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Ward Mattar edited this page Jun 2, 2018 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the TechnionFormulaGUI wiki!

To setup:

  • Follow instructions in each project at OS Mbed to deploy devices binaries
  • After installing binaries on all devices
  • Connect "Forumla_Nucleo_Reader" to sensors data input
  • Connect "Formula_LoRa_Transmitter" to UART output from "Forumla_Nucleo_Reader" device (this part did not work for us, see details below)
  • Connect "Formula_LoRa_Receiver" to desired PC with GUI installed (see "How to use" for details on installation)
  • Open GUI

To use:

  • Java 8: install
  • RXTX library for Windows: please follow installation instructions here
  • Download and extract latest release
  • Make sure LoRa and Nucleo devices are connected to their respective sources
  • Run 'Technion Formula GUI.exe'

To continue development:

  • Follow instruction above: install Java and RXTX
  • Import this repository to NetBeans
  • Import all the libraries in TechnionFormulaGUI/lib to project
  • Update image relative links in code to test GUI, but release must reference ./resources/* or ./lib/*
  • Optional: We used implementations of car gauges and speedometer from harmoniccode, you could change them or add to display more info
  • Download termite in order to communicate with Nucleo and LoRa devices
  • To use Termite, open software while device are connected:
  1. Click Settings
  2. Set "Baud Rate" to 230400
  3. Select COM port corresponding to your device
  4. Select OK. If successful you can view printed text from device and send to it
  • Follow instructions in each project at OS Mbed to change/deploy devices binaries

To release a new version:

  • Commit all changes to GitHub
  • Create a new tag for project, continue from current Tag number (i.e. V1_1 to V1_2 or V2_0)
  • Build JAR file for the project using NetBeans (should be found in ...\NetBeansProjects\TechnionFormulaGUI\dist)
  • Install Launch4
  • Using Launch4, open /settings/release.xml
  • Update the paths for the following items on your PC:
  1. Output file (desired path to for executable)
  2. Jar (path to built JAR)
  3. Icon, you can use provided one: /resources/icon.ico or any other supported image
  4. In "Splash" tab, change it to: /resources/splash.bmp or any other BMP image
  • Finally build executable, you should now have "Technion Formula GUI.exe"
  • To make deliverable, make a new folder named "Technion-Formula-GUI-v1.1", with current version number, copy following items to it:
  1. Copy lib folder as is (with all sub-folders)
  2. Copy resources folder as is
  3. Copy "Technion Formula GUI.exe"

What can it do? Now it's possible to:

  1. Run devices while they are connected to PC (not using other DC sources like batteries or 5V pins)
  2. See data from "Forumla_Nucleo_Reader" sensor pins using Termite terminal
  3. Transmit data between devices by giving comma-separated numbers (13 values) using Termite terminal to "Formula_LoRa_Transmitter", which transfers them wirelessly to "Formula_LoRa_Receiver" and it in turn display them on GUI (or on Termite, but not both simultaneously)

What still to be done?

  • We could not figure out how to make the devices run on power sources other than USB port (connected to PC)
  • We could not connect "Formula_LoRa_Transmitter" to "Forumla_Nucleo_Reader" via UART port in order to read data directly from source