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api service for remote execution (0ops make zero ops)


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EXEd is an api service which provide remote execution on top of Exector/Task Plugins.

  • Executor Plugins: plugins which implement the executor interface on top of ops tools (e.g.: ansible/salt) for remote execution.
  • Task Plugins: plugins which implement the task interface on top of executor plugin for long run tasks like code release or rolling restart.

Remote Execution

The api server listen on http request, serves remote execution request by invoke Executor Plugin, there are two types of remote execution

  • Block/Sync via Http GET: The api server block request and invoke executor by itself and then respond with its result.
  • NonBlock/Asnyc via Http POST: The api server send request to celery broker, and respond with a jid (job id) without block, the result of execution can be queried at Job API.

Which means, you need make sure both api server and celery worker can access executor context, for ansible executor implementation, these are playbooks and inventory.

API & Celery Worker CLI

Flags Component Description Default
-h/--help API Server show help and exit -
-v/--version API Server show version and exit -
-c/--conf API Server full path to exed.conf ${cwd}/exed.conf
-d/--daemon API Server run api server as daemon run frontground
--exe-conf Celery Worker celery worker start args -

API & Celery Worker Configurations

Options Section Description Default
listen_addr api api listen address
listen_port api api listen port 16808
pid_file api api server pidfile - (no pidfile)
executor runner executor plugin name ansible
concurrency runner executor concurrency ${nproc}
modules runner executor/task plugin directory ${cwd}/modules
redis_url runner redis connection info redis:
broker_url runner broker connection info (celery) amqp:https://guest:guest@localhost:5672//
log_level log log level of exe server debug
error_log log error log path - (stdout)
access_log log access log path - (stdout)
  • options under log section doesn't affect celery worker.
  • concurrency only affect the executor tools (when use ansible, same as the --forks options).

Executor Plugins Configuration

Options Section Description Default
workdir ansible ansible work dir ${cwd}
playbooks ansible ansible playbooks dir playbooks
  • when use ansible executor plugin, there should be an init pb named _deploy.yml.

  • the init pb should accept two vars: _targets and _role, for example:

    ## Deploy Playbook for zerops exed ##
    ## with_items not support for multiple roles ##
    - name: "deploy {{ _role }} on remote host(s)."
      hosts: "{{ _targets }}"
        - "{{ _role }}"
        - vars/common.yml
        - vars/others.yml
  • Environmental configuration of ansible is the only way to change ansible settings.

Run it:

# install packages
$ pip install cherrypy ansible "celery[redis]"

# configure ansible
$ export ANSIBLE_CONFIG="/opt/ansible/ansible.cfg"

# start the api server
$ bin/exed -c etc/exed.conf -d

# start the celery worker
$ celery worker --app exe.runner --loglevel info --exe-conf etc/exed.conf
  • Before you do that, you should have broker/redis server deployed.
  • Make sure both api/worker can access broker and redis server.
  • Make sure your ansible (including playbooks and inventory) was on the same machine with both api/worker.

Remote APIs

Current supported remote api endpoints

Target/Hosts Endpoint

Endpoint Description Supported method
/target${query_params} Match and list remote hosts with given pattern GET

Jobs Endpoint

Endpoint Description Supported method
/jobs/(jid)${query_params} List all jobs or query specific job GET
/jobs/(jid) Delete specific job DELETE

Operate Endpoints

Endpoint Description Supported method
/ping${query_params} Ping remote host (block/sync mode) GET
/ping Ping remote host(s) (non-block/async mode) POST
/facter${query_params} Gather facter info of remote host (block/sync mode) GET
/facter Gather facter info of remote host(s) (non-block/async mode) POST
/service${query_params} Manipulate service on remote host (block/sync mode) GET
/service Manipulate service on remote host(s) (non-block/async mode) POST
/execute${query_params} Execute raw command on remote host (block/sync mode) GET
/execute Execute raw command on remote host(s) (non-block/async mode) POST
/deploy Deploy service/role/app on remote host(s) (non-block/async mode) POST

Tasks Endpoints

Endpoint Usage Supported method
/tasks Gather task plugins info GET
/tasks Gather task state or run new task on remote host(s) POST


  • The Remote API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of the API call.

