Tags: wenbinmei/rethinking
v1.59 - patch for rstan 2.10.1 - Brings map2stan up to date with syntax changes in rstan 2.10.1. Now requires rstan 2.10.0 or greater. See changes to R/map2stan-templates.r if curious about internal syntax changes. Older Stan code will still function, but will throw deprecation warnings. - A book errata file is now included: ERRATA.md - A few documentation fixes - Adjusted namespace and added manually constructed generics (R/aa_generics.r) to hopefully fix the odd issues with plot methods that some people have had. I still can’t repeat the issue myself, so flying blind. Sorry. - fixed an unusual variable name bug with glimmer() - fixed an issue with negative bounds in uniform densities and map2stan.
1.58 - Book release drum beat Various tuning adjustments, and one feature addition in this version. Feature: - coerce_index now works with multiple columns. See ?coerce_index for details. Tuning: - simplehist much more efficient now - add stancode method for stanfit objects - map2stan uses rstan's own multicore code now, instead of my implementation. Should be equivalent, but produces less Terminal spam now. - Various documentation edits.
1.57 - fixes and features / 1.6 candidate - added Vehtari’s Pareto smoothed LOO comparison metric, available with LOO(), and can be used with compare(…,func=LOO) - map2stan gracefully accepts previous fits now and resamples without recompiling. resample() deprecated. - better approach to sampling inits for multiple chains - fixed map2stan so compatible with rstan 2.8 (refresh bug) - bug fix for link() and sim() with dordlogit models - added WAIC method for raw stanfit objects that include log_lik matrix. See example in ?WAIC.
Version 1.56 - a bunch of edits to man pages - added a logit function for convenience - uniform priors in map2stan work via constaints now and are commented out in the model block, where they would be redundant - added automatic positive constraints for scale paramters in dbetabinom, dgampois, dgamma2 - fixed a subtle bug with WAIC calculations for map2stan models using imputation - Added quick installation section to README
1.55 - Non-centered parameterizations - added dmvnormNC density for map2stan, automating non-centered adaptive priors for multilevel models, using Cholesky factors internally. This can substantially speed up sampling for many multilevel models. See example in README. - added a dashboard() function for checking all diagnostics on a map2stan or Stan model fit - added a lognormal template for map2stan: dlnorm in R, lognormal in Stan - trace plot grids now default to 3 columns
1.54 - Titanic Iceberg - bugfix for map2stan imputation combined with certain kinds of varying effects. Added a test for this. - man pages for pairs.map2stan and plot.map2stan - plot.map2stan (trace plots) now recognize n_cols and max_rows arguments for arranging plot grid - WAIC method for map2stan defaults to use all non-warmup samples returned by Stan
1.53 - Struwen Day Edition - man page for dlkjcorr - added rlkjcorr function (Ben's code) - ensemble optionally ignores link or sim - map() now catches another corner case in linear model definitions - map2stan plot() method for traceplots now has window and n_cols arguments - added divergent(), which counts number of divergent iteration in map2stan fit. Automatically warns user. - map2stan better handles missing values in outcome variables. Working towards automatic prediction interface through this method. - some file rearrangement for sanity - precis() checks and warns about divergent iterations - minor updates to README
v1.52 candidate - lots of man page updates - compare() checks nobs and model classes now; warns when not all equal - added R versions of dmvnorm2 and rmvnorm2 - map2stan() understands cores argument now and automatically parallelizes chains. not yet tested on Windows. - precis(), PI(), HPDI() default to 89% intervals now -