biar-manager is a java library that can read and manage a BIAR file generated from SAP Business Objects platform. The BIAR format (Business Intelligence ARchive) is a format used to extract and import BI content from and to SAP Business Objects system.
The goal of this library is to allow listing, reading, extracting and modifying the BIAR format.
Actually the library is able to read from the lcmbiar
format (SAP Business Objects BI4.x)
Add it to your maven project:
In dependencies
Then use it:
String file = './file.lcmbiar'
LCMBiarFile biarFile = new LCMBiarFile(file);
// The index is listing all the content of the BIAR file
InfoObjects obj = biarFile.getIndex();
// To get an InputStream of the first file of an object
InputStream inputStream = biarFile.getFile(infoObject, 1);
The project is setup to be released on Sonatype OSSRH.
Main steps for the release:
# Set the version
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.0
# Deploy
mvn clean deploy -Ppublish
- for the sample audit lcmbiar file
- for the budgetweb lcmbiar file
- for the LCM_BIAR_File_With_Refresh_Sample_Webi_Reports.lcmbiar
- for BIRA lcmbiar files