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Tags: vprusso/vim-solarized8



Toggle v1.2.0's commit message
Rebuild with Colortemplate v2.0.0.


Toggle v1.1.1's commit message
Remove deprecated colorscheme names (_dark*/_light*).


Toggle v1.1.0's commit message
*Really* fallback to 16 colors when t_Co < 256.


Toggle v1.0.2's commit message
Update comment.


Toggle v1.0.1's commit message
Fix typos in Readme.


Toggle v1.0.0's commit message
Add note about breaking backward compatibility.


Toggle v0.8's commit message
Remove src directory.


Toggle v0.7's commit message
Allow the user to choose old style's Cursor highlight group.

Add a new option to choose the original Solarized's cursor style.

So, by default now the cursor is white on blue in dark themes and white
on orange/red (depending on visibility) in light themes no matter which
variant is used.

If you prefer a grey cursor, as in the original Solarized, put this in
your `vimrc`:

    let g:solarized_old_cursor_style = 1


Toggle v0.6's commit message
Tweak cursor color in light themes.

With normal and low visibility, now the cursor is orange (normal, high
contrast variants) or grey (flat, low variants).

With high visibility, now the cursor is red (normal high contrast
variants) or (darker) grey (flat, low variants).


Toggle v0.5's commit message
Update MatchParen in light themes.

Problem: MatchParen highlighting in light themes inverts colors of
bracket, makes it look like cursor has jumped to matching bracket.

Solution: keep the parenthesis's foreground color when highlighted, and
make the background slightly darker instead of grey.

Fixes lifepillar#11.