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Jens Fischer edited this page Apr 4, 2019 · 15 revisions

Completion is triggered automatically when typing certain trigger characters. It can also be invoked manually with Ctrl+Space. Completion can be also be used to generate code.

What "completion mode" is triggered depends on the context:

Field Completion

The simplest and most commonly used form of completion is field / "dot" completion. It is invoked whenever a dot is typed after an identifier to show the available variables, properties and methods for it:

A special kind of field completion for code generation is Postfix Completion.

Toplevel Completion

Toplevel completion gets its name from showing you the available "top level" identifiers, such as imported types or enum values. It usually needs to be triggered manually.

Structure Field Completion

When invoking completion with Ctrl+Space in an object literal, the fields for the current structure type will be listed:

Type Hint Completion

Completion is triggered automatically when typing the : in a type hint, showing the available types:

New Completion

After typing new, completion pops up automatically and is filtered by types that have a constructor:

Extends and Implements Completion

Similar to New Completion, the completion list after extends / implements is filtered appropriately to only list types that can be extended / implemented:

Compiler Metadata Completion

When typing @, the available compiler metadata is listed:

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