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mnubo SmartObjects Python client

Build status PyPI


Getting the client library

The client library is available on PyPy.

The client depends on other libraries:

  • requests
  • six
  • tenacity
  • pandas (optional)

Below is an example of how you can install everything:

pip install smartobjects requests six tenacity pandas

For more information, visit GitHub.

Create a client instance

The following python code can be used to create an instance:

key = "<%= clientKey %>"
secret = "<%= clientSecret %>"
url = "<%= url %>"
SmartObjectsClient(key, secret, url)

Table of Content

1. Introduction

2. At a glance

3. Requirements

4. Installation & Configuration

5. Usage

6. Need help?

1. Introduction

This package provides a simple Python client to connect to mnubo's SmartObjects platform. It gives access to the most common features of mnubo's REST API. All methods require proper authentication. The MnuboClient object handles authentication under the hood based on the client_id and client_secret arguments.

Methods such as create(), delete(), etc, do not return any value. However if anything is invalid or goes wrong, an exception will be thrown so you know what happened.

See the complete documentation here.

2. At a glance

(optional arguments omitted)

Service Method Summary Example
Owners create(owner) create a new owner
update(username, owner) update an existing owner
claim(username, device_id, optional_body) link an existing object to an existing owner
unclaim(username, device_id, optional_body) unlink an existing object from an existing owner
batch_claim(claims) claim a batch of objects
batch_unclaim(unclaims) unclaim a batch of objects
create_update(owners) create or update a batch of owners
delete(username) delete an owner
owner_exists(username) check if an owner exists
owners_exist(usernames) check if a list of owners exist
Objects create(object) create a new smart object
update(device_id, object) update an existing object
create_update(objects) create or update a batch of objects
delete(device_id) delete an object
object_exists(device_id) check if an object exists
objects_exist(device_ids) check if a list of objects exist
Events send(events) send a batch of events tagged with multiple devices
send_from_device(device_id, events) send an event tagged with a specific device
event_exists(event_id) check if an event exists
events_exist(event_ids) check if list of events exist
Search search(query) performs a search in the platform with the provided JSON query (MQL)
validate_query(query) validates a MQL query
get_datasets() retrieves the list of datasets available for this account
Model export() fetches the model in the current zone
get_timeseries() fetches the timeseries in the current zone
get_object_attributes() fetches the object attributes in the current zone
get_owner_attributes() fetches the owner attributes in the current zone
get_event_types() fetches the event types in the current zone
get_object_types() fetches the object typesin the current zone

The API in sandbox and production is mostly the same. Only the modeler API is different in sandbox. Here are the sandbox only operations that are available on the modeler API:

Entity Method Summary Example
Timeseries model.sandbox_ops.timeseries_ops.createOne create one timeseries in sandbox
model.sandbox_ops.timeseries_ops.create create multiple timeseries in sandbox
model.sandbox_ops.timeseries_ops.update update a sandbox timeseries
model.sandbox_ops.timeseries_ops.deploy deploy a sandbox timeseries in production
Object Attributes model.sandbox_ops.object_attributes_ops_ops.createOne create one object attribute in sandbox
model.sandbox_ops.object_attributes_ops_ops.create create multiple object attributes in sandbox
model.sandbox_ops.object_attributes_ops_ops.update update a sandbox object attribute
model.sandbox_ops.object_attributes_ops_ops.deploy deploy a sandbox object attribute in production
Owner Attributes model.sandbox_ops.owner_attributes_ops.createOne create one owner attribute in sandbox
model.sandbox_ops.owner_attributes_ops.create create multiple owner attributes in sandbox
model.sandbox_ops.owner_attributes_ops.update update a sandbox owner attribute
model.sandbox_ops.owner_attributes_ops.deploy deploy a sandbox owner attribute in production
Event Types model.sandbox_ops.event_types_ops.createOne create one event type
model.sandbox_ops.event_types_ops.create create multiple event types
model.sandbox_ops.event_types_ops.update update a event type
model.sandbox_ops.event_types_ops.delete delete a sandbox event type
model.sandbox_ops.event_types_ops.add_relation add a relation to a timeseries
model.sandbox_ops.event_types_ops.remove_relation delete a relation to a timeseries
Object Types model.sandbox_ops.object_types_ops.createOne create one object type
model.sandbox_ops.object_types_ops.create create multiple object types
model.sandbox_ops.object_types_ops.update update a object type
model.sandbox_ops.object_types_ops.delete delete a sandbox object type
model.sandbox_ops.object_types_ops.add_relation add a relation to an object attribute
model.sandbox_ops.object_types_ops.remove_relation delete a relation to an object attribute

3. Requirements

  • Python 2.7 or Python 3.6
  • libraries: requests, six, tenacity (for exponential backoff)

4. Installation & Configuration

From PyPI:

$ pip install smartobjects

Alternatively, if you want to use the client from a data science perspective you can install with pandas extra (see Search Services:

$ pip install smartobjects[pandas]

From the sources:

$ git clone
$ cd smartobjects-python-client
$ python install

5. Usage

Initialize the MnuboClient

from smartobjects import SmartObjectsClient
from smartobjects import Environments, ExponentialBackoffConfig

client = SmartObjectsClient('<CLIENT_ID>', '<CLIENT_SECRET>', Environments.Production)
client_with_backoff = SmartObjectsClient('<CLIENT_ID>', '<CLIENT_SECRET>', Environments.Production, backoff_config=ExponentialBackoffConfig())

The environment argument can be Environments.Sandbox or Environments.Production or one of your custom urls to access the mnubo platform.

