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In this repository, we deal with the task of implementing Natural Language Inferencing (NLI) using the SNLI dataset. Different methods such as SumEmbeddings, BiLSTM, BiGRU, Transformers, and Logistic Regression are experimented.


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Natural Language Inference (NLI)

Natural Language Inference (NLI) using SNLI dataset.
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tags : natural language inferencing, natural language processing, NLI, SNLI, MNLI, deep learning, tensorflow

Table of Contents

About The Project

This project is an implementation of the task of Natural Language Inference (NLI). In this task, we are given two sentences called premise and hypothesis. We are supposed to determine whether the ”hypothesis” is true (entailment), false (contradiction), or undetermined (neutral) provided that the ”premise” is true. For this project, we have used the Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI) dataset. From the dataset, we use the files snli_1.0_train.jsonl for training the model and snli_1.0_test.jsonl for testing the model. From each entry in these files, we consider the fields corresponding to gold_label, sentence1 and sentence2. sentence1 serves as the premise and sentence2 serves as the hypothesis and gold_label serves as the relationship label. The following models were implemented and the performance was evaluated.

  • Logistic regression classifier using TF-IDF features
  • Deep model classifiers for text such as GRU, LSTM and SumEmbeddings
  • BERT-based classifiers (Only implementation code is available. Unable to train and test due to scarcity of resources)

Built With

This project was built with

  • python v3.7
  • tensorflow v2.1
  • The list of libraries used for developing this project is available at requirements.txt.

Getting Started

Clone the repository into a local machine using

git clone


Please install required libraries by running the following command (preferably within a virtual environment).

pip install -r requirements.txt

The Stanford Natural Language Inference dataset has to be downloaded from here. THe file has to be extracted and the files snli_1.0_train.jsonl and snli_1.0_test.jsonl have to be saved in the ./input/ directory. generate_meta_input() function from utils package has to be executed to generate cleaned and processed data. This can be done by uncommenting the corresponding code snippet in the main function when the program is run for the first time. This function takes care of text preprocessing which is explained in detail in the report. The processed data is stored as pickled list files at ./input/data_pickles/ directory.

GloVe embedding from Stanford has been used throughout this project to embed the words to vectors. The GloVe embedding with 6 billion token is used for embedding. The corresponding file has to be download from here and extracted to /input/embedding/ directory. This is required only if we intend to retrain the model.

NB: The SNLI dataset contains entries without any gold_labels (label of “-”). As of writing this report, it was chosen to ignore those entries and delete them from the dataset as they do not add any information.

Instructions to run

The is the interface to the program. It is programmed to run in two modes – train mode and test mode. The file takes two optional command line argument, one to specify the mode of execution – whether to train or test model, and another one to specify the model architecture to be used. The, when executed without any arguments, enters into testing the logistic regression model and the SumEmbeddings deep model, and produces the output files deep_model.txt and tfidf.txt respectively.

The when executed with the (optional argument) --train-model enters into training mode and saves the models after training. The model to be used for training/testing can be specified with the (optional argument) --model-name. Model name can be one among the following: BiGRU, BiLSTM, SumEmbeddings, and BERT.

Train mode
python --train-model --model-name <model_name>
Test mode
python --model-name <model_name>

Models overview

Logistic regression

Logistic regression model was trained using TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) features obtained using sklearn python library. The feature vector used to train the model is obtained by concatenating the TF-IDF vectors of premise and hypothesis. The model is trained (fit) using L-BFGS (Limited memory - Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm) solver with a maximum iteration limit of 1000. The trained (fit) model is saved at ./models/LR.pickle for future uses and testing. The model attains an accuracy of 63.38% and the results of prediction are written to a file at ./tfidf.txt.

Deep learning models

The first step towards implementing a deep model for text is to convert each atomic discrete entity in the input (words or characters) into real vectors from $ \mathbf{R}^{d} $ so that their semantics are captured meaningfully. For this purpose, GloVe embedding has been used in this project. Different pretrained GloVe embeddings are available and the embedding chosen for this project is the one with 6 billion tokens trained over Wikipedia corpus. Once the training is completed the model is stored at ./model/ directory as a h5 file.

BiGRU (Bidirectional Gated Reccurent Unit)

The model attains an accuracy of 78.58% and the output text file and plots are saves at ./results/BiGRU/.

BiLSTM (Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory)

The model attains an accuracy of 76.38% and the output text file and plots are saves at ./results/BiLSTM/.


A SumEmbedding lambda layer, which sums up all the embedding vectors in the sentence is used in this model. The model attains an accuracy of 80.38% and the output text file and plots are saves at ./results/SumEmbeddings/. Since this is the best performing model the output text files are stored at ./deep_model.txt as well

BERT (Code-only)

An experimental Huggingface transformer based BERT is also implemented in the project. All the codes work and the model trains and tests, but the training process is computationally very expensive. Even after using Google Colab TPU and dividing the data into smaller parts, the training was unable to be completed due to Google usage time restrictions. Hence, the performance analysis or plots are not attached. With minor modifications to code, we can use any transformers based approach supported by Huggingface. Due to the scarcity of computing resources, I have not tried using other transformer based approaches.


Model Accuracy
Logistic regression 63.38%
BiGRU 78.58%
BiLSTM 76.38%
SumEmbeddings 80.38%


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Vineeth S - [email protected]

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In this repository, we deal with the task of implementing Natural Language Inferencing (NLI) using the SNLI dataset. Different methods such as SumEmbeddings, BiLSTM, BiGRU, Transformers, and Logistic Regression are experimented.








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