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Tags: vvoody/bk-PaaS



Toggle lesscode-v0.0.4's commit message


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0.0.4 (TencentBlueKing#281)

* 先去掉 bk-PaaS 中的其他内容,只保留 paas-ce/lesscode 目录

* init lesscode

* add .pre-commit-config.yaml

* test

* test

* add pre-commit & update dev_install doc & add bk-PaaS doc

* typo

* up dev_install doc

* up dev_install doc

* up dev_install doc

* up dev_install doc

* up .pre-commit-config.yaml

* up comment info

* add .pre-commit-config.yaml to ignore

* feature: 组件属性配置类型提示首字母大写

* 可视化布局 => 可视化开发

* 可视化布局 => 可视化开发

* 可视化布局 => 可视化开发

* Lesscode update doc (TencentBlueKing#199)

* ignore .idea

* update bk-magic-vue version (for bk-color-picker select '')

* 组件属性提示增加 tips 配置字段

* button 按钮组件使用说明

* text 按钮组件使用说明

* image 图片组件使用说明

* input 输入框组件使用说明

* events 配置数据结构优化 ['change'] ==> [{ name: 'change', tips: ''}]

* 组件使用帮助 tips

* 帮助文档页面移除单个组件导航

* 帮助文档:栅格布局

* merge TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#201 (TencentBlueKing#202)

* merge TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#201

* 添加快捷操作功能 (TencentBlueKing#205)

* 增加chart图表 (TencentBlueKing#206)

* 增加chart图表

* fix冲突

* 删除consolelog

* 更新图标库

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#203

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#203 (TencentBlueKing#212)

* 拖拽快捷操作支持Mac Command键 (TencentBlueKing#213)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* fix some bug

* 修复 charts-line 小问题

* 修复 charts-line 小问题 (TencentBlueKing#215)

* 修复刷新页面时,没有选中组件但右侧面板会显示 grid 属性的问题

* 【lesscode】修复刷新页面时,没有选中组件但右侧面板会显示 grid 属性的问题 (TencentBlueKing#216)

* merge TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#203

* fix some bug

* 修复 charts-line 小问题

* 修复刷新页面时,没有选中组件但右侧面板会显示 grid 属性的问题

* 修复 chart 组件样式被覆盖的问题

* 【lesscode】修复 chart 组件样式被覆盖的问题 (TencentBlueKing#217)

* merge TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#203

* fix some bug

* 修复 charts-line 小问题

* 修复刷新页面时,没有选中组件但右侧面板会显示 grid 属性的问题

* 修复 chart 组件样式被覆盖的问题

* fix图表问题 (TencentBlueKing#218)

* 增加chart图表

* fix冲突

* 删除consolelog

* 更新图标库

* 同步新的lesscode-develop,fix图表bug

* 修改快捷操作 (TencentBlueKing#219)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复剪切快捷操作,修改快捷操作说明

* 修改快捷操作 (TencentBlueKing#220)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复剪切快捷操作,修改快捷操作说明

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 兼容数据为空的情况

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* 体验 bug 修复

* 【lesscode】体验 bug 修复 (TencentBlueKing#221)

* merge TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#203

* fix some bug

* 修复 charts-line 小问题

* 修复刷新页面时,没有选中组件但右侧面板会显示 grid 属性的问题

* 修复 chart 组件样式被覆盖的问题

* 体验 bug 修复

* 修改快捷操作判断 (TencentBlueKing#222)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复剪切快捷操作,修改快捷操作说明

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 仅在选中拖拽区域触发快捷操作

* 修改判断是否在拖拽区域

* 修复体验问题

* 修复体验问题 (TencentBlueKing#223)

* 增加backspace快捷删除 (TencentBlueKing#224)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复剪切快捷操作,修改快捷操作说明

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 仅在选中拖拽区域触发快捷操作

* 修改判断是否在拖拽区域

* 增加backspace快速删除

* 画布仅剩一个 grid 时,不允许删除;增加清空 grid 操作

* 画布仅剩一个 grid 时,不允许删除;增加清空 grid 操作 (TencentBlueKing#225)

* 修复 clone grid 时,右侧面板没有默认选中的问题;更新日志

* 修复 clone grid 时,右侧面板没有默认选中的问题;更新日志 (TencentBlueKing#226)

