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JavaScript frontend

Manu Sridharan edited this page Jul 12, 2024 · 5 revisions

We plan to improve this page with more details on how to get started with the JavaScript frontend. Feel free to make suggestions on the mailing list for what could be improved.

Getting the code

The best way to get started with the JS frontend is to obtain WALA from Maven Central. The WALA-start project shows how to get WALA jars in a Gradle project, and it includes an example driver for building a JavaScript call graph.

Building call graphs

You can use the following code to create a call graph for a stand-alone JavaScript file:

// use Rhino for parsing; change if you want to use a different parser CAstRhinoTranslatorFactory());
CallGraph CG ="dir", "file.js");

The call graph has a "fake" root node, and its successors are prologue.js, which contains models of built-in JS functions, and your JS files. For JavaScript executed in a browser, WALA additionally includes a preamble.js file modeling certain aspects of the DOM and its APIs. You can create a call graph for all the JavaScript loaded from some HTML file as follows: CAstRhinoTranslatorFactory());
CallGraph CG =;

(You can get a URL for a local File f by calling f.toURI().toURL().) HTMLCGBuilder in the project is a command-line driver for building a call graph for the JS code referenced from an HTML file. See the docs on the main method for command-line parameters. The code in HTMLCGBuilder.buildHTMLCG() may also be of interest for writing your own driver; in particular it shows how to enable the techniques described in the ECOOP'12 paper Correlation Tracking for Points-To Analysis of JavaScript.

For each JS file f, the call graph will contain a CGNode representing the top-level code in f, and functions declared within f are distinguished by having f as part of the WALA representation of the method name. You can find the top-level CGNode for your file as follows:

private CGNode getFunctionNode(CallGraph CG, String dir, String file) {
  TypeName type = TypeName.findOrCreate("L" + dir + "/" + file);
  if (CG != null) {
    Iterator<CGNode> iter = CG.iterator();
    CGNode node;
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      node =;
      TypeName tempType = node.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().getName();
      if (tempType.equals(type)) {
        return node;
  System.err.println("Can't find :" + dir + "/" + file);
  return null;

For further technical details on how WALA constructs call graphs for JavaScript, see CAst Call Graph Details.

Approximate call graphs

WALA also contains an implementation of the Approximate Call Graphs (ACG) algorithm desribed in the ICSE'13 paper Efficient construction of approximate call graphs for JavaScript IDE services. You can run the ACG algorithm using the FieldBasedCGUtil class. You can see an example driver in WALA-start here.

WALA's ACG implementation also allows for indirection bounding, to be described in a forthcoming ECOOP'24 paper. An indirection-bounded ACG call graph can be build using, e.g., the FieldBasedCGUtil.buildScriptDirBoundedCG method. An example driver in WALA-start is here.

Building IRs

Given a CallGraph CG, you can iterate over each method's IR instructions as follows:

for (CGNode node: CG) {
        // Get the IR of a CGNode
        IR ir = node.getIR();

        // Get CFG from IR
        SSACFG cfg = ir.getControlFlowGraph();

        // Iterate over the Basic Blocks of CFG
        Iterator<ISSABasicBlock> cfgIt = cfg.iterator();
        while (cfgIt.hasNext()) {
          ISSABasicBlock ssaBb =;

          // Iterate over SSA Instructions for a Basic Block
          Iterator<SSAInstruction> ssaIt = ssaBb.iterator();
          while (ssaIt.hasNext()) {
            SSAInstruction ssaInstr =;
            //Print out the instruction

You can also construct IRs for all methods without building a call graph. This technique is used, e.g., by the CorrelationFinder class. Here is some code, lifted from CorrelationFinder, for doing so, given a URL url for an HTML file (some imports have been elided):

    // add in preamble.js for modeling of DOM APIs
    Set<? extends SourceModule> script = WebUtil.extractScriptFromHTML(url);
    SourceModule[] scripts = script.toArray(new SourceModule[script.size()]);
    WebPageLoaderFactory loaders = new WebPageLoaderFactory(translatorFactory);
    CAstAnalysisScope scope = new CAstAnalysisScope(scripts, loaders, Collections.singleton(JavaScriptLoader.JS));
    IClassHierarchy cha = ClassHierarchy.make(scope, loaders, JavaScriptLoader.JS);
    // to bail out early in the case of parse errors
    IRFactory<IMethod> factory = AstIRFactory.makeDefaultFactory();
    for(IClass klass : cha) {
      for(IMethod method : klass.getAllMethods()) {
        IR ir = factory.makeIR(method, Everywhere.EVERYWHERE, SSAOptions.defaultOptions());
        // do what is needed with the IR

Prototype Chain

  1. Each object has an explicit prototype field which holds a pointer to its prototype. In the case of a chain of prototypes, the prototype object itself will have a prototype, and so on. The properties are initialized in the constructors of the different kinds of objects; this logic is generated in
  2. In JavaScript, reads of properties follow the prototype chain but writes do not. Prototype chain lookup used to be modeled by generating a loop in the WALA IR, but this has changed in recent versions. Now, we generate a instruction for all property reads, and analyses are expected to model the prototype lookup semantics for this instruction (call graph construction already does so).

Source code project structure

The JavaScript front end makes use of Rhino to parse JavaScript and create ASTs.

The JavaScript front end consists of the projects below, along with the core CAst projects and the WALA projects.

  • (source) has most of the JavaScript front-end code, and is independent of which parser is being used to create JavaScript ASTs.
  • (source) has code to translate Rhino ASTs into CAst data structures.
  • (source) has some basic support for analysis of Node.js code. Note that this code is not yet available from Maven Central, so you must build WALA from source to use it.
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