Thank you to visit my profile, hope u enjoy it.
My name is Ruan Vinícius (a.k.a. vini), I live in RS/Brazil and my main goal is to impact the society through the tecnology. The biggest project I've worked on was my final thesis, which was about how we can use Artificial Intelligence to see the racism in the society, you can read it here. Unfortunately it's completely in Portuguese, but I'll translate it soon.
- Age: 24
- Stack: Laravel | Angular | Vue
- University: Graduated in Computer Science (ULBRA)
- Tech Knowledge: RabbitMQ | Redis | Firebase | MySQL | MariaDB | Postgres | Typescript | Javascript | Karma | Jasmine | PHPUnit | Bootstrap | Scss | Css
Of all the projects I've worked on, two stand out in my heart because they were things that were in line with my life goals, one was the project called Eagle Care and the other more recent one was at the company Eureciclo. At Eagle Care, those of us on the development team were responsible for creating a groundbreaking project that aimed to computerize the appointment scheduling process in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). And at Eureciclo, we were responsible for managing the country's computerized recycling ecosystem, impacting everyone from the people responsible for collecting waste from the streets to the companies that used the recycled material.