* 文案

* 文案 (TencentBlueKing#227)

* 后端orm采用TypeORM (TencentBlueKing#229)

* 后端采用typeorm

* orm添加migration (TencentBlueKing#230)

* 修改数据迁移表

* 添加初始化脚本 (TencentBlueKing#233)

* 增加data-base.js.example

* 添加初始化SQL

* 修改初始化脚本

* 新增项目级别页面布局和项目列表页UI (TencentBlueKing#232)

* 新增数据库部署文档 (TencentBlueKing#234)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复剪切快捷操作,修改快捷操作说明

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 仅在选中拖拽区域触发快捷操作

* 修改判断是否在拖拽区域

* 增加backspace快速删除

* 后端采用typeorm

* orm添加migration

* 修改文件名

* 修改数据迁移表

* 1. 新增数据库部署文档
2. 去掉test相关接口
3. 修改initial.sql注释

* 去掉数据迁移部分,采用SQL自己控制

* 1. 修改数据库说明
2. 修改数据库配置注释

* feature: db 操作demo (TencentBlueKing#235)

* 提交项目模块layout和router & fix高版本echart图表自适应不生效问题 (TencentBlueKing#236)

* 增加chart图表

* fix冲突

* 删除consolelog

* 更新图标库

* 同步新的lesscode-develop,fix图表bug

* fix高版本echarts无法自适应大小的问题

* project模块layout和router

* 添加函数相关entity (TencentBlueKing#237)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复剪切快捷操作,修改快捷操作说明

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 仅在选中拖拽区域触发快捷操作

* 修改判断是否在拖拽区域

* 增加backspace快速删除

* 后端采用typeorm

* orm添加migration

* 修改文件名

* 修改数据迁移表

* 1. 新增数据库部署文档
2. 去掉test相关接口
3. 修改initial.sql注释

* 去掉数据迁移部分,采用SQL自己控制

* 1. 修改数据库说明
2. 修改数据库配置注释

* 1. entity的base 添加创建人和修改人字段
2. 添加函数相关的entities
3. 修改initial.sql

* 修改字段类型

* 新增项目相关功能 (TencentBlueKing#238)

* 新增项目级别页面布局和项目列表页UI

* 新增创建项目和查询项目列表功能

* 新增项目收藏功能

* 新增项目重命名功能

* 新增项目列表分类和搜索查询

* 新增复制项目功能

* 修改项目收藏功能使用独立的数据接口和模型

* 优化项目列表查询

* 新增删除项目功能

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* 添加权限相关方法 (TencentBlueKing#240)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复剪切快捷操作,修改快捷操作说明

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 仅在选中拖拽区域触发快捷操作

* 修改判断是否在拖拽区域

* 增加backspace快速删除

* 后端采用typeorm

* orm添加migration

* 修改文件名

* 修改数据迁移表

* 1. 新增数据库部署文档
2. 去掉test相关接口
3. 修改initial.sql注释

* 去掉数据迁移部分,采用SQL自己控制

* 1. 修改数据库说明
2. 修改数据库配置注释

* 1. entity的base 添加创建人和修改人字段
2. 添加函数相关的entities
3. 修改initial.sql

* 修改字段类型

* 1. 添加权限相关的实体和接口
2. 添加创建人和更新人字段

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* 解决冲突 (TencentBlueKing#241)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复剪切快捷操作,修改快捷操作说明

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 仅在选中拖拽区域触发快捷操作

* 修改判断是否在拖拽区域

* 增加backspace快速删除

* 后端采用typeorm

* orm添加migration

* 修改文件名

* 修改数据迁移表

* 1. 新增数据库部署文档
2. 去掉test相关接口
3. 修改initial.sql注释

* 去掉数据迁移部分,采用SQL自己控制

* 1. 修改数据库说明
2. 修改数据库配置注释

* 1. entity的base 添加创建人和修改人字段
2. 添加函数相关的entities
3. 修改initial.sql

* 修改字段类型

* 解决冲突

* 统一实体导入导出与命名规则 (TencentBlueKing#242)

