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A ggplot2 extension for creating normal violin plots with specified means and standard deviations.


You can either install ggnormalviolin from CRAN or install the development version of ggnormalviolin from github.

Option 1: Install the most recent stable release from CRAN

You can install ggnormalviolin from CRAN by running this code:


Option 2: Install the development version from GitHub

To install the development version of ggnormalviolin, you need to check if devtools is installed. If not, run this:


Once you are sure you have devtools installed, you can install the development version of ggnormalviolin from GitHub by running this code:


Using ggnormalviolin

Suppose there are 4 hypothetically normal distributions with specific means and standard deviations. They can be plotted like so:


# Make data
d <- data.frame(
  dist = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
  dist_mean = c(80, 90, 110, 130),
  dist_sd = c(15, 10, 20, 5)

# Make base plot
p <- ggplot(data = d, 
            aes(x = dist,
                mu = dist_mean,
                sigma = dist_sd,
                fill = dist)) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

# Add normal violins
p + geom_normalviolin()

Tail Highlighting

Suppose you want to highlight the two tails of the distributions. Set the p_tails to specify the total area of the tails. Thus, if p_tail = 0.05, each tail will represent the outermost 2.5% of the distributions (i.e, 0.05 = 2 &mult; 0.025).

p + geom_normalviolin(p_tail = 0.05)

Suppose you want to highly only the upper tails. Set p_upper_tail to the proportion desired.

p + geom_normalviolin(p_upper_tail = 0.05)

Analogously, you can highlight only the lower tails by setting the p_lower_tail parameter.

p + geom_normalviolin(p_lower_tail = 0.05)

The defaults for highlighting is accomplished by selecting a subset of the whole distribution, setting tail_fill to black, and then making the black fill transparent by setting tail_alpha = 0.4. Setting these values to other colors and levels of transparency can dramatically change the look of the plot.

p + geom_normalviolin(
  p_tail = 0.05, 
  tail_fill = "white", 
  tail_alpha = 0.8,
  color = "gray20",
  size = 0.1

Direction of Violin

If you want to omit the left or right side of the violins, you can set the face_left or face_right parameters to FALSE.

p + geom_normalviolin(face_left = FALSE)

p + geom_normalviolin(
  face_right = FALSE, 
  p_tail = 0.05)

Violin Width

You can set the width of the violin to any size desired.

p + geom_normalviolin(width = 1)

If you want the shape of the distribution to remain constant, map the width parameter to a multiple of the standard deviation.

p + geom_normalviolin(aes(width = dist_sd * 0.05))

Setting Limits

By default, the normal violins extend 4 standard deviations in both directions. Use the nsigma parameter to set a different value.

p + geom_normalviolin(nsigma = 1.5)

If you set limits on the y scale, it is possible that some of the violins will be distorted or cut in pieces.

p + 
  geom_normalviolin() +

This occurs because data outside the limits is discarded, breaking up the polygons that compose the violins into smaller pieces. To prevent such behavior, set the upper_limit and lower_limit parameters equal to the same limits you have specified for the y scale (or any other values you wish).

p + 
  geom_normalviolin(lower_limit = 50, upper_limit = 140) +

Alternately, you can set the limits in ggplot2::coord_cartesian, which will zoom the plot instead of discarding the data.

p + 
  geom_normalviolin() +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(50, 140)) 

Code of Conduct

Please note that the ggnormalviolin project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


Makes normal violin plots with specified means and standard deviations



Code of conduct





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