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✨ Tailwind + TypeScript + Eslint + Airbnb + Prettier + Next.js Starter ✨

A lightweight boilerplate to get up and running with Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, Eslint w/ Airbnb config and Prettier set up with Next.js.

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🔧 Getting Started

You can generate your own repo from this template by using this link.

You can also clone this repository by using the command line:

git clone app
cd app
yarn # npm i

Remember to install dependencies after cloning it locally.

Run Development Environment

yarn dev # npm run dev

Test Production Environment

The stage script will build and start a production server.

yarn stage # npm run stage

Alternatively you can run:

yarn build # npm run build
yarn start # npm start

📝 Important Notes

  • Be sure to update the package.json to include your own information for the project you're working on.
  • Purge CSS will only run in production, so use either build or stage to run it and minimize your CSS file size. You can also modify the postcss.config.js file to enable Purge CSS in development.

🔖 Contributions

Thank you to kyrelldixon and their amazing starter that I used as a template.