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Efficiently managed retail employee data with a SQL-based solution. Streamlined HR processes, performed data analysis, and made informed decisions for optimized retail operations.

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Retail Employee Data Management and Analysis

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This project focuses on Retail Employee Data Management and Analysis, providing a comprehensive solution for storing, managing, and analyzing employee-related information within a retail setting. The system is designed to streamline HR processes and facilitate data-driven decision-making for retail operations.


  1. Database Schema:

    • The project includes a well-defined SQL database schema that outlines the structure of tables for storing employee data, job information, and store details.
  2. Data Population:

    • SQL scripts are provided for creating and populating the database with sample data, allowing users to understand the functionality and perform initial testing.
  3. Data Querying:

    • Various SQL queries are available for retrieving specific information, such as employee details, job titles, store information, and more.
  4. Data Manipulation:

    • The project demonstrates SQL operations for updating and deleting records, as well as adding new columns to adapt to changing requirements.
  5. Data Analysis:

    • SQL functions and queries showcase the capability to perform data analysis tasks, such as calculating average salaries, counting employees, and extracting relevant information.

Getting Started

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Ensure you have access to a SQL Server database.
    • Execute the provided SQL scripts to create and populate the database.
  2. Usage:

    • Explore the SQL scripts for querying, updating, and analyzing retail employee data.
    • Customize the schema and queries based on specific retail business requirements.

SQL Scripts Overview

  • 01_CreateDatabase.sql: Creates the database "AcmeRetailStores."
  • 02_CreateTables.sql: Defines tables for Employees, Jobs, and Stores.
  • 03_PopulateTables.sql: Inserts sample data into the created tables.
  • 04_Queries_DataManipulation.sql: Contains SQL queries for retrieving and analyzing retail employee data.
  • Demonstrates altering tables, updating records, and deleting data.
  • Includes statements for cleaning up the database (dropping tables).


Efficiently managed retail employee data with a SQL-based solution. Streamlined HR processes, performed data analysis, and made informed decisions for optimized retail operations.







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