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3d cartpole gym env using bullet physics trained with DQN, LRPG & DDPG


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cartpole ++

cartpole++ is a non trivial 3d version of cartpole simulated using bullet physics where the pole isn't connected to the cart.


this repo contains a gym env for this cartpole as well as example policies trained with ...

observation state is 28d tuple

  • 7d pose of cart (3d position + 4d quaternion orientation)
  • 7d pose of pole (also included since pole isn't connected to cart)
  • 7d pose of cart last time step
  • 7d pose of pole last time step

see the blog post for more info...

# some random things i did...
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev
virtualenv venv --system-site-packages
. venv/bin/activate
pip install keras numpy h5py 
pip install <whatever_tensorflow_wheel_file>
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/dev/keras-rl

# for replay logging will need to compile protobuffer
protoc event.proto --python_path=.

discrete version

  • 5 actions; go left, right, up, down, do nothing
  • +1 reward for each step pole is up.

random agent

example behaviour of random action agent (click through for video)


# some sanity checks...

# no initial push and taking no action (action=0) results in episode timeout of 200 steps
$ ./ --initial-force=0 --actions="0" --num-eval=100 | ./ 
[ 200.  200.  200.  200.  200.  200.  200.  200.  200.  200.  200.]

# no initial push and random actions knocks pole over
$ ./ --initial-force=0 --actions="0,1,2,3,4" --num-eval=100 | ./
[ 16.   22.9  26.   28.   31.6  35.   37.4  42.3  48.4  56.1  79. ]

# initial push and no action knocks pole over
$ ./ --initial-force=55 --actions="0" --num-eval=100 | ./
[  6.    7.    7.    8.    8.6   9.   11.   12.3  15.   21.   39. ]

# initial push and random action knocks pole over
$ ./ --initial-force=55 --actions="0,1,2,3,4" --num-eval=100 | ./ 
[  3.    5.9   7.    7.7   8.    9.   10.   11.   13.   15.   32. ]

training a dqn

$ ./ \
 --num-train=2000000 --num-eval=0 \

result by numbers...

$ ./ \
 --load-file=ckpt.h5 \
 --num-train=0 --num-eval=100 \
 | grep ^Episode | sed -es/.*steps:https:// | ./ 
[   5.    35.5   49.8   63.4   79.   104.5  122.   162.6  184.   200.   200. ]

result visually (click through for video)


$ ./ \
 --gui --delay=0.005 \
 --load-file=run11_50.weights.2.h5 \
 --num-train=0 --num-eval=100

training using likelihood ratio policy gradient

policy gradient nails it; though this is after >12hrs training :/

$ ./ --rollouts-per-batch=20 --num-train-batches=100 \

result by numbers...

# deciles
[  13.    70.6  195.8  200.   200.   200.   200.   200.   200.   200.   200. ]

result visually (click through for video)


continuous version

  • 2d action; force to apply on cart in x & y directions
  • +1 base reward for each step pole is up. up to an additional +4 as force applied tends to 0.

training using deep deterministic policy gradient

./ \
 --actor-hidden-layers="100,100,50" --critic-hidden-layers="100,100,50" \
 --action-force=100 --action-noise-sigma=0.1 --batch-size=256 \
 --max-num-actions=1000000 --ckpt-dir=ckpts/run43

result by numbers

# episode len deciles
[  28.    45.8   55.8   62.    68.2   78.    94.4  116.6  155.2  200.   200. ]
# reward deciles
[  69.38985073  141.13007933  169.3078872   201.67747291  236.90857766
  280.20549274  341.64294321  430.14951458  642.42594679  877.00156479

result visually (click through for video)



3d cartpole gym env using bullet physics trained with DQN, LRPG & DDPG







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  • Python 94.0%
  • R 5.4%
  • Other 0.6%