  • The body of the response will be JSON in the following format:

        "message": "operate conflict"

Remote API Enums

Job state enums

State Name
0 Done
1 Running
2 Failure

Operate state enums

State Name
1 OK
2 Skiped
3 Failed
4 Unreachable
5 Changed

Job API Reference

GET /jobs

  • List current jobs, return json string array contain all jobs.

    • Query parameters:

      • detail: 1/True/true or 0/False/false, show job detail of each jobs. Only jid(s) was returned by default.
    • Status codes:

      • 200 - no error
      • 400 - bad request/parameter
      • 500 - server error
    • Example request:

    GET /jobs HTTP/1.1
    • Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    ["eb1f4035-d62b-497f-9e3f-543e8e6f15f3", "c4f6acd3-4dda-44d0-8f99-76b4587e55d0", ...]
    • Those items inside the return array are Job IDs (jids)

GET /jobs/(jid)

  • Query job by job ID.

    • Query parameters:

      • outputs: 1/True/true or 0/False/false, show return data of each operations. Only Job State was returned by default.
      • follow: 1/True/true or 0/False/false, show return data of each operations using follow mode (http chunked).
    • Status codes:

      • 200 - no error
      • 400 - bad request/parameter
      • 404 - no such jobs
      • 500 - server error
    • Example request:

    GET /jobs/c4f6acd3-4dda-44d0-8f99-76b4587e55d0?outputs=1&follow=1 HTTP/1.1
    • Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
        "state": 0, 
        "error": "",
        "startat": 1488272314,
        "operate": "deploy",
        "operate_args": {
            "role": "nginx",
            "partial": null",
            "extra_vars": {}
        "return_data": {},
        "targets": [
        {"": {"state": 5, ...}}  (operation http chunk)
        {"": {"state": 5, ...}}     (operation http chunk)
    • The server will using chunked transfer encoding when query with follow=1.
    • The content of each chunk is depend on operate type of that job.
    • Job state and operation state value, see Remote API Enums section.

DELETE /jobs/(jid)

  • Delete job by job ID.

    • Status codes:

      • 204 - no error
      • 400 - bad request/parameter
      • 404 - no such jobs
      • 500 - server error
    • Example request:

    DELETE /jobs/eb1f4035-d62b-497f-9e3f-543e8e6f15f3 HTTP/1.1
    • Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Execution API Reference

Result of all non-block/async jobs need query from the /jobs endpoint, each job will be marked as Done as soon as all remote hosts return without error, otherwise the job was marked as Failure.

GET /target

  • Match and list remote hosts with given pattern, return json string array contain all matched hosts.

    • Query parameters:

      • pattern: str, pattern use to match remote host fqdn. Default using * for match all hosts.
    • Status codes:

      • 200 - no error
      • 400 - bad request/parameter
      • 500 - server error
    • Example request:

    GET /target?pattern=karazhan.* HTTP/1.1
    • Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    ["", "karazhan...", ...]

GET /ping

  • Ping remote host in block mode.

    • Query parameters:

      • targets (required): fqdn of remote host to ping.
    • Status codes:

      • 200 - no error
      • 400 - bad request/parameter
      • 404 - no such host
      • 500 - server error
    • Example request:

    GET /ping? HTTP/1.1
    • Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    {"": {"status": 1}}
    • status are operation state enum, see Remote API Enums

POST /ping

  • Ping remote host(s) in non block mode.

    • Request JSON:

      • targets (required): list of fqdn of remote hosts to ping.
    • Status codes:

      • 201 - no error
      • 400 - bad request/parameter
      • 404 - no such host
      • 500 - server error
    • Example request:

    POST /ping HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
      "targets": [
    • Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 201 Create
    Content-Type: application/json
    {"jid": "c4f6acd3-4dda-44d0-8f99-76b4587e55d0"}

GET /facter

  • Gather facter of remote host in block mode.

    • Query parameters:

      • targets (required): fqdn of remote host to gather from.
    • Status codes:

      • 200 - no error
      • 400 - bad request/parameter
      • 404 - no such host
      • 500 - server error
    • Example request:

    GET /facter? HTTP/1.1
    • Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "": {
        "status": 1,
        "facts": { ... }
    • status are operation state enum, see Remote API Enums

POST /facter

  • Gather facter of remote host(s) in non block mode.

