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Parse For Flutter!

Hi, this is a Flutter plugin that allows communication with a Parse Server, ( either hosted on your own server or another, like (

This is a work in project and we are consistently updating it. Please let us know if you think anything needs changing/adding, and more than ever, please do join in on this project (Even if it is just to improve our documentation.

Join in!

Want to get involved? Join our Slack channel and help out! (

Getting Started

To install, either add to your pubspec.yaml

    parse_server_sdk: ^1.0.26

or clone this repository and add to your project. As this is an early development with multiple contributors, it is probably best to download/clone and keep updating as an when a new feature is added.

Once you have the library added to your project, upon first call to your app (Similar to what your application class would be) add the following...

await Parse().initialize(

If you want to use secure storage or use the Flutter web/desktop SDK, please change to the below instance of CoreStorage as it has no dependencies on Flutter.

await Parse().initialize(
    coreStore: await CoreStoreSembastImp.getInstance());

It's possible to add other parameters to work with your instance of Parse Server:-

  await Parse().initialize(
        masterKey: keyParseMasterKey, // Required for Back4App and others
        clientKey: keyParseClientKey, // Required for some setups
        debug: true, // When enabled, prints logs to console
        liveQueryUrl: keyLiveQueryUrl, // Required if using LiveQuery 
        autoSendSessionId: true, // Required for authentication and ACL
        securityContext: securityContext, // Again, required for some setups
	coreStore: await CoreStoreSharedPrefsImp.getInstance()); // Local data storage method. Will use SharedPreferences instead of Sembast as an internal DB


You can create custom objects by calling:

var dietPlan = ParseObject('DietPlan')
	..set('Name', 'Ketogenic')
	..set('Fat', 65);

Or update existing object by its objectId by calling:

var dietPlan = ParseObject('DietPlan')
	..objectId = 'R5EonpUDWy'
	..set('Fat', 70);

Verify that the object has been successfully saved using

var response = await;
if (response.success) {
   dietPlan = response.results.first;

Types supported:

  • String
  • Double
  • Int
  • Boolean
  • DateTime
  • File
  • Geopoint
  • ParseObject/ParseUser (Pointer)
  • Map
  • List (all types supported)

You then have the ability to do the following with that object: The features available are:-

  • Get
  • GetAll
  • Create
  • Save
  • Query - By object Id
  • Delete
  • Complex queries as shown above
  • Pin
  • Plenty more
  • Counters
  • Array Operators

Custom Objects

You can create your own ParseObjects or convert your existing objects into Parse Objects by doing the following:

class DietPlan extends ParseObject implements ParseCloneable {

  DietPlan() : super(_keyTableName);
  DietPlan.clone(): this();

  /// Looks strangely hacky but due to Flutter not using reflection, we have to
  /// mimic a clone
  @override clone(Map map) => DietPlan.clone()..fromJson(map);

  static const String _keyTableName = 'Diet_Plans';
  static const String keyName = 'Name';
  String get name => get<String>(keyName);
  set name(String name) => set<String>(keyName, name);

Add new values to objects

To add a variable to an object call and retrieve it, call

dietPlan.set<int>('RandomInt', 8);
var randomInt = dietPlan.get<int>('RandomInt');

Save objects using pins

You can now save an object by calling .pin() on an instance of an object;

and to retrieve it

var dietPlan = DietPlan().fromPin('OBJECT ID OF OBJECT');


We now have 2 types of storage, secure and unsecure. We currently rely on 2 third party options:

  • SharedPreferences
  • Sembast Sembast offers secured storage, whilst SharePreferences wraps NSUserDefaults (on iOS) and SharedPreferences (on Android).

The storage method is defined in the parameter coreStore in Parse().initialize

Check sample code for options

Increment Counter values in objects

Retrieve it, call

var response = await dietPlan.increment("count", 1);

or using with save function

dietPlan.setIncrement('count', 1);
dietPlan.setDecrement('count', 1);
var response =

Array Operator in objects

Retrieve it, call

var response = await dietPlan.add("listKeywords", ["a", "a","d"]);

var response = await dietPlan.addUnique("listKeywords", ["a", "a","d"]);

var response = await dietPlan.remove("listKeywords", ["a"]);

or using with save function

dietPlan.setAdd('listKeywords', ['a','a','d']);
dietPlan.setAddUnique('listKeywords', ['a','a','d']);
dietPlan.setRemove('listKeywords', ['a']);
var response =


Once you have setup the project and initialised the instance, you can then retreive data from your server by calling:

var apiResponse = await ParseObject('ParseTableName').getAll();

if (apiResponse.success){
  for (var testObject in apiResponse.result) {
    print(ApplicationConstants.APP_NAME + ": " + testObject.toString());

