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Oliver Schneider edited this page Jan 28, 2024 · 27 revisions

Welcome to the WinDirStat project Wiki. It uses Markdown syntax, which is relatively simple (cheat sheet).

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Contribute to WinDirStat

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WinDirStat alternatives for other operating systems

KDirStat / QDirStat

WinDirStat was not a fork of WinDirStat in any stricter sense of the word, but KDirStat inspired Bernhard (the original author of WinDirStat) to write WinDirStat and several decisions of the GUI design as well as internals have been inspired by KDirStat as well. So in spirit this is a fork of KDirStat.

So to all of you who may be thinking KDirStat is a ripoff of WinDirStat: nothing could be further from the truth. If anything, WinDirStat is a ripoff of KDirStat and SequoiaView - the very first program I'm aware of that used treemaps to visualize disk space usage. So our sincerest gratitude goes to Stefan Hundhammer, the author of KDirStat. And by the way, the about dialog of WinDirStat has said so from version 1.


WinDirStat logo

The logo was generously designed and contributed to the project by Robin "tuqueque" Marín. Follow him on Twitter @tuquequeorg.


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