An implementation of the PCAN UDS example projects in C#
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PowerWatch 自制的 USB 电源功率计,用于测量具备 USB 接口的设备输出电能参数,支持测量电压(V),电流(A),功率(W),电能(Ah, Wh)
using STM32's Hardware SPI to drive a ST7789 based IPS displayer
ST7789 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
基于无障碍,高级选择器,订阅规则的自定义屏幕点击 Android 应用 | An Android APP with custom screen tapping based on Accessibility, Advanced Selectors, and Subscription Rules
Lightweight Microsoft File Allocation Table implementation on STM32F405 MCU.
动态域名解析程序: A python Dynamic DNS service for NameSilo, with logger, email notification, docker support, IPv6 support.
24 channel, 100Msps logic analyzer hardware and software
Aliyun Iotkit-embedded, support esp32 & esp8266.
To simplify the development of ESP32 in ESP-IDF, Easyio provides a complete driver library
🤖 XCAN firmware for CANtact ( CANable ) or any other similar boards.
👽 XCAN PRO/PRO FD/FD USB2CAN firmware implementation for cheap STM32F4 hardware
❇️ Lovelace button-card for home assistant
用于homeassistant的lovelace的一个触摸板卡片。lovelace-card-touchpad for homeassistant lovelace UI
镜像: /
SDK for embedded system connect and comunicate with Tencent Cloud IoT Explorer Platform