Completor is an asynchronous code completion framework for vim8. New features of vim8 are used to implement the fast completion engine with low overhead. For using semantic completion, external completion tools should be installed.
- vim8,
- compiled with
- vim8 builtin package manager:
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/completor/start
cd ~/.vim/pack/completor/start
git clone
Plug 'maralla/completor.vim'
When the input matches a file path pattern the file name will be automatically completed.
This is the fallback completer. When no semantic completer found the buffer completer will be used and will complete based on the current buffers.
Use jedi for completion. jedi should be installed for semantic completion. Install jedi to global environment or in virtualenv:
pip install jedi
The python executable can be specified using:
let g:completor_python_binary = '/path/to/python/with/jedi/installed'
Use racer for completion. Install racer first. To specify the racer executable path:
let g:completor_racer_binary = '/path/to/racer'
Use tern for completion. To install tern you must have node and npm installed. Then run:
make js
The node executable path can be specified using:
let g:completor_node_binary = '/path/to/node'
Use clang for completion. Clang should be installed first. To specify clang path:
let g:completor_clang_binary = '/path/to/clang'
To pass extra clang arguments, you can create a file named .clang_complete under the project root directory or any parent directories. Every argument should be in a single line in the file. This is an example file:
Use gocode to provide omni completions. To specify the gocode executable path:
let g:completor_gocode_binary = '/path/to/gocode'
For other omni completions completor not natively implemented, auto completion can still be used if an omni function is defined for the file type. But an option should be defined to specify the trigger for triggering auto completion. The option name pattern:
let g:completor_{filetype}_omni_trigger = '<python regex>'
For example to use css omnifunc:
let g:completor_css_omni_trigger = '([\w-]+|@[\w-]*|[\w-]+:\s*[\w-]*)$'
This is simple .tern-project file:
"plugins": {
"node": {},
"es_modules": {}
"libs": [
"ecmaVersion": 6
inoremap <expr> <Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<Tab>"
inoremap <expr> <S-Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : "\<S-Tab>"
inoremap <expr> <cr> pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>\<cr>" : "\<cr>"
let g:completor_auto_trigger = 0
inoremap <expr> <Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<C-x>\<C-u>\<C-p>"