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libplugintecept is an HSA tools library for replacing GPU kernels at runtime without modifying host applications. It works by intercepting calls to specific hsa_ functions and (optionally) substituting the values returned to an application.


  • Saving each code object loaded by an application to disk for further inspection
  • Replacing specific code objects with external binaries
  • Setting up a trap handler from an external binary
  • Allocating auxiliary GPU buffers
  • Running a custom shell command before loading a replacement code object

The addresses of all auxiliary buffers can be read (as environment variables) by the shell command, which enables, for instance, a source-level debugging workflow.


Build the library and the test executable:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Optionally run the tests:


Before launching the host application, add to the HSA_TOOLS_LIB environment variable. To avoid specifying an absolute path to the library, create a symbolic link to it in /opt/rocm/lib:

ln -s `pwd`/src/ /opt/rocm/lib


At launch, the library loads a configuration file from the path specified in the INTERCEPT_CONFIG environment variable. Supported options and their intended usage are listed in the example file located in tests/fixtures/config.toml.


Logging code object loads

  1. Create a .toml configuration file with the following contents:
# log info messages to stdout:
agent-log = "-"
# log code object loads and hsa_executable_symbol_get_info calls to stdout:
co-log = "-"
# dump code objects to /tmp/co_loads:
co-dump-dir = "/tmp/co_loads"
  1. Specify path to the configuration file in INTERCEPT_CONFIG:
export INTERCEPT_CONFIG=/path/to/config.toml
  1. Add to HSA_TOOLS_LIB:
ln -s `pwd`/src/ /opt/rocm/lib
export HSA_TOOLS_LIB=libplugintercept.s
  1. Run the target application

Debugging generated GPU kernels

Refer to the documented sample for debugging Tensile-generated HIP and assembly kernels.

Debugging assembly code

Remote machine

Build the example:

cd example
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

Host machine

  1. Create new Radeon Asm Project
  2. Go to Tools -> RAD Debug -> Options
  3. Click the Edit button in the opened window to edit the active debug profile
  4. Set Remote Machine Address
  5. In the Debugger tab, set Working Directory to the absolute path to example on the remote machine
  6. Press Apply to save the changes and OK to close the profile editor

Launch the debugger and open Debug Visualizer — you should see the watches populated with the debug buffer contents.