* 新增项目级别页面布局和项目列表页UI

* 新增创建项目和查询项目列表功能

* 新增项目收藏功能

* 新增项目重命名功能

* 新增项目列表分类和搜索查询

* 新增复制项目功能

* 修改项目收藏功能使用独立的数据接口和模型

* 优化项目列表查询

* 新增删除项目功能

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* 自定义组件接口 (TencentBlueKing#243)

* feature: db 操作demo

* perf: 组件管理接口联调

* perf: 修改实体引入方式

* fix: 自定义组件上传 (TencentBlueKing#244)

* feature: db 操作demo

* perf: 组件管理接口联调

* perf: 修改实体引入方式

* fix: 自定义组件上传

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* 函数页面及接口 (TencentBlueKing#245)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复剪切快捷操作,修改快捷操作说明

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 仅在选中拖拽区域触发快捷操作

* 修改判断是否在拖拽区域

* 增加backspace快速删除

* 后端采用typeorm

* orm添加migration

* 修改文件名

* 修改数据迁移表

* 1. 新增数据库部署文档
2. 去掉test相关接口
3. 修改initial.sql注释

* 去掉数据迁移部分,采用SQL自己控制

* 1. 修改数据库说明
2. 修改数据库配置注释

* 1. entity的base 添加创建人和修改人字段
2. 添加函数相关的entities
3. 修改initial.sql

* 修改字段类型

* 解决冲突

* 添加函数相关页面及接口

* up data-base conf example

* up data-base conf example (TencentBlueKing#246)

* 提交页面管理 (TencentBlueKing#247)

* 提交页面管理

* merge

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* merge page && page 表,content 和 sourceCode 改为允许 null

* merge page && page 表,content 和 sourceCode 改为允许 null (TencentBlueKing#248)

* fix页面管理问题 (TencentBlueKing#249)

* fix复制页面问题

* 删除preview页面的query参数

* update msg

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* format code style

* format code style (TencentBlueKing#250)

* page 模块小问题修复

* page 模块小问题修复 (TencentBlueKing#251)

* 1. 函数体验优化
2. 函数对接项目

* 修改整体路由、生成页面缩略图 (TencentBlueKing#253)

* 增加chart图表

* fix冲突

* 删除consolelog

* 更新图标库

* 同步新的lesscode-develop,fix图表bug

* fix高版本echarts无法自适应大小的问题

* project模块layout和router

* 提交页面管理

* merge

* fix复制页面问题

* 删除preview页面的query参数

* update msg

* 修改整体路由、生成页面缩略图

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* 1. 函数体验优化 (TencentBlueKing#252)

2. 函数对接项目

* 通过手动保存方式串联流程 (TencentBlueKing#254)

* 修改整体路由、生成页面缩略图

* 增加手动保存串连流程

* 删除consolelog

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* merge

* merge && cookie

* merge && cookie (TencentBlueKing#255)

* 修改删除和新增分类的项目

* 修改删除和新增分类的项目 (TencentBlueKing#256)

* 1. 函数体验优化
2. 函数对接项目

* 修改删除和新增分类的项目

* 函数修改为可以选中所有模板生成的函数

* 登录权限控制 & 账号管理页面 & 用户信息

* 登录权限控制 & 账号管理页面 & 用户信息 (TencentBlueKing#259)

* entities base 中尝试获取 curLoginUser (TencentBlueKing#260)

* 登录权限控制 & 账号管理页面 & 用户信息

* entities base 中尝试获取 curLoginUser

* fix页面管理体验问题 (TencentBlueKing#257)

* fix页面管理体验问题

* 下拉项目列表增加搜索

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* 使用函数的时候,可以选择所有模板生成的函数 (TencentBlueKing#258)

* 1. 函数体验优化
2. 函数对接项目

* 修改删除和新增分类的项目

* 函数修改为可以选中所有模板生成的函数

* add http.js.example

* add http.js.example (TencentBlueKing#261)

* 项目管理对接登录用户和复制项目及样式与交互优化 (TencentBlueKing#262)

* 新增项目级别页面布局和项目列表页UI

* 新增创建项目和查询项目列表功能

* 新增项目收藏功能

* 新增项目重命名功能

* 新增项目列表分类和搜索查询

* 新增复制项目功能

* 修改项目收藏功能使用独立的数据接口和模型

* 优化项目列表查询

* 新增删除项目功能

* 项目管理样式和交互优化

* 项目对接登录用户和复制项目优化

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* 处理projectId不存在情况,fix页面管理样式问题 (TencentBlueKing#263)