Or you can get an object by its objectId:

var dietPlan = await DietPlan().getObject('R5EonpUDWy');

if (dietPlan.success) {
  print(ApplicationConstants.keyAppName + ": " + (dietPlan.result as DietPlan).toString());
} else {
  print(ApplicationConstants.keyAppName + ": " + dietPlan.exception.message);

Complex queries

You can create complex queries to really put your database to the test:

var queryBuilder = QueryBuilder<DietPlan>(DietPlan())
  ..startsWith(DietPlan.keyName, "Keto")
  ..greaterThan(DietPlan.keyFat, 64)
  ..lessThan(DietPlan.keyFat, 66)
  ..equals(DietPlan.keyCarbs, 5);

var response = await queryBuilder.query();

if (response.success) {
  print(ApplicationConstants.keyAppName + ": " + ((response.results as List<dynamic>).first as DietPlan).toString());
} else {
  print(ApplicationConstants.keyAppName + ": " + response.exception.message);

The features available are:-

  • Equals
  • Contains
  • LessThan
  • LessThanOrEqualTo
  • GreaterThan
  • GreaterThanOrEqualTo
  • NotEqualTo
  • StartsWith
  • EndsWith
  • Exists
  • Near
  • WithinMiles
  • WithinKilometers
  • WithinRadians
  • WithinGeoBox
  • Regex
  • Order
  • Limit
  • Skip
  • Ascending
  • Descending
  • Plenty more!

Relational queries

If you want to retrieve objects where a field contains an object that matches another query, you can use the whereMatchesQuery condition. For example, imagine you have Post class and a Comment class, where each Comment has a pointer to its parent Post. You can find comments on posts with images by doing:

QueryBuilder<ParseObject> queryPost =
      ..whereValueExists('image', true);

QueryBuilder<ParseObject> queryComment =
      ..whereMatchesQuery('post', queryPost);

var apiResponse = await queryComment.query();

If you want to retrieve objects where a field contains an object that does not match another query, you can use the whereDoesNotMatchQuery condition. Imagine you have Post class and a Comment class, where each Comment has a pointer to its parent Post. You can find comments on posts without images by doing:

QueryBuilder<ParseObject> queryPost =
      ..whereValueExists('image', true);

QueryBuilder<ParseObject> queryComment =
      ..whereDoesNotMatchQuery('post', queryPost);

var apiResponse = await queryComment.query();

Counting Objects

If you only care about the number of games played by a particular player:

QueryBuilder<ParseObject> queryPlayers =
      ..whereEqualTo('playerName', 'Jonathan Walsh');
var apiResponse = await queryPlayers.count();
if (apiResponse.success && apiResponse.result != null) {
  int countGames = apiResponse.count;

Live Queries

This tool allows you to subscribe to a QueryBuilder you are interested in. Once subscribed, the server will notify clients whenever a ParseObject that matches the QueryBuilder is created or updated, in real-time.

Parse LiveQuery contains two parts, the LiveQuery server and the LiveQuery clients. In order to use live queries, you need to set up both of them.

The Parse Server configuration guide on the server is found here and is not part of this documentation.

Initialize the Parse Live Query by entering the parameter liveQueryUrl in Parse().initialize:

      clientKey: keyParseClientKey,
      debug: true,
      liveQueryUrl: keyLiveQueryUrl,
      autoSendSessionId: true);

Declare LiveQuery:

final LiveQuery liveQuery = LiveQuery();

Set the QueryBuilder that will be monitored by LiveQuery:

QueryBuilder<ParseObject> query =
  ..whereEqualTo('intNumber', 1);

Create a subscription You’ll get the LiveQuery events through this subscription. The first time you call subscribe, we’ll try to open the WebSocket connection to the LiveQuery server for you.

Subscription subscription = await liveQuery.client.subscribe(query);

Event Handling We define several types of events you’ll get through a subscription object:

Create event When a new ParseObject is created and it fulfills the QueryBuilder you subscribe, you’ll get this event. The object is the ParseObject which was created.

subscription.on(LiveQueryEvent.create, (value) {
    print('*** CREATE ***: ${}\n $value ');
    print((value as ParseObject).objectId);
    print((value as ParseObject).updatedAt);
    print((value as ParseObject).createdAt);
    print((value as ParseObject).get('objectId'));
    print((value as ParseObject).get('updatedAt'));
    print((value as ParseObject).get('createdAt'));

Update event When an existing ParseObject which fulfills the QueryBuilder you subscribe is updated (The ParseObject fulfills the QueryBuilder before and after changes), you’ll get this event. The object is the ParseObject which was updated. Its content is the latest value of the ParseObject.

