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Payload encoding utility to effectively lower payload entropy.


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CODASM allows you to encode arbitrary data into pseudo ASM instructions and compile them into the .text section of binaries.
Comes with 80-120% overhead (e.g. 380KB CS shellcode => 870KB CODASM payload).

Written by Moritz Thomas from the ARES team at NVISO.


Simply clone the repo locally: git clone

No specific Python libs/dependencies required.

Supports MSVC & MINGW.


usage: [-h] -i INPUT [-oa OUT_ASM] [-ob OUT_BIN] [-oc OUT_C] [-op OUT_P] [--rng RNG] [-vbmin VAL_BYTES_MIN] [-vbmax VAL_BYTES_MAX] [-vbch VAL_BYTES_CHANCE] [-v]

CODASM encoding utility

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Path to the input file to encode as ASM/binary instructions
  -oa OUT_ASM, --out-asm OUT_ASM
                        Path to write the generated ASM instructions to
  -ob OUT_BIN, --out-bin OUT_BIN
                        Path to write the generated binary instructions to
  -oc OUT_C, --out-c OUT_C
                        Path to write the generated CODASM decoder to
  -op OUT_P, --out-p OUT_P
                        Path to write the embedded payload to
  --rng RNG             Seed for randomization (xor-key, order of payload instructions, order of decoding operations)
  -vbmin VAL_BYTES_MIN, --val-bytes-min VAL_BYTES_MIN
                        Minimum number of bytes to encode into a single method (default 64)
  -vbmax VAL_BYTES_MAX, --val-bytes-max VAL_BYTES_MAX
                        Maximum number of bytes to encode into a single method (default 256)
  -vbch VAL_BYTES_CHANCE, --val-bytes-chance VAL_BYTES_CHANCE
                        Chance for an operation to become encode data rather than becoming a dummy (0.1-0.9, default 0.1)
  -v, --verbose         Level of output verbosity (0-3, default 0)

Note: ASM output is meant to be used for manual reference, not for compiling!


  1. Prepare shellcode (e.g. CS/BR shellcode) and save as shellcode.bin
  2. Encode shellcode using CODASM: ./ --i shellcode.bin -oc codasmloader.h
  3. Copy codasmloader.h into your favourite loader or into a standalone minimal loader (e.g. /demo/codasm.c)
  4. Ensure to call CODASM's decode before calling the shellcode:
    /* ~snip CODASM decode~*/
    #include <stdlib.h>
    // "INTEXT" macro ensures that the payload is placed into the `.text` section
    INTEXT uint8_t payload[5978] = {
        0x50, 0x53, 0x51, 0x52, 0x41, 0x50, 0x41, 0x51, 0x41, 0x52, 0x41, 0x53, /* ... */
    int main() {
        uint64_t xor_key = 0xFFFDA6803A51E3FB; // Generated by CODASM
        uint8_t* input = (uint8_t*)payload;
        uint8_t* output = (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(payload));
        uint32_t output_length = 0xac4;
        int32_t res = 0;
        if ((res = decode(input, sizeof(payload), output, output_length, xor_key)) < 0)
            return 1; // Some doo-doo happened, investigate value of res
        // You successfully recovered the payload, do something fun with it here :)
        return 0;
  5. Compile your loader
  6. Ensure to strip the resulting binary to remove any debugging information!


Payloads (esp. shellcode) come with pretty high entropy and look out of place in most places in a compiled binary. CODASM aims to hide payloads in a place that comes with a high entropy already: the .text section that contains your binary's compiled code. To do so, CODASM generates legit looking shellcode that can embed any arbitrary payloads.

CODASM is a Python script that generates

  1. legit looking shellcode for arbitrary payloads
  2. a C header file you can use in your program to embed the shellcode into a binary and retrieve it at run-time

For encoding payloads, CODASM does the following:

  • Generate valid x86_64 functions with prologues and epilogues and random instructions
    • Embed payload bytes into instruction operands (e.g. mov eax, <4 bytes of payload>)
    • XOR encrypt the embedded payload bytes

For decoding payloads, the generated C header file does the following:

  • Parse single instructions until the desired number of payload bytes was retrieved:
    • Detect individual instructions, determine whether they contain payload bytes
    • If an instruction contains payload bytes, extract and decrypt them