You can generate an App Token from the web application and use it with this SDK.

Note: App Tokens can have restricted access to specific APIs and can be disabled by an administrator at any given time. This means that some API provided in this SDK may not work correctly.

from smartobjects import SmartObjectsClient
from smartobjects import Environments, ExponentialBackoffConfig

client = SmartObjectsClient.withToken('<YOUR_TOKEN>', Environments.Sandbox)
client_with_backoff = SmartObjectsClient.withToken('<YOUR_TOKEN>', Environments.Sandbox, backoff_config=ExponentialBackoffConfig())

Optional arguments:

  • compression_enabled: if True, data sent to the platform is compressed using gzip format. Default: True
  • backoff_config: if given, requests resulting in 503 will be retried. Default: None
  • token_override: if given, the OAuth2 dance is avoid and this token is always used. Default: None

Note: to use exponential backoff retries feature, you must pip install tenacity (4.2.0+)

Use the Owners service

To create owners on the mnubo SmartObjects platform, please refer to the data modeling guide to format correctly the owner's data structure.

Create an Owner

    "username": "[email protected]",
    "x_password": "****************",
    "zip_code": "91125"

Mandatory properties: username, x_password

Claim or unclaim a Smart Object for an Owner

client.owners.claim('[email protected]', 'fermat1901')
# if you want to override some values
client.owners.claim('[email protected]', 'fermat1901', {
    "x_timestamp": "2015-02-01T05:00:00.000Z"

client.owners.unclaim('[email protected]', 'fermat1901')
# if you want to override some values
client.owners.unclaim('[email protected]', 'fermat1901', {
    "x_timestamp": "2015-02-01T05:00:00.000Z"

As a batch:

    ('[email protected]', 'fermat1901'),
    ('[email protected]', 'ramanujan1887')

Update an Owner

client.owners.update('[email protected]', {
    "zip_code": "94305",    # update of an existing property
    "service_type": "phd"   # creation of a new property

Create or update owners in batch

results = client.owners.create_update([
    {"username": "[email protected]", "service_type": "prof"},
    {"username": "[email protected]", "x_password": "*******"}

Mandatory properties: x_username_id (all owners), x_x_password_type (new owners)

Returns a list of Result with the completion status of each operation (and reason of failure if any).

Delete an Owner

client.owners.delete('[email protected]')

Check if an owner exists

>>> client.owners.owner_exists('[email protected]')

>>> client.owners.owners_exist(['[email protected]', '[email protected]'])
{'[email protected]': True, '[email protected]': False}

Use the Smart Objects Service

To create smart objects on the mnubo SmartObjects platform, please refer to the data modeling guide to format correctly the smart object's data structure.

Create a Smart Object

    "x_device_id": "fermat1901",
    "x_object_type": "calculator",
    "precision": "infinite"

Mandatory properties: x_device_id, x_object_type

Update a Smart Object

client.objects.update("fermat1901", {
    "is_valid": True

Create or update objects in batch

If an object doesn't exist, it will be created, otherwise it will be updated.

    {"x_device_id": "fermat1901", "is_valid": False},
    {"x_device_id": "ramanujan1887", "x_object_type": "pie"}

Mandatory properties: x_device_id (all objects), x_object_type (new objects)

Returns a list of Result objects with the completion status of each operation (and reason of failure if any).

Delete a Smart Object


Check if an object exists

>>> client.objects.object_exists('fermat1901')

>>> client.objects.objects_exist(['fermat1901', 'teleporter'])
{'fermat1901': True, 'teleporter': False}

Use the Event Services

To send events to the mnubo SmartObjects platform, please refer to the data modeling guide to format correctly the event's data structure.

Send an Event

results =[
    {"x_object": {"x_device_id": "fermat1901"}, "status": "running"},
    {"x_object": {"x_device_id": "ramanujan1887"}, "ratio": 3.1415}

Optional arguments:

  • must_exist: if True, an event referring an unknown object will be rejected (default to False)
  • report_results: if True, a list of EventResult objects will be returned with the status of each operation. If False, nothing will be returned when all events are successfully ingested, but a ValueError exception will be thrown if at least one fail. Default to True.

Send an event tagged with a device

This method allows sending multiple events for a given device without the need of setting the target in the payload.

results ="ramanujan1887", [
    {"ratio": 3.1414},
    {"ratio": 3.1413}

Optional arguments:

  • report_results: if True, a list of EventResult objects will be returned with the status of each operation. If False, nothing will be returned when all events are successfully ingested, but a ValueError exception will be thrown if at least one fail. Default to True.

