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Code of Conduct

Rose edited this page Mar 29, 2023 · 1 revision

Water the Trees Open Source Project

Code of Conduct


The Water the Trees project is dedicated to creating an inclusive, safe, and welcoming community for everyone involved. Our Code of Conduct outlines the principles and values that we expect all community members to adhere to when participating in the project. We believe that a diverse and respectful community is essential for the success and growth of our project.


This Code of Conduct applies to all participants in the Water the Trees project, including but not limited to contributors, maintainers, sponsors, and those seeking help or offering feedback. It covers all project-related spaces, such as code repositories, issue trackers, mailing lists, and chat rooms, as well as any in-person events or meetings related to the project.

Our Commitment

We pledge to:

Respect: Treat all individuals with kindness, empathy, and understanding, irrespective of their background, experience, or personal characteristics. Inclusivity: Foster an environment that embraces diversity and encourages the participation of people from all walks of life. Collaboration: Work together constructively, share knowledge, and help each other grow as individuals and as a community. Openness: Be transparent, receptive to new ideas, and committed to continuous learning and improvement.

Unacceptable Behavior

The following behaviors are considered unacceptable within our community:

Discrimination or harassment based on race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, or any other protected characteristic. Personal attacks, insults, or derogatory comments. Inappropriate or offensive content, including but not limited to images, jokes, or statements. Disrespectful or disruptive conduct. Violating others' privacy or sharing their personal information without consent.

Reporting and Enforcement

If you experience or witness any behavior that violates this Code of Conduct, please report it to the project maintainers or designated community leaders. They will review the incident, determine the appropriate action, and follow up with the involved parties. Consequences for violations may include warnings, temporary suspension, or, in severe cases, permanent removal from the project.


This Code of Conduct may be revised or updated periodically to reflect the evolving needs and values of our community. Community members are encouraged to provide feedback and contribute to its development.

By participating in the Water the Trees project, you agree to uphold this Code of Conduct and foster a positive, inclusive, and supportive environment for all.