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Julia Aura Lighting interface for PC hardware using the ASUS AURA SDK.

Usage Notes

Server mode or direct hardware interaction mode.

You need to run the main process (for directly interacting with the Aura lighting hardware):

  1. As a 32-bit process under Windows: see Julia Windows 32-bit download at Download-Win32

  2. In adminstrator privilege mode under Windows ("Run as administrator")

This is because the Aura SDK itself, as provided by ASUStek, is a 32-bit DLL.

Client mode using the ZMQ.jl functions.

Client interaction with the 32-bit Aura hardware server can be run with any Julia process, 32 or 64 bit.

The OS may be any Julia capable of running ZMQ, and need not be on the same machine.

Note that the AURA_SDK dll is a bit glitchy, especially when the hardware is slow to respond. Turning off garbage collection seems to allow Julia to mostly ignore some AURA_SDK.dll based memory errors. YMMV.


32-bit server:

GC.enable(false)  # DLL glitch workaround

aur = AuraMbControl(1, 5555)

while true sleep(0.5); end  # only use if not running in REPL

64-bit client:

client = AuraControlClient(5555, "localhost", 1)

println("Client request yellow")
setcolor(client, 0xff00ff)

r, b, g = getcolor(client)
println("Color is now RBG red = $r, blue = $b, green = $g")



Find any accessible Aura lighting AuraControl objects and return a set of such, or an empty vector if none are found. Note will also return empty if the Windows 32-bit DLL AURA_SDK.dll is not found (in current directory or in a directory previously set as a valid DLL directory) or if it is not loadable (eg, not 32-bit Windows Julia).


Change rgb integer to a vector length 3 of UInt8 (red, green, blue)

rbgtoi(r, g, b)

Convert array of UInt8 of length 3 (r, g, b) to rgb integer.

struct AuraMbControl <: AuraControl
    AuraMbControl(c, n, h, p) = new(c, n, h, zeros(UInt, n * 3), n * 3, p)

Represents an Aura enabled motherboard hardware item for color control usage.

function AuraMbControl(cont=1; asservice=false, port=5555)

Constructor for an AuraMBControl. cont: controller number, defaults to 1 (first or only controller found) port: port number of ZMQ service, defaults to 5555

struct AuraGPUControl <: AuraControl
    AuraGPUControl(c, n, h, p) = new(c, n, h, zeros(UInt, n * 3), n * 3, p)

Represents an Aura enabled GPU hardware item for color control usage.

function AuraGPUControl(cont=1, port=5556)

Constructor for an AuraGPUControl. cont: controller number, defaults to 1 (first or only controller found) port: port number of ZMQ service, defaults to 5556

struct AuraKeyboardControl <: AuraControl
    AuraKeyboardControl(n, h, p) = new(n, h, zeros(UInt, n * 3), n * 3, p)

Represents an Aura enabled keyboard hardware item for color control usage.

function AuraKeyboardControl(cont=1; asservice=false, port=5557)

Constructor for an AuraKeyboardControl. port: port number of ZMQ service, defaults to 5557

struct AuraMouseControl <: AuraControl
    AuraMouseControl(n, h, p) = new(n, h, zeros(UInt, n * 3), n * 3, p)

Represents an Aura enabled mouse hardware item for color control usage.

function AuraMouseControl(cont=1; asservice=false, port=5558)

Constructor for an AuraMouseControl. port: port number of ZMQ service, defaults to 5558

function startserver(au::AuraControl)

Start AuraControl service on previously specified AuraControl object's port.


Get the number of the hardware control for when there is mre than one Aura controller on the hardware. Usually only motherboard and GPU have such a setup. For other hardware this is always 1.

function setmode(au::AuraMbControl, setting::Integer=0)

Set mode of motherboard Aura controller from software control to an auto mode A setting of 0 will change to the auto mode. A setting of 1 is software control.

function setmode(au::AuraGPUControl, setting::Integer)

Set mode of GPU Aura controller from software control to an auto mode A setting of 0 will change to the auto mode. A setting of 1 is software control.

function setmode(au::AuraKeyboardControl, setting::Integer)

Set mode of keyboard Aura controller from software control to an auto mode A setting of 0 will change to the auto mode. A setting of 1 is software control.

function setmode(au::AuraMouseControl, setting::Integer)

Set mode of mouse Aura controller from software control to an auto mode A setting of 0 will change to the auto mode. A setting of 1 is software control.

function getcolor(auramb::AuraMbControl)

Get RGB color as a tuple of red, green, and blue values (0 to 255 each). As of 2021 """ only motherboards can get color, though all types can set color

function setcolor(au::AuraControl, red, green, blue)

Set RGB color via setting color with separate red, green, and blue values

function setcolor(au::AuraControl, rgb)

Set RGB color as a 64-bit integer with color as 0x00rrggbb (highest 8 bits ignored). See e.g.

function ZMQservice(au::AuraControl)

Serve requests via ZMQ to control the Aura lighting controller. This must be run in 32-bit Windows mode with admin privileges.

struct AuraControlClient
    function AuraControlClient(port=5555, server="localhost", cont=1)
        sock = Socket(REQ)
        connect(sock, "tcp:https://$server:$port")
        new(sock, cont)

Client for a service to change Aura lighting via the 32-bit Win32 Aura lighting SDK. This client can be any application and can be 64-bit even though the server must be 32-bit because ASUStek only provided a 32-bit DLL for Windows in its AuraSDK library.

function iscorrectcontroller(client::AuraControlClient)

Check if the client's controller number matches the server's controller number. It is not actually necessary these two match, but checking this may help avoid sending commands to the wrong controller.

function getcolor(client::AuraMBControlClient)

Get Aura lighting color as a tuple of red, green, and blue.

function setcolor(client::AuraControlClient, color::Integer)

Set Aura lighting color to an RGB integer of form 0xrrggbb. Return: true on success, false on failure

function setcolor(client::AuraControlClient, r, g, b)

Set Aura lighting color to RGB color with components r red, g green, b blue. Return: true on success, false on failure

function setmode(client::AuraControlClient, mode::Integer)

Set the mode of the controller to 0 for auto mode, 1 for software controlled. Return true on success

function sendexit(client::AuraControlClient)

Close down the server and exit the server thread.