* 增加chart图表

* fix冲突

* 删除consolelog

* 更新图标库

* 同步新的lesscode-develop,fix图表bug

* fix高版本echarts无法自适应大小的问题

* project模块layout和router

* 提交页面管理

* merge

* fix复制页面问题

* 删除preview页面的query参数

* update msg

* 修改整体路由、生成页面缩略图

* 增加手动保存串连流程

* 删除consolelog

* fix页面管理体验问题

* 下拉项目列表增加搜索

* 处理projectId不存在情况,fix页面管理样式问题

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* 数据库默认值调整 (TencentBlueKing#264)

* merge TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#203

* fix some bug

* 修复 charts-line 小问题

* 修复刷新页面时,没有选中组件但右侧面板会显示 grid 属性的问题

* 修复 chart 组件样式被覆盖的问题

* 体验 bug 修复

* 修复体验问题

* 画布仅剩一个 grid 时,不允许删除;增加清空 grid 操作

* 修复 clone grid 时,右侧面板没有默认选中的问题;更新日志

* 文案

* up data-base conf example

* merge page && page 表,content 和 sourceCode 改为允许 null

* format code style

* page 模块小问题修复

* merge

* merge && cookie

* 登录权限控制 & 账号管理页面 & 用户信息

* add http.js.example

* 修复自定义组件 x-table 获取数据的问题

* 统一操作用户

* 修复自定义组件 x-table 获取数据的问题 (TencentBlueKing#265)

* 统一操作用户 (TencentBlueKing#266)

* 1. 函数体验优化
2. 函数对接项目

* 修改删除和新增分类的项目

* 函数修改为可以选中所有模板生成的函数

* 统一操作用户

* 获取正确的当前登录用户写入数据库 createUser 和 updateUser

* 获取正确的当前登录用户写入数据库 createUser 和 updateUser (TencentBlueKing#267)

* 修复 cookie 中 bktoken 失效的问题

* 项目复制完善和项目列表体验问题修复 (TencentBlueKing#268)

* 项目列表体验优化

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* 修复 cookie 中 bktoken 失效的问题 (TencentBlueKing#269)

* 函数体验优化

* 去除重复js

* fix页面管理相关体验问题 (TencentBlueKing#271)

* 处理projectId不存在情况,fix页面管理样式问题

* 页面管理体验问题修复

* fix page style

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* 函数体验问题修复 (TencentBlueKing#270)

* 1. 函数体验优化
2. 函数对接项目

* 修改删除和新增分类的项目

* 函数修改为可以选中所有模板生成的函数

* 统一操作用户

* 函数体验优化

* 去除重复js

* 函数api url提示,默认函数填写绝对路径

* 去掉多余的空格

* 函数体验问题修复 (TencentBlueKing#272)

* 1. 函数体验优化
2. 函数对接项目

* 修改删除和新增分类的项目

* 函数修改为可以选中所有模板生成的函数

* 统一操作用户

* 函数体验优化

* 去除重复js

* 函数api url提示,默认函数填写绝对路径

* 去掉多余的空格

* 修改layout样式

* 导航与主站一致

* 导航与主站一致 (TencentBlueKing#274)

* 导航与主站一致

* 导航与主站一致

* 隐藏项目删除操作和画布内容区加loading等体验问题修复 (TencentBlueKing#275)

* 新增项目级别页面布局和项目列表页UI

* 新增创建项目和查询项目列表功能

* 新增项目收藏功能

* 新增项目重命名功能

* 新增项目列表分类和搜索查询

* 新增复制项目功能

* 修改项目收藏功能使用独立的数据接口和模型

* 优化项目列表查询

* 新增删除项目功能

* 项目管理样式和交互优化

* 项目对接登录用户和复制项目优化

* 复制项目补充页面函数关联记录

* 项目列表体验优化

* 体验问题修复

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* 修复属性面板中 switch 组件不会正确渲染的问题

* 修复属性面板中 switch 组件不会正确渲染的问题 (TencentBlueKing#276)

* 函数提示优化,增加按钮获取数据 (TencentBlueKing#277)

