Youtube Backup made easy
This is a backup utility for youtube videos. Since youtube-dl works very well, yt-backup will use youtube-dl as downloader. Since youtube started aggressively blocking extensive youtube-dl crawls with HTTP 429 error, I have started fetching all metadata about channels, playlists and videos via google's youtube API and using youtube-dl only for downloading videos itself. All metadata will be stored in a database. To be flexible at this point, I have chosen sqlalchemy as ORM. So you can use any database which is supported by sqlalchemy. Databases are fine for storing stuff and getting it again, but not for visualizing things, I have created some grafana dashboards for visualizing the stats of the tool. Additionally, I have added support for automatic proxy restarts, in case you get a 429 error on your current IP. This option assumes, that after each command execution, the proxy will have a new IP adress.
- Python 3.x.
- Packages: sqlalchemy ConfigParser google-api-python-client google_auth_oauthlib mysql dateutil
Install them with pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Any sqlalchemy supported database with utf8mb4 support
- rclone
- youtube-dl
- YouTube API key
- credentials.json file for your API key
- working grafana installation
- Clone this repo
- Create user in your DBMS with write permissions for a schema with utf8mb4 encoding
CREATE DATABASE mydatabase CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
GRANT ALL ON mydatabase.* TO 'user' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
- Configure an rclone remote. If remote points to cloud storage, I strongly recommend to add a crypt remote
- Modify
to match your system paths, database and rclone remote. Save this asconfig.json
- Put your client secret json from Google into project directory and name it
- Add your database as datasource in Grafana. Best name it
- Go to the Google console.
- Create project.
- Side menu: APIs & auth -> APIs.
- Top menu: Enabled API(s): Enable all YouTube APIs.
- Side menu: APIs & auth -> Credentials.
- Create a Client ID: Add credentials -> OAuth 2.0 Client ID -> Other -> Name: youtube-download -> Create -> OK
- Download JSON: Under the section "OAuth 2.0 client IDs". Save the file to your local system.
- Copy this JSON to
in the project directory.
- Copy yt-backup.service and yt-backup.timer from systemd-units folder to /etc/systemd/system/
- Edit /etc/systemd/system/yt-backup.service and replace all placeholders with your system specific values
- Edit /etc/systemd/system/yt-backup.timer and insert as many times as you want
- As root run
systemctl daemon-reload
- As root run
systemctl enable --now yt-backup.timer
- connection_info: Connection information to your already installed database. Make shure to append ?charset=utf8mb4 or something matching for your database engine.
- download_dir: Directory where youtube-dl should put your videos before uploading it via rclone. BE CAREFUL!!! This directory will be cleaned with every new run. All data in this directory will be lost!
- download_lockfile: Where to put download lockfile. This prevents, that multiple download jobs will run if script is planned via job
- channel_naming: You can define here, how channels should be named by default. Possible parameters you can use: %channel_name, %channel_id
- proxy_restart_command: If you have a proxy which can change it's IP adress, add it's restart command here.
- binary_path: Where to find your clone binary
- config_path: Where to find your rclone config file
- move_or_copy: Should rclone move or copy videos after download. Strongly recommend move.
- upload_base_path: Where to upload the videos in your rclone remote
- upload_target: The rclone remote to which the videos should be pushed
- binary_path: Where to find your youtube-dl binary
- download-archive: Where to find your youtube-dl download archive. Could be an existing file.
- video-format: This will be put to youtube-dl as --format option. Defaults to the best video possible
- min_sleep_interval: How many seconds to sleep between two video downloads minimum
- max_sleep_interval: How many seconds to sleep between two video downloads maximum
- proxy: Which proxy and port youtube-dl should use to download videos. Leave empty for No proxy usage
python3 --help
python3 add_channel --channel_id <youtube-channel-id>
python3 add_channel --channel_id <youtube-channel-id> --username <custom name>
python3 add_channel --username <youtube-user-id>
By channel id with downloading all playlists and video infos and limit video download to videos starting from now
python3 add_channel --channel_id <youtube-channel-id> --all_meta --download_from now
python3 get_playlists
python3 get_playlists --channel_id <youtube channel_id>
python3 get_video_infos
python3 download_videos
python3 download_videos --playlist_id
python3 get_video_infos --playlist_id <id> --force_refresh
All videos which are in database, but not in the channel's playlist anymore, will be marked as offline.
