- Portugal
- https://paladini.dev
🔵 Make TypeScript errors prettier and human-readable in VSCode 🎀
The CMS for Creators. Stable. Lightweight. Instantly Familiar. Forked from WordPress.
Next.js and Prismic multi-page starter
The Block Editor project for WordPress and beyond. Plugin is available from the official repository.
A series of tools for developing and deploying website sections with Prismic
a command line tool for turning html to markdown
Get https://dev.to/ articles in markdown! 📖
Storybook is the industry standard workshop for building, documenting, and testing UI components in isolation
Download any repository or subdirectory on GitHub with support for Node.js and the CLI.
kaisermann / svelte-canvas
Forked from dnass/svelte-canvas🎨 Reactive canvas rendering with Svelte.
Uma lista de coisas incríveis relacionadas ao Svelte
Internationalization library for Svelte
Shareable ESLint Config to help you write clear, efficient JavaScript code.
Run your extension on Google Chrome with default auto-reload support for file changes.
The free book `Browser Extensions book`, by yours truly. Momentarily stale.
🖥 A virtual Apple Macintosh with System 8, running in Electron. I'm sorry.
A portuguese translation of Eloquent JavaScript online book
edkf / vaidarmerda
Forked from kaisermann/vaidarmerdaDaí que eu resolvi aprender a usar a API do Twitter com node.js e me veio essa ideia idiota de responder aos tweets os com a hashtag #vaidarmerda
edkf / Wes-Bos-Captions
Forked from wesbos/Wes-Bos-CaptionsCaptions for my video courses
edkf / JavaScript30
Forked from wesbos/JavaScript3030 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
Conceitos de Código Limpo adaptados em JavaScript (Tradução PT-BR)
edkf / baguetteBox.js
Forked from feimosi/baguetteBox.jsSimple and easy to use lightbox script written in pure JavaScript
edkf / selene
Forked from kaisermann/seleneA wordpress base theme based on Sage and Crius.
edkf / awesome-flexbox
Forked from afonsopacifer/awesome-flexbox👓 A curated list of CSS Flexible Box Layout Module or only Flexbox.