    • Request JSON:

      • targets (required): list of fqdn of remote hosts to gather from.
    • Status codes:

      • 201 - no error
      • 400 - bad request/parameter
      • 404 - no such host
      • 500 - server error
    • Example request:

    POST /facter HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
      "targets": [
    • Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 201 Create
    Content-Type: application/json
    {"jid": "c4f6acd3-4dda-44d0-8f99-76b4587e55d0"}

GET /service

  • Manipulate service on remote host in block mode.

    • Query parameters:

      • target (required): fqdn of remote host to gather facter from.
      • state (required): service desired state.
      • name (required): service name.
      • graceful: 1/True/true or 0/False/false, do graceful restart (reload) when state is restarted. Default is false.
    • Status codes:

      • 200 - no error
      • 400 - bad request/parameter
      • 404 - no such host
      • 500 - server error
    • Service Desired State:

      • 0 - Started
      • 1 - Stoped
      • 2 - Restarted
    • Example request:

    GET /service? HTTP/1.1
    • Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    {"": {"status": 5}}
    • status are operation state enum, see Remote API Enums

POST /service

  • Manipulate service on remote host(s) in non block mode.

    • Request JSON:

      • target (required): list of fqdn of remote hosts to gather facter from.
      • state (required): service desired state.
      • name (required): service name.
      • graceful: 1/True/true or 0/False/false, do graceful restart (reload) when state is restarted. Default is false.
    • Status codes:

      • 201 - no error
      • 400 - bad request/parameter
      • 404 - no such host
      • 500 - server error
    • Service Desired State:

      • 0 - Started
      • 1 - Stoped
      • 2 - Restarted
    • Example request:

    POST /service HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
      "targets": [
      "name": "nginx",
      "state": 2,
      "graceful": true
    • Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 201 Create
    Content-Type: application/json
    {"jid": "c4f6acd3-4dda-44d0-8f99-76b4587e55d0"}

GET /execute

  • Execute RAW Command on remote host in block mode.

    • Query parameters:

      • target (required): fqdn of remote host to run the command.
      • cmd (required): command to run on remote host
    • Status codes:

      • 200 - no error
      • 400 - bad request/parameter
      • 404 - no such host
      • 500 - server error
    • Example request:

    GET /execute? HTTP/1.1
    • Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "": {
            "status": 5,
            "rtc": 0,
            "stderr": "",
            "stdout": "(...output of ifconfig...)"
    • status are operation state enum, see Remote API Enums

POST /execute

  • Execute RAW Command on remote host(s) in non block mode.

    • Request JSON:

      • target (required): list of fqdn of remote hosts to run the command.
      • cmd (required): command to run on remote host
    • Status codes:

      • 200 - no error
      • 400 - bad request/parameter
      • 404 - no such host
      • 500 - server error
    • Example request:

    POST /execute HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
      "targets": [
      "cmd": "ifconfig"
    • Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 201 Create
    Content-Type: application/json
    {"jid": "c4f6acd3-4dda-44d0-8f99-76b4587e55d0"}

POST /deploy

  • Deploy service/role/app on remote host(s), only support async mode.

    • Request JSON:

      • targets (required) - list of fqdn of remote host(s) to deploy.
      • role (required) - str, the role/app to deploy on remote hosts.
      • partial - list of tag name, only deploy things marked by this tag.
      • extra_vars - objcet, vars which used by the role (e.g.: render config).
    • Status codes:

      • 201 - job created
      • 400 - bad parameter
      • 500 - server error
    • Example request:

    POST /deploy HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
      "targets": [
      "role": "nginx",
      "partial": [
      "extra_vars": {
        "upstreams": [
        "server_name": ""
    • Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 201 Create
    Content-Type: application/json
    {"jid": "c4f6acd3-4dda-44d0-8f99-76b4587e55d0"}
    • EXEd doesn't known the detail about role/partial/extra_vars, it just pass them to the executor plugin, for this request, with ansible plugin, means: There should be an ansible playbooks role with name nginx, and inside that role, there should be a tag with name reconfig.


api service for remote execution (0ops make zero ops)








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