Software model checking with uninterpreted functions abstraction
The purpose of the course is to teach students how to program in Cryptol, a domain specific language for cryptography.
Multi-platform binary creation for solvers of the versions most suitable for use with What4
C-based shallow embedding of Ghidra's P-code symbolic execution
A youth <-> worksite matching program for MOED (
ABC: System for Sequential Logic Synthesis and Formal Verification
A central repository for specifications of cryptographic algorithms in Cryptol
Crucible is a library for symbolic simulation of imperative programs
A Haskell library for building JSON-RPC servers (work in progress), with servers for Cryptol and SAW
An efficient minimal perfect hash function generator for small sets
A library for building efficient set-membership filters and dictionaries based on the Satisfiability problem.
A minimal but powerful thread pool in ANSI C
A minimal perfect hash function generator that uses weighted bipartite perfect matching and XORSAT dictionaries.
A research platform and active library for generalised SAT solving
C re-implementation of James Payor's C++ solver for weighted bipartite graph matching