# Input file
$ cat test.txt
my secret message

# Encode & generate C file
$ ./ -i test.txt -ob test.bin -oa test.asm -oc test.c

# Generated mashine code
$ xxd test.bin
00000000: 5053 5152 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155  PSQRAPAQARASATAU
00000010: 4156 4157 4883 ec28 751b 757f c705 5696  AVAWH..(u.u...V.
00000020: 44e9 6df6 61d6 84c0 488d 0d91 9e02 2640  D.m.a...H.....&@
00000030: 32ff b91b 8052 f975 8283 f99c 85c9 7513  2....R.u......u.
00000040: 4883 c428 415f 415e 415d 415c 415b 415a  H..(A_A^A]A\A[AZ
00000050: 4159 4158 5a59 5b58 c3cc                 AYAXZY[X..

# Generated ASM
$ cat test.asm
push rax
push r15
sub RSP, 0x28
jnz 0x1B
jnz 0x7F
mov 0xE9449656,0xD661F66D
test al,al
lea 0x26029E91
xor dil,dil
mov ecx,0xF952801B
jnz 0x82
cmp ecx,0x9C
test ecx,ecx
jnz 0x13
add RSP, 0x28
pop r15
pop rax
; Padding

# Prepare generated C file for compilation 
$ sed -i "s/\/\* Generated.*//" test.c
$ sed -i "s/Sample usage:https://" test.c
$ sed -i "s/}\*\//}/" test.c

# Minimal program in C file:
$ tail -n 30 test.c



#include <stdlib.h>

INTEXT uint8_t payload[90] = {
    0x50, 0x53, 0x51, 0x52, 0x41, 0x50, 0x41, 0x51, 0x41, 0x52, 0x41, 0x53, /* ... */

int main() {
    uint64_t xor_key = 0xFBE38A21E5760676;
    uint8_t* input = (uint8_t*)payload;
    uint8_t* output = (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(payload));
    uint32_t output_length = 0x11;
    int32_t res = 0;
    if ((res = decode(input, sizeof(payload), output, output_length, xor_key)) < 0)
        return 1; // Some doo-doo happened, investigate value of res
    // You successfully recovered the payload, do something fun with it here :)
    return 0;

# Compile using MINGW
$ x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc test.c -o test.exe

# Find generated ASM in compiled EXE:
$ objdump -d test.exe

0000000140002da0 <payload>:
   140002da0:	50                   	push   %rax
   140002db2:	41 57                	push   %r15
   140002db4:	48 83 ec 28          	sub    $0x28,%rsp
   140002db8:	75 1b                	jne    140002dd5 <payload+0x35>
   140002dba:	75 7f                	jne    140002e3b <main+0x41>
   140002dbc:	c7 05 56 96 44 e9 6d 	movl   $0xd661f66d,-0x16bb69aa(%rip)        # 12944c41c <__size_of_stack_reserve__+0x12924c41c>
   140002dc3:	f6 61 d6 
   140002dc6:	84 c0                	test   %al,%al
   140002dc8:	48 8d 0d 91 9e 02 26 	lea    0x26029e91(%rip),%rcx        # 16602cc60 <.debug_ranges+0x25fde970>
   140002dcf:	40 32 ff             	xor    %dil,%dil
   140002dd2:	b9 1b 80 52 f9       	mov    $0xf952801b,%ecx
   140002dd7:	75 82                	jne    140002d5b <decode+0x4f>
   140002dd9:	83 f9 9c             	cmp    $0xffffff9c,%ecx
   140002ddc:	85 c9                	test   %ecx,%ecx
   140002dde:	75 13                	jne    140002df3 <payload+0x53>
   140002de0:	48 83 c4 28          	add    $0x28,%rsp
   140002de4:	41 5f                	pop    %r15
   140002df7:	58                   	pop    %rax
   140002df8:	c3                   	ret    
   140002df9:	cc                   	int3

Note that the compiled binary wasn't stripped, hence there's identifiers like payload showing up.

The embedded payload looks like this in IDA:


Please feel free to contribute. It's as simple as:

  • Forking the repository
  • Implement your changes
  • Create a commented pull request


Payload encoding utility to effectively lower payload entropy.







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  • Python 85.0%
  • C 15.0%