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Releases: wpeventmanager/wp-event-manager


12 Jul 10:42
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Fixed : The error message displayed on the sign-out page is removed.
Fixed : Creation of the wrong permalink when an event is submitted from the front end is now resolved.
Fixed : Now multiple logos can be saved in the venue and organizer section.
Fixed : Depreciated error message is removed from PHP 8.2.
Fixed : The fatal error message that appeared on the edit venue segment is now removed.
Fixed : The venue logo is now saved at the backend.
Fixed : The date-related issue in the upcoming event shortcode is now resolved.
Fixed : The problem associated with the “multi-select event types” option is now resolved.
Fixed : Security issue of WP Event Manager is resolved.
Fixed : The custom field issue in the field editor is now resolved.
Fixed : A new filter is added to hide a specific field from the single event page.


22 Feb 11:57
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Fixed : URL type value is now shown on the organizer details page.
Fixed : Orgnaizer and venue section image is missing.
Fixed : Venue shortcode and details are added to the shortcode menu
Fixed : YouTube videos on Gutenberg blocks are now working properly.
Fixed : The security issue faced while updating events has been resolved.


07 Feb 06:54
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Fixed : The problem of the undefined arrow key while updating Elementor is resolved.
Fixed : The organizer logo can now be saved in the backend.
Fixed : In organizer, ID field is available in the backend.
Fixed: The issue of image removal after deleting an event is resolved.
Fixed : Visual Composer added event listing shortcodes.
Fixed : Security issue fixed and improved.
Added : The event country field can now be hidden with a snippet code.
Added : Event list view is now available in Elementor.


29 Dec 12:14
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Fixed: Pagination issue on past event listing page.
Fixed: Remove deleted field from Elementor Single Event Field widget.
Fixed: Security issue with version 3.1.40 is resolved now.


05 Dec 07:23
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Fixed: A Layout option is added to the Elementor "Event Listing" widget.
Fixed: The 404 error message that is displayed in the organizer and venue form is removed.
Fixed: Security issue with version 3.1.39 is resolved now.
Fixed: The event_summary shortcode is now working properly.
Fixed: The order by name attribute is now working properly.
Fixed: The issue related to the registration button on the single event field is now resolved.
Fixed: Issue related to the event type display on the post-an-event page is resolved.
Fixed: The problem of duplicate event appearance in attendee information is now resolved.
Fixed: The problem of adding an organizer is now resolved.
Fixed: The organizer and venue ID is now displayed properly.
Fixed: New Shortcode attribute is added.
Fixed: New Shortcode attribute is added for event listing.
Fixed: Code snippet to set custom expire event date time
Fixed: Media library section images will no longer be available after deleting the data.
Fixed: No data is available in the media library as well in the database after deleting the plugin.
Fixed: Venue and organizer data are no longer available after deleting the plugin.
Fixed: New screenshots and content are added to the event submission settings section.
Fixed: Documentation is added for translating your site language without Loco Translate.
Fixed: The issue related to the appearance of the venue in the front end is now fixed.
Fixed: The problem of the old comments in the single event listing is now resolved.
Fixed: code is added for sorting events on the organizer detail page.
Fixed: RSS feed functionality document is added to the event listing section.


06 Nov 12:38
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Fixed : The availability issue of the field editor option is resolved.
Fixed : Adding a new ticket from the frontend to an event issue has been resolved.
Fixed : The grammatical error in the text of the general settings tab has been resolved.
Fixed : Issue related to the availability of events in the RSS feed has been resolved.
Fixed : Events will take time to load.
Fixed : Warning error message is fixed on the admin side.
Fixed : Hook would be used to validate additional fields.
Fixed : Event Banner missing on single event page.
Fixed : Events won’t load if using Hebrew characters in event type or category.
Added : Add country code for the event organizer.
Added : Add country code for the offline event.


20 Sep 06:57
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Fixed : Apostrophes issue with custom field names is fixed.
Fixed : Wpeditor field is now showing default placeholder.
Fixed : Event submissions form appearing in the site-wide search.
Fixed : Registration email , URL field with updated value can now be displayed on the backend side.
Fixed : Warning message related issue is fixed.
Fixed : The warning message that was displayed in the Add, Edit and update options of the organizer and venue is now removed.
Fixed : While creating a new event from the frontend, event type and category are displayed as numbers.
Fixed : Translation issue is fixed.
Fixed : Calendar view should set default view with filter option.
Fixed : Fatal error message issue is fixed.
Fixed : Security issue is fixed.

09 Aug 12:21
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Fixed : Plugin is tested with the latest WordPress version and removed compatibility issues with it.
Fixed : The issue related to my registration email/URL is fixed in WP Event Manager.


07 Aug 11:18
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Fixed: Events of other languages can now be shown using the Polylang plugin
Fixed: On the event details page, clicking on the event type and event category was showing an error message which is now resolved.
Fixed: The problem related to customizing the permalink is resolved.
Fixed: The issue related to the display of an event multi-day start day is solved
Fixed: ReCAPTCHA can now be removed from the Event Organizer page as per requirement.
Fixed: The undefined URL error on the registration button on the event detail page is fixed.
Fixed: Filters can now be added to change the image alt-text for the event banner.
Fixed: Event shortcode display issue is resolved.
Fixed: The Filter and Reset button in the Guest group dashboard can now be seen in the horizontal line.
Fixed: Event Category shortcode attributes are now working properly.
Fixed: Creating a new event from the front, the event expiry date can be added.
Fixed: The appearance of the deleted event field in the field editor is fixed.
Fixed: Space issue between the date and time separator is resolved.
Fixed: Users are now able to select values from dropdown.
Fixed: Shortcode upcoming events and past events, layout attribute is not working.
Fixed: Display issue of added fields in the venue details page is resolved.
Fixed: Provided options for a full day event to avoid the repetition of the start date and end date.
Fixed: The newly added event fields in the event form can be deleted as per requirements.
Fixed: Organizers can make their events private or public using the Field editor.
Fixed: Shortcode related issue on the view page.
Fixed: Pagination is now working properly with the past event listing module.
Fixed: Issue related to adding organizers and venues at the backend is resolved.
Fixed: Problem related to the Dates displayed in the list view is resolved.
Fixed: Backend venue and organizer related issue is resolved.
Fixed: String Translation issue is fixed.
Added: Added shortcode for upcoming events.
Added: A new feature added in the event layout type shortcode.
Added: A new shortcode attribute is added to change the title of event listing.
Added: Advanced search filters are added to the event listing page.
Added: A new feature was added in the event layout type shortcode.
Added: Reset button is added to the event dashboard.


30 Jun 07:37
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Fixed : Revert back when filtering using search_datetimes.
Fixed : Recenet events widget section - Past events removed from it
Fixed : At backend setting - If ticket type deactivate then visible on event details page.
Fixed : Event status is display active after manually set event exipred date.
Fixed : Validate number field for decimal value.
Fixed : Paragraph formating not working on single event detail page for venue/organizer.
Fixed : Calendar design issue with core plugin.
Added : Email field type added in the field editor.
Added : Added setting for email header in the general tab.