subscription.on(LiveQueryEvent.update, (value) {
    print('*** UPDATE ***: ${}\n $value ');
    print((value as ParseObject).objectId);
    print((value as ParseObject).updatedAt);
    print((value as ParseObject).createdAt);
    print((value as ParseObject).get('objectId'));
    print((value as ParseObject).get('updatedAt'));
    print((value as ParseObject).get('createdAt'));

Enter event When an existing ParseObject’s old value does not fulfill the QueryBuilder but its new value fulfills the QueryBuilder, you’ll get this event. The object is the ParseObject which enters the QueryBuilder. Its content is the latest value of the ParseObject.

subscription.on(LiveQueryEvent.enter, (value) {
    print('*** ENTER ***: ${}\n $value ');
    print((value as ParseObject).objectId);
    print((value as ParseObject).updatedAt);
    print((value as ParseObject).createdAt);
    print((value as ParseObject).get('objectId'));
    print((value as ParseObject).get('updatedAt'));
    print((value as ParseObject).get('createdAt'));

Leave event When an existing ParseObject’s old value fulfills the QueryBuilder but its new value doesn’t fulfill the QueryBuilder, you’ll get this event. The object is the ParseObject which leaves the QueryBuilder. Its content is the latest value of the ParseObject.

subscription.on(LiveQueryEvent.leave, (value) {
    print('*** LEAVE ***: ${}\n $value ');
    print((value as ParseObject).objectId);
    print((value as ParseObject).updatedAt);
    print((value as ParseObject).createdAt);
    print((value as ParseObject).get('objectId'));
    print((value as ParseObject).get('updatedAt'));
    print((value as ParseObject).get('createdAt'));

Delete event When an existing ParseObject which fulfills the QueryBuilder is deleted, you’ll get this event. The object is the ParseObject which is deleted

subscription.on(LiveQueryEvent.delete, (value) {
    print('*** DELETE ***: ${}\n $value ');
    print((value as ParseObject).objectId);
    print((value as ParseObject).updatedAt);
    print((value as ParseObject).createdAt);
    print((value as ParseObject).get('objectId'));
    print((value as ParseObject).get('updatedAt'));
    print((value as ParseObject).get('createdAt'));

Unsubscribe If you would like to stop receiving events from a QueryBuilder, you can just unsubscribe the subscription. After that, you won’t get any events from the subscription object and will close the WebSocket connection to the LiveQuery server.



ParseLiveList makes implementing a dynamic List as simple as possible.

It ships with the ParseLiveList class itself, this class manages all elements of the list, sorts them, keeps itself up to date and Notifies you on changes.

ParseLiveListWidget is a widget that handles all the communication with the ParseLiveList for you. Using ParseLiveListWidget you can create a dynamic List by just providing a QueryBuilder.

      query: query,

To customize the List Elements, you can provide a childBuilder.

  query: query,
  reverse: false,
      (BuildContext context, bool failed, ParseObject loadedData) {
    if (failed) {
      return const Text('something went wrong!');
    } else if (loadedData != null) {
      return ListTile(
        title: Text(
    } else {
      return const ListTile(
        leading: CircularProgressIndicator(),

Similar to the standard ListView, you can provide arguments like reverse or shrinkWrap. By providing the listLoadingElement, you can show the user something while the list is loading.

  query: query,
  childBuilder: childBuilder,
  listLoadingElement: Center(
    child: CircularProgressIndicator(),

By providing the duration argument, you can change the animation speed.

  query: query,
  childBuilder: childBuilder,
  duration: Duration(seconds: 1),

Note: To use this features you have to enable Live Queries first.


You can create and control users just as normal using this SDK.

To register a user, first create one :

var user =  ParseUser().create("TestFlutter", "TestPassword123", "[email protected]");

Then have the user sign up:

var response = await user.signUp();
if (response.success) user = response.result;

You can also login with the user:

var response = await user.login();
if (response.success) user = response.result;

You can also logout with the user:

var response = await user.logout();
if (response.success) {
    print('User logout');

Also, once logged in you can manage sessions tokens. This feature can be called after Parse().init() on startup to check for a logged in user.

user = ParseUser.currentUser();

To add additional columns to the user:

var user = ParseUser("TestFlutter", "TestPassword123", "[email protected]")
            ..set("userLocation", "FlutterLand");

Other user features are:-

  • Request Password Reset
  • Verification Email Request
  • Get all users
  • Save
  • Destroy user
  • Queries

Facebook, OAuth and 3rd Party Login/User

Usually, each provider will provide their own library for logins, but the loginWith method on ParseUser accepts a name of provider, then a Map<String, dynamic> with the authentication details required. For Facebook and the example below, we used the library provided at

Future<void> goToFacebookLogin() async {
       final FacebookLogin facebookLogin = FacebookLogin();
       final FacebookLoginResult result = await facebookLogin.logInWithReadPermissions(['email']);
       switch (result.status) {
         case FacebookLoginStatus.loggedIn:
           final ParseResponse response = await ParseUser.loginWith(
           if (response.success) {
             // User is logged in, test with ParseUser.currentUser()
         case FacebookLoginStatus.cancelledByUser:
               // User cancelled
         case FacebookLoginStatus.error:
               // Error

Security for Objects - ParseACL

For any object, you can specify which users are allowed to read the object, and which users are allowed to modify an object. To support this type of security, each object has an access control list, implemented by the ParseACL class.