* 项目名称、ID 校验去重在当前用户维度下

* 项目名称、ID 校验去重在当前用户维度下 (TencentBlueKing#278)

* 修复 compId 的问题

* 修复 compId 的问题 (TencentBlueKing#280)

Co-authored-by: hLinx <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: sundytt <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Arman19941113 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: xuzhan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: terlinhe <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: yangyy <[email protected]>


Toggle lesscode-v0.0.3's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
lesscode 0.0.3 (TencentBlueKing#228)

* 先去掉 bk-PaaS 中的其他内容,只保留 paas-ce/lesscode 目录

* init lesscode

* add .pre-commit-config.yaml

* test

* test

* add pre-commit & update dev_install doc & add bk-PaaS doc

* typo

* up dev_install doc

* up dev_install doc

* up dev_install doc

* up dev_install doc

* up .pre-commit-config.yaml

* up comment info

* add .pre-commit-config.yaml to ignore

* feature: 组件属性配置类型提示首字母大写

* 可视化布局 => 可视化开发

* 可视化布局 => 可视化开发

* 可视化布局 => 可视化开发

* Lesscode update doc (TencentBlueKing#199)

* ignore .idea

* update bk-magic-vue version (for bk-color-picker select '')

* 组件属性提示增加 tips 配置字段

* button 按钮组件使用说明

* text 按钮组件使用说明

* image 图片组件使用说明

* input 输入框组件使用说明

* events 配置数据结构优化 ['change'] ==> [{ name: 'change', tips: ''}]

* 组件使用帮助 tips

* 帮助文档页面移除单个组件导航

* 帮助文档:栅格布局

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#201 (TencentBlueKing#202)

* merge TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#201

* 添加快捷操作功能 (TencentBlueKing#205)

* 增加chart图表 (TencentBlueKing#206)

* 增加chart图表

* fix冲突

* 删除consolelog

* 更新图标库

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#203 (TencentBlueKing#212)

* 拖拽快捷操作支持Mac Command键 (TencentBlueKing#213)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复 charts-line 小问题 (TencentBlueKing#215)

* 【lesscode】修复刷新页面时,没有选中组件但右侧面板会显示 grid 属性的问题 (TencentBlueKing#216)

* merge TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#203

* fix some bug

* 修复 charts-line 小问题

* 修复刷新页面时,没有选中组件但右侧面板会显示 grid 属性的问题

* 【lesscode】修复 chart 组件样式被覆盖的问题 (TencentBlueKing#217)

* merge TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#203

* fix some bug

* 修复 charts-line 小问题

* 修复刷新页面时,没有选中组件但右侧面板会显示 grid 属性的问题

* 修复 chart 组件样式被覆盖的问题

* fix图表问题 (TencentBlueKing#218)

* 增加chart图表

* fix冲突

* 删除consolelog

* 更新图标库

* 同步新的lesscode-develop,fix图表bug

* 修改快捷操作 (TencentBlueKing#219)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复剪切快捷操作,修改快捷操作说明

* 修改快捷操作 (TencentBlueKing#220)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复剪切快捷操作,修改快捷操作说明

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 兼容数据为空的情况

Co-authored-by: ielgnaw <[email protected]>

* 【lesscode】体验 bug 修复 (TencentBlueKing#221)

* merge TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#201

* merge manually from TencentBlueKing#203

* fix some bug

* 修复 charts-line 小问题

* 修复刷新页面时,没有选中组件但右侧面板会显示 grid 属性的问题

* 修复 chart 组件样式被覆盖的问题

* 体验 bug 修复

* 修改快捷操作判断 (TencentBlueKing#222)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复剪切快捷操作,修改快捷操作说明

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 仅在选中拖拽区域触发快捷操作

* 修改判断是否在拖拽区域

* 修复体验问题 (TencentBlueKing#223)

* 增加backspace快捷删除 (TencentBlueKing#224)

* 添加快捷操作功能

* 拖拽快捷键支持Mac Command键

* 修改快捷操作说明

* 修复剪切快捷操作,修改快捷操作说明

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 兼容数据为空的情况

* 仅在选中拖拽区域触发快捷操作

* 修改判断是否在拖拽区域

* 增加backspace快速删除

* 画布仅剩一个 grid 时,不允许删除;增加清空 grid 操作 (TencentBlueKing#225)

