The php-cypher-dsl
library provides a way to construct advanced Cypher queries in an object-oriented and type-safe manner.
The documentation can be found on the wiki here.
requires PHP 7.4 or greater; using the latest version of PHP is highly recommended.
You can install php-cypher-dsl
through composer by running the following command:
composer require "wikibase-solutions/php-cypher-dsl"
To construct a query to find all of Tom Hanks' co-actors, you can use the following code:
$tom = Query::variable("tom");
$tomNode = Query::node("Person")->withProperties([
"name" => Query::literal("Tom Hanks")
$movie = Query::variable("m");
$movieNode = Query::node()->named($movie);
$coActors = Query::variable("coActors");
$coActorsNode = Query::node()->named($coActors);
$statement = Query::new()
$this->assertSame("MATCH (tom:Person {name: 'Tom Hanks'})-[:`ACTED_IN`]->(m)<-[:`ACTED_IN`]-(coActors) RETURN", $statement);
Below are some things that still need to be implemented.
- Add missing clauses
- Add missing function definitions
- Add missing expressions
- Improve documentation