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develaper edited this page Mar 19, 2021 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the fti_api wiki!

5 minutes overview for begginers

The aim of the OTP project is to incetivate legal timber by improving access to information. As a user of the platform you will have access to information through Countries, Producers and Observations.


Or, as we call them in the data base, operators, there is an always present search producers box in the navbar and 2 main views linked in the producers dropdown menu:

Transparency ranking:

  • A list of producers ordered by ranking with filters.
  • A map view with all the FMUS.


  • A list of documents with filters.

Producer profile:

Of course we also have a producers profile where the info is displayed in 4 tabs:

  • Overview with a basic description of the operator and observations by category.
  • Documentation with a list of the producer's documents separated by legal categories, a pie chart displaying docs x status and a timeline that displays the evolution of the documentation.
  • Observations with a list of, obviously, observations.
  • Forest management units with all the producer's fmus in a map.