Simple Production System in less than 150 lines of code (UNFINISHED). Uses Reinforcment learning to score the RULES.
$ swipl
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?- [init].
% [ /my/dev/github/producton_system/buffer.lgt loaded ]
% (0 warnings)
% [ /my/dev/github/producton_system/rules.lgt loaded ]
% (0 warnings)
% [ /my/dev/github/producton_system/env.lgt loaded ]
% (0 warnings)
% simple rules to sum two numbers
?- [summing].
% GOAL buffer content
?- g::buf(G).
G = _506{goal:init}.
%WORK buffer content
?- w::buf(W).
W = _506{carry:0, col:1, num1:[1, 3], num2:[4, 9]}.
% run the system for four steps
?- rules::run(env,4).
13 + 49 = 62
?- g::buf(G).
G = _470{goal:done}.
?- w::buf(W).
W = _470{carry:0, col: -1, num1:[1, 3], num2:[4, 9], sum:[6, 2]}.
?- rules::list.
1:0.10| g::m(goal, init) :-
g::s(goal, sum).
2:0.21| g::m(goal, sum)and w::m(col, >=, 0) :-
w::g(col, A),
w::g(carry, F),
w::g(num1, B),
w::g(num2, C),
nth0(A, B, D),
nth0(A, C, E),
G is D+E+F,
J is G mod 10,
H is A+ -1,
I is G div 10,
w::s(_{carry:I, col:H}),
w::add2lst(sum, J).
3:0.12| w::m(col, -1) :-
w::g(num1, A),
w::g(num2, B),
w::g(sum, C),
atomic_list_concat(A, '', D),
atomic_list_concat(B, '', E),
atomic_list_concat(C, '', F),
format('~w + ~w = ~w', [D, E, F]),
g::s(goal, done).
% rules are split in cond(COND, Q-value, Index) and act(Index) clause/facts.
% ... where Q-value comes from Reinforcment learning.
?- listing(cond).
:- dynamic cond/3.
cond(g::m(goal, init), 0.1, 1).
cond(g::m(goal, sum)and w::m(col, >=, 0), 0.20791000000000004, 2).
cond(w::m(col, -1), 0.11871190000000001, 3).
?- listing(act).
:- dynamic act/1.
act(1) :-
g::s(goal, sum).
act(2) :-
w::g(col, A),
w::g(carry, F),
w::g(num1, B),
w::g(num2, C),
nth0(A, B, D),
nth0(A, C, E),
G is D+E+F,
J is G mod 10,
H is A+ -1,
I is G div 10,
w::s(_{carry:I, col:H}),
w::add2lst(sum, J).
act(3) :-
w::g(num1, A),
w::g(num2, B),
w::g(sum, C),
atomic_list_concat(A, '', D),
atomic_list_concat(B, '', E),
atomic_list_concat(C, '', F),
format('~w + ~w = ~w', [D, E, F]),
g::s(goal, done).