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React component that can select an range of months separated by year

Install in your project

You can find more information in npm

yarn add @viniarruda/react-month-range-picker
npm i @viniarruda/react-month-range-picker

Demo here



two columns


To run that demo on your own computer:

Clone this repository
yarn install
yarn storybook
Visit http:https://localhost:6006/


Props type defaultValue Info
columns 1 or 2 1 Columns to show
initialYear number 2020 The first initialYear
locale string en-US ex: en-US
onRangeSelect function required Pass an function to get the RangeParams
calendarClassname string optional Pass an className to style calendar container
headerClassname string optional Pass an className to style calendar header
monthClassname string optional Pass an className to style month item


To control the month styles, you can use monthClassName="month" and this name will increment to variant month.

Soo, you can control the styles using:

.month_start .month_selected .month_end

onRangeSelect: (params: RangeParams) => void

type RangeParams = {
  startMonth: number
  startYear: number
  endMonth: number
  endYear: number