* 修复 clone grid 时,右侧面板没有默认选中的问题;更新日志 (TencentBlueKing#226)

* 文案 (TencentBlueKing#227)

Co-authored-by: hLinx <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: sundytt <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Arman19941113 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: xuzhan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: terlinhe <[email protected]>


Toggle lesscode-0.0.1's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request TencentBlueKing#193 from Tencent/develop

develop merge to lesscode-develop


Toggle 3.2.606's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request TencentBlueKing#176 from alex-smile/fix_esb_requir…


add enum34 to esb requirements


Toggle 3.2.605's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request TencentBlueKing#175 from alex-smile/update_system_…


update system/doc-category manage


Toggle 3.2.604's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request TencentBlueKing#173 from alex-smile/update_cc_apis

update cc apis


Toggle 3.2.602's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request TencentBlueKing#170 from alex-smile/update_sops_apis

update sops apis


Toggle 3.2.601's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request TencentBlueKing#169 from alex-smile/add_esb_apis

add esb get_systems,get_components apis


Toggle 3.2.603's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Develop (TencentBlueKing#168)

* Explain login/paas settings different between development/production (TencentBlueKing#79)

* login settings SITE_URL diff in develoment/production

* update doc: LOGIN_DOMAIN in paas development

* fix develop login url 404 (TencentBlueKing#81)

* bugfix: 我的应用-应用部署-下架 title错误 (TencentBlueKing#94) (TencentBlueKing#117)

* Devops support (TencentBlueKing#167)

* add python3 framework for resource download

* add tag as extra field for api/v2/app_info

* add bk_devops_nav logo

* add is_display to app, for desktop

* update py3 framework to 1.0.2

* add api for bk-sops light app

* refactor : api for bk-sops light app

* refactor 1: api for bk-sops light app

* refactor 2: api for bk-sops light app

* delete syncdb command for django version >= 1.9

* set requests default timeout 5 second and add some logs when exception

* set HTTP_TIMEOUT variable in settings

* add newline in

* support py3 for esb sdk, update translation for some apis, support DELETE/PUT method for request some apis, support get bk apidoc from md files

* up cc some apidocs

* update VERSION to 3.2.3

* upgrade gunicorn to 19.9.0

* add guide for python3 framework

* add app env var admin

* update py3 framework to 1.0.3

* fix js pagination error

* fix js pagination error

* up cc confapis

* Devops support fixbug20190306 (TencentBlueKing#14)

* add error message where user info (phone, chname) check

* fixbug: light app logo image name ramdom

* refactor

* up cc/sops apis

* up cc/sops confapis

* add try-except for bk_backend.authenticate (TencentBlueKing#15)

* Bugfix 0311 (TencentBlueKing#16)

* add try-except for bk_backend.authenticate

* update bk_devops_nav logo

* app.yml support app env init while setup (TencentBlueKing#17)

* app.yml support app env init while setup

* fix app env key/value validation for app.yml

* env key/value type cast to str before validate

* unify the app_env_var value length to 1000

* support old login account manage page url (TencentBlueKing#18)

* remove on_migrate

* add doc to update python framework to support https

* update

* third server password should not be chinese

* fix link too long text-overflow

* fix some issues

* remove header for some files

* bugfix: bktoken decrypt wrong

* batch issues fix

* change version to 3.2.5

* modify default user logo (TencentBlueKing#51)

* fix some icons display error (TencentBlueKing#52)

* fix fta imap (TencentBlueKing#56)

* Update

* fix the too complex of account _is_bk_token_valid (TencentBlueKing#59)

* Explain login/paas settings different between development/production (TencentBlueKing#79) (TencentBlueKing#80)

* login settings SITE_URL diff in develoment/production

* update doc: LOGIN_DOMAIN in paas development

* 修复本地开发登录URL 404问题 (TencentBlueKing#82)

* fix develop login url 404 (TencentBlueKing#81)

* 更新 sops 组件,更新cmsi 发送语音通知组件 (TencentBlueKing#84)

* up sops confapis, cmsi send_voice_msg

* add component conf for cmsi send_voice_msg

* 更新release说明 (TencentBlueKing#85)

* up sops confapis, cmsi send_voice_msg

* add component conf for cmsi send_voice_msg

* up release doc

* fix login decrypt token code bug (TencentBlueKing#88)

