This libary use J3D and JOGL to visualize the results. You will need to download J3D package from the following link
you will also need JOGL package, which will be availabe at
copy j3dcore.jar , j3dutils.jar, and vecmath.jar to your Java Extension folder /Library/Java/Extensions folder, they are j3dcore.jar, j3dutils.jar, vecmath.jar
after unziped jogamp-all-platforms.7z file, you need to copy jogl-all.jar, gluegen-rt.jar in to the /Library/Java/Extension folder (you will need adminstrator previlege to do this) you also need to add the lib folder in jogamp-all-platforms to your /Libarary/Java/Extension folder
now you are ready to download the TPS package
download the whole directory in to your local computer
cd to the TPS/test
javac -d ../classes ../src/*.java (to compile the source files and put the *.class in classes folder)
javac -d ../classes -cp ../classes (to compile the test file)
java -Djava.library.path=/Library/Java/Extensions/lib/macosx-universal/ -cp ../classes/ TEST (run the test)