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/ 11ty-solid-base Public template
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A solid base for building an SPA in 11ty with Solid-js, jsx, Is-land, WebC and esbuild


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11ty solid base

A minimal base HTML5 template and the esbuild setup to compile your SolidJS app within 11ty.


Compile Solidjs to js

Add your_solid.jsx file to the src/scripts/jsx or the src/scripts/js folders. Esbuild will output a minified js file. To configure esbuild modify config/build/esbuild.js.


If you need to compile your js script inline, use this shortcode:

{% solid "filename", "bundled" %}
{% endsolid %}

The shortcode will generate a module script tag.

<script type="module">your.es6.js.code</script>


There are two arguments:

  • filename (required): The name of the file which is saved to dist/app. This name is automatically prefixed by solid-.
  • bundled (optional): The solid.jsx is bundled by default. To switch bundling off pass the value: "bundleOff".

SolidJS configuration

To configure esbuild for js/jsx files modify config/build/esbuild.js or to configure the shortcode, modify config/shortcode/solidify.js. For further info check out the esbuild-plugin-solid github repo by amoutonbrady.

/** Configuration options for esbuild-plugin-solid */
export interface Options {
  /** The options to use for @babel/preset-typescript @default {} */
  typescript: object
   * Pass any additional babel transform options. They will be merged with
   * the transformations required by Solid.
   * @default {}
    | TransformOptions
    | ((source: string, id: string, ssr: boolean) => TransformOptions)
    | ((source: string, id: string, ssr: boolean) => Promise<TransformOptions>);
   * Pass any additional [babel-plugin-jsx-dom-expressions](
   * They will be merged with the defaults sets by [babel-preset-solid](
   * @default {}
  solid: {
     * The name of the runtime module to import the methods from.
     * @default "solid-js/web"
    moduleName?: string;

     * The output mode of the compiler.
     * Can be:
     * - "dom" is standard output
     * - "ssr" is for server side rendering of strings.
     * - "universal" is for using custom renderers from solid-js/universal
     * @default "dom"
    generate?: 'ssr' | 'dom' | 'universal';

     * Indicate whether the output should contain hydratable markers.
     * @default false
    hydratable?: boolean;

     * Boolean to indicate whether to enable automatic event delegation on camelCase.
     * @default true
    delegateEvents?: boolean;

     * Boolean indicates whether smart conditional detection should be used.
     * This optimizes simple boolean expressions and ternaries in JSX.
     * @default true
    wrapConditionals?: boolean;

     * Boolean indicates whether to set current render context on Custom Elements and slots.
     * Useful for seemless Context API with Web Components.
     * @default true
    contextToCustomElements?: boolean;

     * Array of Component exports from module, that aren't included by default with the library.
     * This plugin will automatically import them if it comes across them in the JSX.
     * @default ["For","Show","Switch","Match","Suspense","SuspenseList","Portal","Index","Dynamic","ErrorBoundary"]
    builtIns?: string[];

Cachebusting hash filter

Esbuild is configured to add a hash to the CSS and JS files it processes in the src/scripts/jsx, src/scripts/js and the dist/app/css folders (it purges the prefixed output of the scss in situ). It outputs a manifest.json file to the src/_data directory. The manifest.json file is used in the hash filter to modify the URL src or href in the html:

<script src="{{ '/app/app.js' | hash }}"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/app/style.css' | hash }}" />

As a bonus if the file has been minified in production it will alter the file extension to [hash]-min.js or [hash]-min.css, for example:

<script src="/app/app-S5YUTCHU.min.js"></script>


Your css files will be automatically purged of unused css in production. To configure the purgecssPlugin modify the config/build/purgecss.js file. You can use any configuration pattern from purgecss, but you don't need to set the css: options as this is automatically included from the buildmeta.json.

plugins: [
    content: ["dist/index.html"]

Environment variables

The pathPrefix npm script argument from 11ty (--pathprefix=form-2-pdf", ) is passed through as an environment variable (along with all the npm script arguments) using esbuild's define api. You can add other environment variables by adding them to the defineEnv const in the config/build/esbuild.js script.

const defineEnv = {
  'process.env.PATHPREFIX': JSON.stringify(pathPrefix),
  // Add other environment variables as needed

If you decide to use a client-side router such as solid router you could do the following in your jsx:

const pathPrefix = process.env.PATHPREFIX;
const urlPrefix = pathPrefix ? `/${pathPrefix}` : "";

    () => (
            <Route path={urlPrefix}> {/* solid-js router uses urlPrefix here to set the url path */}
                <Route path="/" component={YourComponent} />

Compression - Gzip and Brotli

In a production build the css and js files are automatically compressed and output as minified, gzipped and brotli files:

  • app-S5YUTCHU.min.js
  • app-S5YUTCHU.min.js.gz

To alter this behaviour modifiy the following in the config/build/esbuild.js script:

if (isProd) {
    uncompressed: isProd,
    gzip: isProd,
    brotli: isProd,

Development Scripts

npm start

Run 11ty with hot reload at localhost:8080, including reload based on Sass and JS changes.

npm run cloud

Development build for use on cloud IDE's such as Stackblitz without the pathprefix of /11ty-solid-base/. The CSS is autoprefixed but no minification or purging happens.

If your using Stackblitz. To start the cloud dev server run: npm run cloud then npm run start.

npm run build

Staging build with autoprefixed CSS but no minification or purging.

npm run minify

Production build includes minified, autoprefixed and purged CSS

Use this as the "Publish command" if needed by hosting such as Netlify.

Need scoped CSS?

Lightningcss can be configured to support css modules by adding --css-modules to the prefix npm script. Alternatively you could use esbuild css modules plugin. An example setup of scoped css modules with esbuild.

To do

  • Look at adding js import maps
  • The web component (webC example)
  • improve styling and make prettier hydration examples
  • Example using Solid Element web components
  • Maybe look as using eleventy-plugin-bundle and esbuild to create per page solidjs asset buckets/bundles.

Planning for 2.0 release

  • Alter the solid shortcode API so that the arguements are bundle and bundleOff instead of the current API of bundled and bundleOff.
  • Change the esbuild/solid internal configuration so that its an eleventy-plugin instead.
  • Should I remove the sass dependency?