* paas_agent support python3 (TencentBlueKing#89)

* fix sync blocking bug when build script times out (TencentBlueKing#64)

* Upgrade python framework to 2.0.0 (TencentBlueKing#90)

* upgrade python framework to 2.0.0

* change new framework icon

* fix fta imap (TencentBlueKing#103)

* Update weixin doc and fix ligth app logo (TencentBlueKing#105)

* fix light app lose bug

* update weixin notify doc

* update weixin notify doc

* fixbug: import user do not response bug

* fix cc delete_object_attribute apidoc (TencentBlueKing#106)

* update guide doc of python framework (TencentBlueKing#108)

* bugfix: 滚动按钮提示内容错误。issue TencentBlueKing#97 (TencentBlueKing#113)

* fixbug:Development Language Change TencentBlueKing#96 (TencentBlueKing#116)

* add app-env title (TencentBlueKing#124)

* add resource migration for python doc url and delete united dev-env (TencentBlueKing#129)

* Add docker (TencentBlueKing#131)

* add docker docs for quick experience

* update docker support docs

* update docker support docs

* upgrade framework to (TencentBlueKing#134)

* update link or replace ce with open source version (TencentBlueKing#135)

* 93:修改BUG:当版本历史为空时, 前端出现两条横线 (TencentBlueKing#123)

* add static version for css/js (TencentBlueKing#136)

* Fix user avatar (TencentBlueKing#142)

* fix user avatar

* add import_common_template for sops

* Bugfix 0717 (TencentBlueKing#143)

* fix TencentBlueKing#128; remove django specific version in document

* fix TencentBlueKing#140; resource link to official website

* use HTTP_SCHEMA for job/cc link int (TencentBlueKing#145)

* update cc apis, add cmsi send_msg/get_msg_type (TencentBlueKing#146)

* saas info show settings style (TencentBlueKing#150)

* fix TencentBlueKing#147; add/delete user refresh list without query term (TencentBlueKing#149)

* disable bk_language while the i18n is not support in ce (TencentBlueKing#155)

* fix resource download icon (TencentBlueKing#156)

* fix resource download icon

* fix pep8 fail

* fix login api ApiErrorCodeEnumV2 missing USER_NOT_EXISTS2 (TencentBlueKing#158)

* support logo file in pkg root dir (TencentBlueKing#164)

* Update docs (TencentBlueKing#166)

* update

Co-authored-by: nannan00 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: jamesge <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: alex-smile <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: wenjaron <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: kindmaketheworldpeace <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: canway-obama <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: molly0755 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: 谢先斌 <[email protected]>


Toggle v5.1's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Develop (TencentBlueKing#168)

* Explain login/paas settings different between development/production (TencentBlueKing#79)

* login settings SITE_URL diff in develoment/production

* update doc: LOGIN_DOMAIN in paas development

* fix develop login url 404 (TencentBlueKing#81)

* bugfix: 我的应用-应用部署-下架 title错误 (TencentBlueKing#94) (TencentBlueKing#117)

* Devops support (TencentBlueKing#167)

* add python3 framework for resource download

* add tag as extra field for api/v2/app_info

* add bk_devops_nav logo

* add is_display to app, for desktop

* update py3 framework to 1.0.2

* add api for bk-sops light app

* refactor : api for bk-sops light app

* refactor 1: api for bk-sops light app

* refactor 2: api for bk-sops light app

* delete syncdb command for django version >= 1.9

* set requests default timeout 5 second and add some logs when exception

* set HTTP_TIMEOUT variable in settings

* add newline in

* support py3 for esb sdk, update translation for some apis, support DELETE/PUT method for request some apis, support get bk apidoc from md files

* up cc some apidocs

* update VERSION to 3.2.3

* upgrade gunicorn to 19.9.0

* add guide for python3 framework

* add app env var admin

* update py3 framework to 1.0.3

* fix js pagination error

* fix js pagination error

* up cc confapis

* Devops support fixbug20190306 (TencentBlueKing#14)

* add error message where user info (phone, chname) check

* fixbug: light app logo image name ramdom

* refactor

* up cc/sops apis

* up cc/sops confapis

* add try-except for bk_backend.authenticate (TencentBlueKing#15)

