# Some Treex modules depend on Tk (perl module for GUI) and it needs X11
# It was easier for me to install it (although I don't need any GUI at this server).
sudo apt-get install xorg-dev
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev # for Treex::PML

# Some Java is needed for MST parser and several other blocks.
# Java 1.8 is needed for Treex::Block::A2N::EN::StanfordNER2015, so let's install this newest Java.
# It is included in Ubuntu 14.10 repositories, but not in Ubuntu 14.04, so let's add ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties # needer for add-apt-repository
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
# No java was installed on this machine before, so I don't need to set the default to 1.8
#sudo update-alternatives --config java
#sudo update-alternatives --config javac

# Stuff needed for compiling Python modules:
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev
sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran

# Alpino depends on tk8.5 (this is not needed unless you want to work with Dutch)
sudo apt-get install tk8.5

################ Installing Perl (for Treex) #################

# Install Perlbrew, Perl 5.20 and basic Perl modules
# Why Perlbrew?
# * We don't want to use the system perl for Treex (the system Perl may get updated by unattended-upgrades).
# * It allows us to easily switch to different Perl version and Perl modules versions later on (for Pilot2), without changing this pilot2.

wget -O - | bash
echo -e '\nsource ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc' >> ~/.bashrc # this will make it work on next login
source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc # this will make it work for the current session
perlbrew install-cpanm
perlbrew install -j 4 perl-5.20.2
perlbrew switch perl-5.20.2
cpanm -n PerlIO::Util # -n = skip test, known problems
# Tk tests pop up hundreds of windows, which is slow and does not work over ssh (without -X or -Y), let's skip the tests.
# I am used to install Tk from GitHub, but "cpanm -n Tk" should work as well.
cpanm -n -v git:
# We want to use Treex::Core from Github, so just install its dependencies
cpanm --installdeps Treex::Core
# There are dependencies of other (non-Core) Treex modules
cpanm Ufal::MorphoDiTa Ufal::NameTag Lingua::Interset
cpanm Class::Std URI::Find::Schemeless PerlIO::gzip Text::Iconv Cache::Memcached Email::Find XML::Twig String::Util String::Diff List::Pairwise MooseX::Role::AttributeOverride YAML::Tiny Graph Tree::Trie Text::Brew JSON
cpanm --notest AI::MaxEntropy # AI::MaxEntropy known to fail some tests
cpanm App::Ack # just for me now, ack is much better than grep
cpanm Modern::Perl Text::JaroWinkler # these are needed for MonolingualGreedy, used in NL-EN

################ Installing Treex #################

# For Flect
# either
# sudo apt-get install python-sklearn
# but I prefer pip over apt-get
# and we must ensure we have the "correct" version of scikit-learn (otherwise, Flect models will be incompatible)
pip install --user numpy scipy scikit-learn==0.15.1 nose

# Treex svn checkout (read-only access)
git clone
# set Treex variables for all future sessions and the current one, too
echo "
export PERL5LIB=$HOME/treex/lib
export PATH='$HOME/treex/bin:$PATH'
export TMT_ROOT=$HOME" >> ~/.bashrc
export PERL5LIB=$HOME/treex/lib
export PATH="$HOME/treex/bin:$PATH"

# I prefer to have the "Treex share" in a non-hidden directory ~/share
mkdir ~/share
mkdir ~/.treex
cat << END > ~/.treex/config.yaml
- $HOME/share
share_dir: $HOME/share
tmp_dir: /tmp
pml_schema_dir: $HOME/treex/lib/Treex/Core/share/tred_extension/treex/resources

# For Morce English tagger and NADA coreference resolver, we need
svn --username public --password public co
svn --username public --password public co

(mkdir -p share/data/models/morce/en/ && cd share/data/models/morce/en/ && wget{morce.{alph,dct,ft,ftrs},tags_for_form-from_wsj.dat})
(cd packaged/Morce-English && perl Build.PL && ./Build && ./Build test && ./Build install)
(cd tool_installation/NADA && perl Makefile.PL && make && make install)

################ Installing VowpalWabbit #################
# This step is currently needed only for CS->EN pilot2
git clone git: vowpal_wabbit-v7.7-e9f67eca58
cd vowpal_wabbit-v7.7-e9f67eca58/
git checkout e9f67eca58
# this version is needed by A2T::CS::MarkTextPronCoref model data/models/coreference/CS/vw/perspron.2015-04-29.train.pdt.cs.vw.ranking.model
sudo apt-get install libboost-program-options-dev libboost-python-dev netcat
make test
perl -pli -e 's{/net/cluster/TMP/mnovak/tools/vowpal_wabbit-v7.7-e9f67eca58}{/home/pilot2/vowpal_wabbit-v7.7-e9f67eca58}' /home/pilot2/treex/lib/Treex/Tool/ML/VowpalWabbit/