Check if an event already exists


>>>[UUID("1ff58794-f0da-4738-8444-68a592de6746"), uuid.uuid4()])
{UUID("1ff58794-f0da-4738-8444-68a592de6746"): True, UUID("e399afda-3c8b-4a6d-bf9c-c51b846c214d"): False}

Use the Search Services

To send search queries to the mnubo SmartObjects platform, please refer to the Search API documentation to format your queries correctly.

Search Query

resultset ={
    "from": "owner",
    "limit": 100,
    "select": [
        {"value": "username"}

This method returns a ResultSet containing the result of the search (columns and rows).

>>> "Got {} results!".format(len(resultset))
Got 2 results!
>>> [row.get("username") for row in resultset]
["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]

Optionally, if you are using the SDK with pandas, you can use the propery df of the resultset. It will return a DataFrame version of the results, with datetime columns converted to a datetime structure.

resultset ={
    "from": "event",
    "select": [
        {"count": "*"}
    "groupByTime": {
        "interval": "year",
        "field": "x_timestamp"

#                   year  COUNT(*)
# 0 2017-01-01 05:00:00      1232

Validate a search query

For complex queries, it is recommended to use this feature to reduce errors.

validation_result ={
    "invalid": "owner",
    "limit": 100,
    "select": [
        {"value": "username"}

This method returns a QueryValidationResult object with the status of the validation and list of errors if any:

>>> validation_result.is_valid
>>> validation_result.validation_errors
["a query must have a 'from' field"]

Retrieve namespace datasets

This method allows to retrieve the different datasets available for querying. Result is a map of DataSet objects indexed by the dataset name (owner, object, event, session).

>>> datasets =
>>> [event.key for event in datasets['event'].fields]
["event_id", "x_object.x_device_id", "timestamp", ...]

Use the Model Service

Retrieve the model

To retrieve the model as it is currently in the zone you are working (sandbox or production), you can use the ModelService:

model = client.model.export()
print(len(model.eventTypes)) # outputs: 2

Get Timeseries

tss = client.model.get_timeseries()
print("Number of Timeseries: {}", len(tss))

Get Object Attributes

objs = client.model.get_object_attributes()
print("Number of Object Attributes: {}", len(objs))

Get Owner Attributes

owners = client.model.get_owner_attributes()
print("Number of Owner Attributes: {}", len(owners))

Get Event Types

ets = client.model.get_event_types()
print("Number of Event Types: {}", len(ets))

Get Object Types

ots = client.model.get_object_types()
print("Number of Object Types: {}", len(ots))

Sandbox only operations

Create multiple event types
    'key': 'key',
    'origin': 'scheduled',
    'description': '',
    'timeseriesKeys': []
Create one event type
    'key': 'key',
    'origin': 'scheduled',
    'description': '',
    'timeseriesKeys': []
Update an event type
client.model.sandbox_ops.event_types_ops.update(key, {
    'key': 'key',
    'origin': 'unscheduled',
    'description': 'new description',
    'timeseriesKeys': []
Delete an event type
Create multiple object types
    'key': 'key',
    'description': '',
    'objectAttributesKeys': []
Create one object type
    'key': 'key',
    'description': '',
    'objectAttributesKeys': []
Update an object type
client.model.sandbox_ops.object_types_ops.update(key, {
    'key': 'key',
    'description': 'new description',
    'timeseriesKeys': []
Delete an object type
Create multiple timeseries
    'key': 'ts_key',
    'displayName': '',
    'description': '',
    'type': {
        'highLevelType': 'TEXT'
    'eventTypeKeys': [key]
Create one timeseries
    'key': 'ts_key',
    'displayName': '',
    'description': '',
    'type': {
        'highLevelType': 'TEXT'
    'eventTypeKeys': [key]
Update a timeseries
        'displayName': 'new desc',
        'description': 'new dp',
Deploy a timeseries in production
Create multiple object attributes
    'key': 'obj_key',
    'displayName': '',
    'description': '',
    'type': {
        'containerType': 'none',
        'highLevelType': 'AREA'
    'objectTypeKeys': [key]
Create one object attribute
    'key': 'obj_key',
    'displayName': '',
    'description': '',
    'type': {
        'containerType': 'none',
        'highLevelType': 'AREA'
    'objectTypeKeys': [key]
Update one object attribute
        'displayName': 'new desc',
        'description': 'new dp',
Deploy an object attribute in production
Create multiple owner attributes
    'key': 'owner_key',
    'displayName': '',
    'description': '',
    'type': {
        'containerType': 'none',
        'highLevelType': 'FLOAT'
Create one owner attribute
    'key': 'owner_key',
    'displayName': '',
    'description': '',
    'type': {
        'containerType': 'none',
        'highLevelType': 'FLOAT'
Update one owner attribute
        'displayName': 'new desc',
        'description': 'new dp',
Deploy an owner attribute in production

6. Need help?

Reach us at [email protected]


mnubo SmartObjects Python client









  • Python 99.2%
  • Other 0.8%