* Bugfix 0311 (TencentBlueKing#16)

* add try-except for bk_backend.authenticate

* update bk_devops_nav logo

* app.yml support app env init while setup (TencentBlueKing#17)

* app.yml support app env init while setup

* fix app env key/value validation for app.yml

* env key/value type cast to str before validate

* unify the app_env_var value length to 1000

* support old login account manage page url (TencentBlueKing#18)

* remove on_migrate

* add doc to update python framework to support https

* update

* third server password should not be chinese

* fix link too long text-overflow

* fix some issues

* remove header for some files

* bugfix: bktoken decrypt wrong

* batch issues fix

* change version to 3.2.5

* modify default user logo (TencentBlueKing#51)

* fix some icons display error (TencentBlueKing#52)

* fix fta imap (TencentBlueKing#56)

* Update

* fix the too complex of account _is_bk_token_valid (TencentBlueKing#59)

* Explain login/paas settings different between development/production (TencentBlueKing#79) (TencentBlueKing#80)

* login settings SITE_URL diff in develoment/production

* update doc: LOGIN_DOMAIN in paas development

* 修复本地开发登录URL 404问题 (TencentBlueKing#82)

* fix develop login url 404 (TencentBlueKing#81)

* 更新 sops 组件,更新cmsi 发送语音通知组件 (TencentBlueKing#84)

* up sops confapis, cmsi send_voice_msg

* add component conf for cmsi send_voice_msg

* 更新release说明 (TencentBlueKing#85)

* up sops confapis, cmsi send_voice_msg

* add component conf for cmsi send_voice_msg

* up release doc

* fix login decrypt token code bug (TencentBlueKing#88)

* paas_agent support python3 (TencentBlueKing#89)

* fix sync blocking bug when build script times out (TencentBlueKing#64)

* Upgrade python framework to 2.0.0 (TencentBlueKing#90)

* upgrade python framework to 2.0.0

* change new framework icon

* fix fta imap (TencentBlueKing#103)

* Update weixin doc and fix ligth app logo (TencentBlueKing#105)

* fix light app lose bug

* update weixin notify doc

* update weixin notify doc

* fixbug: import user do not response bug

* fix cc delete_object_attribute apidoc (TencentBlueKing#106)

* update guide doc of python framework (TencentBlueKing#108)

* bugfix: 滚动按钮提示内容错误。issue TencentBlueKing#97 (TencentBlueKing#113)

* fixbug:Development Language Change TencentBlueKing#96 (TencentBlueKing#116)

* add app-env title (TencentBlueKing#124)

* add resource migration for python doc url and delete united dev-env (TencentBlueKing#129)

* Add docker (TencentBlueKing#131)

* add docker docs for quick experience

* update docker support docs

* update docker support docs

* upgrade framework to (TencentBlueKing#134)

* update link or replace ce with open source version (TencentBlueKing#135)

* 93:修改BUG:当版本历史为空时, 前端出现两条横线 (TencentBlueKing#123)

* add static version for css/js (TencentBlueKing#136)

* Fix user avatar (TencentBlueKing#142)

* fix user avatar

* add import_common_template for sops

* Bugfix 0717 (TencentBlueKing#143)

* fix TencentBlueKing#128; remove django specific version in document

* fix TencentBlueKing#140; resource link to official website

* use HTTP_SCHEMA for job/cc link int (TencentBlueKing#145)

* update cc apis, add cmsi send_msg/get_msg_type (TencentBlueKing#146)

* saas info show settings style (TencentBlueKing#150)

* fix TencentBlueKing#147; add/delete user refresh list without query term (TencentBlueKing#149)

* disable bk_language while the i18n is not support in ce (TencentBlueKing#155)

* fix resource download icon (TencentBlueKing#156)

* fix resource download icon

* fix pep8 fail

* fix login api ApiErrorCodeEnumV2 missing USER_NOT_EXISTS2 (TencentBlueKing#158)

* support logo file in pkg root dir (TencentBlueKing#164)

* Update docs (TencentBlueKing#166)

* update

Co-authored-by: nannan00 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: jamesge <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: alex-smile <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: wenjaron <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: kindmaketheworldpeace <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: canway-obama <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: molly0755 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: 谢先斌 <[email protected]>