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E2E-AI-Chatbot πŸ€–

Pipeline | Installation | User Interface | Model | Database | Search | Contact

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End-to-end AI Chatbot is a project that aims to build a chatbot that can answer any question in any domain. The project is built on top of the workflow chatbot Q&A with Gradio and GPT4All model. The project is currently in the development stage.

  • Gradio is a Python library that allows you to quickly create customizable UI components around your machine learning models, deep learning models, and other functions. Mix and match components to support any combination of inputs and outputs. Built-in support for NLP, images, plotting, and more.
  • GPT4All is an ecosystem to train and deploy powerful and customized large language models that run locally on consumer grade CPUs. Note that your CPU needs to support AVX or AVX2 instructions. The goal is simple - be the best instruction tuned assistant-style language model that any person or enterprise can freely use, distribute and build on. A GPT4All model is a 3GB - 8GB file that you can download and plug into the GPT4All open-source ecosystem software. Nomic AI supports and maintains this software ecosystem to enforce quality and security alongside spearheading the effort to allow any person or enterprise to easily train and deploy their own on-edge large language models.

Tech Stack

# Name Description
1 Python Programming language used to build the project.
2 FastAPI Web framework backend
3 Gradio Backend UI low code
4 Docker Package application
5 GPT4All Model GPT offline
6 Redis Cache chat history
7 MongoDB Database save document
8 Mongo Express Database UI
9 Logstash Data migration
10 Elasticsearch Search engine
11 Kibana Search monitoring
12 Nginx HTTP and reverse proxy server
13 Kubernetes Container orchestration
14 AWS/Azure Cloud
15 Pre-commit Linting



Next stage:

  • FastAPI & Gradio backend
  • Dockerize packages
  • Add UI ingest upload file
  • Add login page
  • Add pre-commit
  • Add docs
  • Nginx for http and https
  • K8s
  • CI/CD cloud (AWS/Azure)

Installation Requirements

  • Minimum CPU 8GiB RAM
  • Uncomment line 8 packages = [{include = "**"}] to use all internal packages (Passing Flake8)
  • Install packages and download GPT4All model by
  1. Run locally

With poetry:

chmod u+x ./
bash ./

With pip:

pip install poetry
poetry shell
poetry install

Build MongoDB, Mongo Express, Logstash, Elasticsearch, Kibana and Redis

docker compose -f docker-compose-service.yml up
poetry run python --host --port 8071
  1. Run docker
docker compose up

User Interface App

make run

Run on: http:https://localhost:8071


Account: admin
Password: admin


New version:

Ingest PDF:

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  1. GPT4ALL: Current best commercially licensable model based on GPT-J and trained by Nomic AI on the latest curated GPT4All dataset.


  1. MongoDB Run on: http:https://localhost:27017
poetry run python src/ --mongodb-host "mongodb:https://localhost:27017/" --data-path "static/pdf/"

Mongo Compass (Windows)

Mongo Express

Run on: http:https://localhost:8081

Data Migration

Run on: http:https://localhost:9600


  1. Elasticsearch & Kibana
poetry run python src/ --mongodb-host "mongodb:https://localhost:27017/" --es-host "http:https://localhost:9200/" --index_name "document"

Elasticsearch run on: http:https://localhost:9200

Kibana run on: http:https://localhost:5601

Cache Chat History

For generating question takes a long time 97(s)/question, we use Redis to cache chat history.

Quickly generate question 0.5(s)/question



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