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Deploy FastAPI JWT Microservice on AWS EC2

install dependencies Python

$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/scripts/activate | ./venv/scripts/activate
$ pip install -r dashboard_user/requirements.txt
$ pip install -r register_user/requirements.txt

testing run server on localhost dashboard port 8001

$ cd dashbard_user
$ uvicorn app.main:app --port 8001 --reload

testing run server on localhost register port 8002

$ cd dashbard_user
$ uvicorn app.main:app --port 8002 --reload

Run docker container swarm

$ docker compose up -d

You can run reverse proxy this url


Access to SSH Client EC2

1. Open an SSH client.
2. Locate your private key file. The key used to launch this instance is nginx_key.pem
3. Run this command, if necessary, to ensure your key is not publicly viewable.
    chmod 400 [you key pair accss]
4. Connect to your instance using its Public DNS:
    [your public DNS]

 ssh -i "fastapi_key.pem" [email protected]

Setup install dependencies instance

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt install -y python3-pip nginx
$ sudo apt install
$ sudo apt install docker-compose

Setup Nginx

$ sudo /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/fastapi_nginx.conf
server {
  listen 8080;
   server_name [your domain];

  location / {
    proxy_pass http:;

  location /api/v1/dashboard {
    proxy_pass http:;

  location /api/v1/register {
    proxy_pass http:;

  location /api/v1/user {
    proxy_pass http:;

  location /api/v1/authenticate {
    proxy_pass http:;


Push stack container

$ git clone
$ cd deploy-fastapi-jwt-ec2
$ sudo docker-compose up -d
$ curl -s localhost:8001 | result "First page"

open your domain :) ..