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Git Hooks intended to simplify development efforts on vutc-laravel, suitable for use in any PHP project that uses Composer as a dependency manager and dotenv files for environment variable handling.


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Git Hooks intended to simplify development efforts on vutc-laravel. These are also suitable for use in any PHP project that uses Composer as a dependency manager and dotenv files for environment variable handling.

Using these hooks

Using githooks is easy - copy them into the hidden .git/hooks folder in your repository. They will automatically run when the operation described in their name is executed. the .git/hooks directory is not tracked by Git, so these hooks will not automatically sync to the GitHub (or other) server, nor to any other developers' clones of whatever repository you copy them into.

How do Githooks Work?

Githooks are triggered automatically by Git's internal operations. Regardless of your environment (Windows/Linux/macOS), these scripts are written in a common language (in this case, shell scripts, although python is also a good candidate). For details on how these hooks work, as well as what other options are available for further development, checkout the githooks docs.

Githooks in this Repo

There are currently only two githooks in this repo, and both do very similar things:


The post-merge githook fires whenever a merge ocurrs. Behind the scenes, this happens every time the repo gets pulled, making it ideal for updating things that may be affected by changes in the repo but that aren't directly tracked in Git. Two things come to mind: the vendor folder and the .env file.

In vutc-laravel (and many other projects), the vendor folder is gitignored. Since we don't maintain that code, there's no sense in having it clutter up the repo and all of our pull requests. Instead, we track the composer.json and composer.lock files, which Composer uses to install the dependencies. When these files change, the command composer install needs to be fired to install any new dependencies, as well as ensure all existing dependencies are at the correct version. This script monitors these files for changes, and will automatically run composer install if it detects modifications from the pre-merge state.

Laravel harnesses the phpdotenv library to manage environment variables. These variables tend to be different on production clones and development clones, so they are typically gitignored (as is the case with vutc-laravel). However, it's often still desired to track the variables for these two configuration. vutc-laravel does so by maintaining two files: a .env.production and a .env.development. Unfortunately, laravel only looks for a single .env file, and doesn't know how to handle these additional extensions. To rectify this, the developer needs to rename the .env.development file to .env, and monitor it for changes. This script also automates this process, by copying the .env.development as .env if it detects changes, and moving the .env (if it exists) to .env.old.

This hook is adapted from stefansundin/git-bundle-hook


The post-checkout githook does exactly the same thing as the post-merge one described above, but on branch switches or file reversions instead of pulls. The code differs slightly to accomodate this, but the functionality is unchanged.

This hook is also adapted from stefansundin/git-bundle-hook

Usage Notes

These githooks are designed to be relatively robust, however they do expect that .env.development, composer.json, and composer.lock exist. They also assume that the .gitignore for the target repository has been configured to ignore the .env.old file, as that's not something that most developers will want to track.


If you discover a security vulnerability within this set of githooks, please send an email to [email protected]. Please do not present security concerns publicly. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. See our full security policy for details.


See our contribution policy for details on contributing to this repository.


vutechcrew/githooks is licensed under The GNU General Public License v3.


Git Hooks intended to simplify development efforts on vutc-laravel, suitable for use in any PHP project that uses Composer as a dependency manager and dotenv files for environment variable handling.




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