################ TectoMT via MTMonkey #################

# Install the required Perl modules
cpanm RPC::XML UUID::Generator::PurePerl

# Download translation models for your langauge pairs into ~/share
# (otherwise the makefiles in devel/qtleap will try to train them anew)

# Go to QTLeap directory
git clone
cd qtleap

# Download the QTLeap corpus – use your username for the QTLeap Redmine repo here
git clone https://<username>

# Try running the translation locally to make sure that all works as expected
# Replace cs with your language(s)
# + check that nothing fails on missing dependencies and the BLEU score is OK
sed -i 's/^LRC?=.*/LRC=0/' qtleap/translate/makefile.cluster_conf
(cd translate/en-cs/batch2a/; make translate eval)
(cd translate/cs-en/batch2q/; make translate eval)

# create server scenario files (the server must read the scenario from a file, for now)
cat translate/en-cs/makefile.langpair | grep 'SCEN=' | sed 's/SCEN=https://' > translate/en-cs/server.scen
cat translate/cs-en/makefile.langpair | grep 'SCEN=' | sed 's/SCEN=https://' > translate/cs-en/server.scen

# Start Treex socket servers --detail --port=7001 --source_zone=en:src --target_zone=cs:tst --scenario=translate/en-cs/server.scen >> translate/en-cs/socketserver.log 2>&1 & --detail --port=7002 --source_zone=cs:src --target_zone=en:tst --scenario=translate/cs-en/server.scen >> translate/cs-en/socketserver.log 2>&1 &

# Start Treex MTMonkey workers (point them to the socket server port via the -s parameter) -p 8001 -s 7001 >> translate/en-cs/mtmworker.log 2>&1 & -p 8002 -s 7002 >> translate/cs-en/mtmworker.log 2>&1 &

# If the workers are accessible from outside, you are done now,
# send their URL and port to DFKI ('xmlrpc https://qtleap-pilot2-outside-name:8001/').
# Note that communicates with users (or DFKI) via XML-RPC
# and it actually ignores sourceLang and targetLang parameters
# (the translation direction is decided by the port number).
# Otherwise, you may want to set up a MTMonkey Appserver to connect to the workers -- please
# refer to
# for instructions.
# The appserver configuration file (appserver-your_version/config/appserver.cfg) should then
# point to your workers, e.g.:
#PORT = 8001 # port at which the service is accessible from outside
# 'en-cs':[ 'xmlrpc https://qtleap-pilot2:8001/' ],
# 'cs-en':[ 'xmlrpc https://qtleap-pilot2:8002/' ],
# 'en-nl':[ 'xmlrpc https://qtleap-pilot2:8003/' ],
# 'nl-en':[ 'xmlrpc https://qtleap-pilot2:8004/' ],
#URL = '/qtpilot2' # path at which the service is accessible from outside
# Then run the appserver by:


# You can now query the translation at https://your-machine:8001/qtpilot2 (send this address to DFKI,
# indicating that they should add "json https://your-machine:8001/qtpilot2" into their Appserver
# configuration).
# Note that in this case MT-Monkey Appserver communicates with users (or DFKI) via JSON
# and that the MT-Monkey Appserver has one public URL (one port) and distributes
# the queries to workers based on sourceLang and targetLang parameters.

# You can test xmlrpc workers with
echo '<?xmlversion="1.0"?><methodCall><methodName>process_task</methodName>
<string>This is a test.</string></value></member></struct></value></param>
</params></methodCall>' > query.xml
curl -X POST -d @query.xml https://your-server:8001

# You can test json workers (MT-Monkey appserver) with POST&JSON
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"action":"translate", "sourceLang":"en", "targetLang":"cs", "text":"This is a test.", "systemId":"pilot2" }' https://your-server:8001

# or with GET
curl ''
16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions translate/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,18 +5,30 @@ DIRS=en-cs en-es en-nl cs-en es-en nl-en
#SETS=batch1? batch2? news

PARAMS = hideIT=0__gazetteer=0__tm_adaptation=0 \
hideIT=1__gazetteer=0__tm_adaptation=0 \
hideIT=0__gazetteer=all__tm_adaptation=0 \
hideIT=0__gazetteer=0__tm_adaptation=auto \

#see the Makefile

for PARAM in $(PARAMS); do \
PARAM=`echo $$PARAM | sed 's/__/ /g'`; \
echo PARAMS=\"$$PARAM\"; \

for DIR in $(DIRS); do \
for SET in $(SETS); do \
[ -d $$DIR/$$SET ] && ( cd $$DIR/$$SET; \
for PARAM in $(PARAMS); do \
PARAM=`echo $$PARAM | sed 's/__/ /g'`; \
echo ======= $$DIR/$$SET PARAMS=$$PARAM; \
make translate eval PARAMS=$$PARAM >>multi.log 2>&1; \
make translate eval PARAMS="$$PARAM" >>multi.log 2>&1; \
done; \
) & \
Expand Down

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