This repository has the main contracts in KyberNetwork platform. There are three main components in this repository including KyberNetwork contract, KyberReserve and KyberWallet contracts. In addition, we have a couple of mock modules that simulate testnet tokens and centralized exchanges. This repository is for testing purposes only, do not use it for real deployment.
We have a functional deployment running on kovan testnet. The deployed contracts are as below.
- KyberNetworkcontract address = 0x11542d7807dfb2b44937f756b9092c76e814f8ed
The abi of KyberNetwork contract is available at
Three dummy token contracts created for the demo. Each token/ contract is called "Test i", symbol "TSTi" for
. The addresses for these contracts are 0xbb9c28a16654a0cd510f5b0a250255c4a07211f2, 0x950b87923d52b09b1050abda589f91521e17e606 and 0x2c018fc6c9bb2b7653136dc7c5b7b588f2d11986. -
The Reserve contract's address on Kovan testnet: 0x60860ce9688f4200e87e61b9a9a171cee1dc5f65
token_i => eth (wei) rate = 2^{i+1} * (10^18), for i = 0,1,2 eth (wei) => token_i rate = (10^18)/2^{i+1}.
reserve has many (10^40) tokens now, but very few ethers.
We describe the main functions of the Kyber contract as below.
function trade( ERC20 source, uint srcAmount,
ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint maxDestAmount,
uint minConversionRate,
bool throwOnFailure )
throwOnFailure = false
maxDestAmount = MAX_UINT
is a simple account (not a contract).
token address = 0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee means the token is ETH. If source is ETH then you also need to send ether along with your call. If source is token, then you need to call token.approve(kyber network address, amount) before your call.
Important notice: any value below 1000 wei/tokens is considered 0. Deals must be over 1000 wei (1000 tokens).
function getRate( ERC20 source, ERC20 dest, uint reserveIndex ) constant returns(uint rate, uint expBlock, uint balance);
should be 0.
The function returns three numbers (guessing in web3 it is an array of size 3. It is like that in truffle) including rate, expiration block and balance (how many tokens reserve has).
Kyber wallet integrates with existing Kyber Network.
A user needs to deploy this contract with c'tor param
_kyberNetwork = 0x11542d7807dfb2b44937f756b9092c76e814f8ed
Then user should send ether and/or tokens to the contract. It can be in a standard way (just send
or transfer
ether or tokens to contract address).
The function to call is
function convertAndCall( ERC20 srcToken, uint srcAmount,
ERC20 destToken, uint maxDestAmount,
uint minRate,
address destination,
bytes destinationData,
bool onlyApproveTokens,
bool throwOnFail ) {
If onlyApproveTokens = true
and destToken
is not ETH, then function does not transfer tokens to destination, instead it is just appoving it.
If destinationData
is an empty array, then then default function is called in destination (and destination could also be a standard account).
It is probably better to first try with empty data.
An example to non-empty data can be found here and here.
For basic testings, it is possible to set the wallet as destination address and make the transfer invoke recieveEther
and recieveTokens