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Backend Server of Drone Cloud Platform

Github Action Docker pull Docker


This is the backend API server of Drone Cloud Platform, used for handle drone communication between drone's android app and the drone cloud platform.

Project introduction

File structure

  • Src - The main source code
    • Entity - Datebase schemas
    • Helpers - Some helper funtions
    • MiddleWares - Intermediate checkpoint services
    • Routes - Restful API routes
    • Services - The main business logic
    • Types - TypeScript type definitions
    • Server.ts - Main entry point
  • Package.json - The dependency list
  • Dockerfile - For creating docker container
  • Docker-compose - For creating multi-containers/services environment
  • .env - Environment variables

Production Cloud Infrastructure


  • Infra as a Service(IaaS)
    • Google Coompute Engine (Ubuntu 20.04)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
    • Cloud SQL (MySQL)
  • Container Orchestration Platform
    • K3S (light weight kubernetes) kubectl
  • Message Broker
    • RabbitMQ AMQP server

Gihub Action CI/CD pipeline


Multi-drone Simulation

multi-drone Please start the simulator one by one!

docker run -p 5671:5672 -it --name sitl_1 waiting33118/ardupilot-sitl  # 1st
docker run -p 5672:5672 -it --name sitl_2 waiting33118/ardupilot-sitl  # 2nd
docker run -p 5673:5672 -it --name sitl_3 waiting33118/ardupilot-sitl  # 3rd

After enter the terminal, execute the script


Experiment Results

Control drone by platform service flight Pilot remotely control control

Project Setup


  1. MySQL server (Install locally/ Docker Image)
  2. RabbitMQ server (Install locally/Docker Image)

Recommend to install locally for more stable

Install dependencies

npm install

Config Environment Variables

Copy env example file and rename to .env

cp .env.example .env

Fill in credentials

RABBITMQ_SERVICE_USER=user (replace by your username)
RABBITMQ_SERVICE_PASSWORD=rabbitmq (replace by your password)
MYSQL_SERVICE_USER=root (replace by your username)
MYSQL_SERVICE_PASSWORD=password (replace by your password)

Start The Server

npm run dev

The server will now run on https://localhost:3080

Build project

npm run build

Drone Cloud System Environment (Optional)


  • Node.js >=v14.18.1
  • Docker
  • Docker-compose


git clone
  • Please read the section to start the frontend localhost server

Backend API server, RabbitMQ broker and Drone Simulator

  • Edit ENV variables in .docker.env file

Startup System

# attach mode
docker-compose up

# detached mode
docker-compose up -d

# follow logs
docker-compose logs -f

# stop all containers(remove volumes)
docker-compose down -v

Initial Drone Simulator

Attach the "sitl" container

docker attach drone-api-server_sitl

Run script to build sitl