If ParseACL is not specified (with the exception of the ParseUser class) all objects are set to Public for read and write. The simplest way to use a ParseACL is to specify that an object may only be read or written by a single user. To create such an object, there must first be a logged in ParseUser. Then, new ParseACL(user) generates a ParseACL that limits access to that user. An object’s ACL is updated when the object is saved, like any other property.

ParseUser user = await ParseUser.currentUser() as ParseUser;
ParseACL parseACL = ParseACL(owner: user);
ParseObject parseObject = ParseObject("TestAPI");
var apiResponse = await;

Permissions can also be granted on a per-user basis. You can add permissions individually to a ParseACL using setReadAccess and setWriteAccess

ParseUser user = await ParseUser.currentUser() as ParseUser;
ParseACL parseACL = ParseACL();
//grant total access to current user
parseACL.setReadAccess(userId: user.objectId, allowed: true);
parseACL.setWriteAccess(userId: user.objectId, allowed: true);
//grant read access to userId: 'TjRuDjuSAO' 
parseACL.setReadAccess(userId: 'TjRuDjuSAO', allowed: true);
parseACL.setWriteAccess(userId: 'TjRuDjuSAO', allowed: false);

ParseObject parseObject = ParseObject("TestAPI");
var apiResponse = await;

You can also grant permissions to all users at once using setPublicReadAccess and setPublicWriteAccess.

ParseACL parseACL = ParseACL();
parseACL.setPublicReadAccess(allowed: true);
parseACL.setPublicWriteAccess(allowed: true);

ParseObject parseObject = ParseObject("TestAPI");
var apiResponse = await;

Operations that are forbidden, such as deleting an object that you do not have write access to, result in a ParseError with code 101: 'ObjectNotFound'. For security purposes, this prevents clients from distinguishing which object ids exist but are secured, versus which object ids do not exist at all.

You can retrieve the ACL list of an object using:

ParseACL parseACL = parseObject.getACL();


The SDK supports Parse Config. A map of all configs can be grabbed from the server by calling :

var response = await ParseConfig().getConfigs();

and to add a config:

ParseConfig().addConfig('TestConfig', 'testing');

Cloud Functions

The SDK supports call Cloud Functions.

Executes a cloud function that returns a ParseObject type

final ParseCloudFunction function = ParseCloudFunction('hello');
final ParseResponse result =
    await function.executeObjectFunction<ParseObject>();
if (result.success) {
  if (result.result is ParseObject) {
    final ParseObject parseObject = result.result;

Executes a cloud function with parameters

final ParseCloudFunction function = ParseCloudFunction('hello');
final Map<String, String> params = <String, String>{'plan': 'paid'};
function.execute(parameters: params);


The SDK supports Relation.

To add relation to object:

dietPlan.addRelation('fruits', [ParseObject("Fruits")..set("objectId", "XGadzYxnac")]);

To remove relation to object:

dietPlan.removeRelation('fruits', [ParseObject("Fruits")..set("objectId", "XGadzYxnac")]);

To Retrive a relation instance for user, call:

final relation = dietPlan.getRelation('fruits');

and then you can add a relation to the passed in object:

final result = await;

To retrieve objects that are members of Relation field of a parent object:

QueryBuilder<ParseObject> query =
      ..whereRelatedTo('fruits', 'DietPlan', DietPlan.objectId);

Other Features of this library


  • Installation (View the example application)
  • GeoPoints (View the example application)
  • Files (View the example application)
  • Persistent storage
  • Debug Mode - Logging API calls
  • Manage Session ID's tokens


  • Queries
  • Anonymous (View the example application)
  • 3rd Party Authentication


  • Create new object
  • Extend Parse Object and create local objects that can be saved and retreived
  • Queries


This project was authored by Phill Wiggins. You can contact me at [email protected]


A Dart or Flutter plugin for Parse Server... Enjoy!







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  • Dart 93.2%
  • Batchfile 1.4%
  • Ruby 1.2%
  • C++ 1.1%
  • Makefile 1.1%
  • Objective-C 0.7%
  • Other 1.3%