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This library is no longer mainteined.

Ext.ux.Deferred provides promises for ExtJS and Sencha Touch.

It allows to manage async functions with ease.

Ext.ux.Deferred follows the PromisesA/+ standard


The first problem is with the Pyramid of Doom, namely nested asynchronous functions, like this:

aSync1(10, function (val1) {
	aSync2(val1, function (val2) {
		aSync3(val2, function (val3) {
			alert('Top of the pyramid with: ', val3);

What we want here is to have a comfortable way to chain those asynchronous functions. With Ext.ux.Deferred it will be rewritten as follows:

	.then(aSync2, onErr)
	.then(aSync3, onErr)
	.then(function (val3) {
		alert('End of the queue with: ', val3);
	}, onErr);

Each result is given as an argument to the next async function on the chain path.

The second problem is make a function start after the execution of a set of asynchronous functions. Take the above functions as example: now, we want to start the last anonymous function at the end of their execution: Ext.ux.Deferred has a static method, called when, that allows you to do that! Get the following example:

	.when(aSync1, aSync2, aSync3)
	.then(function (results) {
	    console.log('aSync1 result', results[0]);
	    console.log('aSync2 result', results[1]);
	    console.log('aSync3 result', results[2]);
	}, function (errors) {
	    console.log('aSync1 error', errors[0]);
	    console.log('aSync2 error', errors[1]);
	    console.log('aSync3 error', errors[2]);


Ext.ux.Deferred can be used to defer asynchronous processes. The first thing to do is to make a new deferred:

function aSync1 (val) {
	var dfd = Ext.create('Ext.ux.Deferred') ,
		task = setInterval(function () {
			// here your async task
		}, 1000);
	return dfd.promise();

Then, use the resolve/reject method to tell your promise what to do:

function aSync1 (val) {
	var dfd = Ext.create('Ext.ux.Deferred') ,
		task = setInterval(function () {
			if (ipoteticalCounter > IPOTETICAL_VALUE) dfd.resolve(data);
			else dfd.reject(data);
		}, 1000);
	return dfd.promise();

Now, you are ready to use your deferred by handling the result! The first method, then, accepts two args: the first one is the success callback, while the second one is the fail callback:

var promise = aSync1(10);

promise.then(function (result) {
    alert('The promise has been solved with: ', result);
}, function (error) {
    alert('The promise has been rejected with: ', error);

Otherwise, it can be used the success-failure approach:

var promise = aSync1(10);

	.success(function (result) {
		alert('The promise has been solved with: ', result);
	.failure(function (error) {
		alert('The promise has been rejected with: ', error);

Or by the alias done-fail:

var promise = aSync1(10);

	.done(function (result) {
		alert('The promise has been solved with: ', result);
	.fail(function (error) {
		alert('The promise has been rejected with: ', error);

Install via Bower

First of all, install Bower.

Then install Ext.ux.Deferred:

$ bower install ext.ux.deferred

Now, you got the extension at the following path: YOUR_PROJECT_PATH/bower_components/ext.ux.deferred/

It contains the src folder that is the source folder, containing Deferred.js and Promise.js files.

Let's setup the Ext.Loader to require the right file:

	enabled: true ,
	paths: {
		'Ext.ux.Deferred': 'bower_components/ext.ux.deferred/src/Deferred.js',
		'Ext.ux.Promise': 'bower_components/ext.ux.deffered/src/Promise.js'