If you want to know if they are completely gone or just private, you should run python3 verify_offline_videos
python3 generate_statistics --statistics <archive_size,videos_monitored,videos_downloaded>
Get playlists, get video infos, download new videos, check all offline videos against youtube API and generate statistics in one command
python3 run
python3 toggle_channel_download --username <channel_name> --disable
python3 toggle_channel_download --username <channel_name> --enable
python3 verify_offline_videos
All videos which are marked as offline in database will be checked in packages of 50 videos against the YouTube API. Each video which is not returned in answer, will be marked as offline. If a video is part of the answer, it will be marked as online again or as unlisted if the API reports this.
python3 verify_channels
This will check all channel IDs against youtube API if they are still online. If not, they will be set offline. Also all playlists and videos of the channels.
python3 --reset_quota_exceeded_state
Resets the quota exceeded state in case something gone wrong during calculation
python3 list_playlists
python3 list_playlists --username <channel name from DB>
python3 list_playlists --channel_id <channel_id>
python3 modify_playlist --playlist_id <playlist_id> --download_from "2019-06-01 00:00:00"
python3 modify_playlist --playlist_id <playlist_id> --download_from all
If a video has no upload date, it will be checked against YouTube API to get download date. If a videos upload date is newer than it's playlist download date limit, download required will be set to 1. Else it will be set to 0.
python3 modify_playlist --playlist_id <playlist_id> --monitored <0/1>
python3 modify_channel --channel_id <channel_id> --username <new channel name>
The channel will be renamed in database to something new. Spaces will be replaced by _. No files will be moved. You have to do this by hand.
You can add a playlist by hand. This can be useful in case you have the playlist ID of a unlisted Playlist For this you need the playlist ID and the channel ID to which the playlist belongs Optionally you can add --playlist_name and --monitored <1/0> in case you want to change the defaults
python3 add_playlist --playlist_id <playlist_id> --channel_id <channel_id>
You can add a single video to the script. You must specify the video_id with --video_id If the video belongs to a channel which is not in database, it will be added If the channel must be added, it's playlists will be fetched and added as not monitored, so only the added video will be in the playlist
Optionally, you can add the following parameters (all values are sample values):
- --downloaded "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" in case you have the video already downloaded
- --resolution 1920x1080
- --size 12345 (size must be specified in bytes)
- --duration 1234s (duration must be specified in seconds)
- --video_status unlisted (default is online, if you want to add an unlisted video, use unlisted)
python3 add_video --video_id <video_id>
You need a running grafana installation for this. There is also an official docker image in case you do not have a running grafana installation.
VIEW downloaded_and_available_videos_by_channel
t1.channel_name, video_count, COALESCE(downloaded_count,0) as downloaded_count
SELECT channels.channel_name AS channel_name,COUNT(*) AS video_count
FROM videos
INNER JOIN playlists ON
INNER JOIN channels ON GROUP BY ORDER BY video_count DESC) t1
SELECT channels.channel_name AS channel_name,COUNT(*) AS downloaded_count
FROM videos
INNER JOIN playlists ON
INNER JOIN channels ON
WHERE videos.downloaded IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY ORDER BY downloaded_count DESC) t2
ON t1.channel_name = t2.channel_name
ORDER BY video_count DESC
VIEW downloaded_and_available_videos_by_channel_with_percent AS
select downloaded_and_available_videos_by_channel.channel_name AS channel_name,downloaded_and_available_videos_by_channel.video_count AS video_count,downloaded_and_available_videos_by_channel.downloaded_count AS downloaded_count,round(downloaded_and_available_videos_by_channel.downloaded_count * 100.0 / downloaded_and_available_videos_by_channel.video_count,1) AS Percent
FROM downloaded_and_available_videos_by_channel
VIEW `videos_downloaded_at_date` AS
SELECT count(0) AS `number`,cast(`videos`.`downloaded` as date) AS `download_date`
FROM `videos` where `videos`.`downloaded` IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY cast(`videos`.`downloaded` as date)
VIEW `size_downloaded_at_date` AS
SELECT SUM(size)/power(1024,3) AS `size`,cast(`videos`.`downloaded` as date) AS `download_date`
FROM `videos` where `videos`.`downloaded` IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY cast(`videos`.`downloaded` as date)
Import the dashboard json files from the grafana dashboards folder into your grafana installation
- Correct all the links on the overview dashboard to match your dashboard IDs
Make sure your database, tables and columns are created with utf8mb4 encoding support.
Execute the following statements against your database in case you are using MariaDB/MySQL. Make sure the only output is utf8mb4
SELECT default_character_set_name FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA
WHERE schema_name = "yt-backup";
SELECT CCSA.character_set_name FROM information_schema.`TABLES` T,
WHERE CCSA.collation_name = T.table_collation
AND T.table_schema = "yt-backup"
AND T.table_name = "videos";
SELECT character_set_name FROM information_schema.`COLUMNS`
WHERE table_schema = "yt-backup"
AND table_name = "videos"
AND column_name = "description";
Copyright (C) 2020 w0d4 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
What happens if a video is already marked as downloaded in youtube-dl archive, but not in database and download is started
yt-backup will find the video id in youtube-dl download archive and set it's download date to 1972-01-01 23:23:23 in database. Since we don't know when the video was downloaded originally, we have marked it as downloaded anyways.